diff --git a/lua/wire/cpulib.lua b/lua/wire/cpulib.lua
index 8879e10..ef31a9c 100644
--- a/lua/wire/cpulib.lua
+++ b/lua/wire/cpulib.lua
@@ -1082,8 +1082,8 @@ VEX(255, "VMOV",          2,   7.00,    0,         "VEC",   "VEC",   "X = Y")
 VEX(256, "VNORM",         2,   7.00,    0,         "VEC",   "VEC",   "X = NORMALIZE(Y)")
 VEX(257, "VCOLORNORM",    2,   10.0,    0,         "COLOR", "COLOR", "Normalize color (clamp it to RGB range)")
 GPU(258, "RESERVED",      2,    0.0,    0,         "",      "",      "")
-GPU(259, "DLOOPXY",       2,    0.7,    CB,        "PTR",   "PTR",   "2D loop by ECX/EDX registers")
-VEX(259, "LOOPXY",        2,   10.0,    CB,        "PTR",   "PTR",   "2D loop by ECX/EDX registers")
+GPU(259, "DLOOPXY",       2,    0.7,    CB,        "PTR",   "PTR",     "2D loop by ECX/EDX registers, where on EDX = -1 it will decrement ECX and jump to ptr 1, else it will decrement EDX and jump to ptr 2 until ECX = -1")
+VEX(259, "LOOPXY",        2,   10.0,    CB,        "PTR",   "PTR",     "2D loop by ECX/EDX registers, where on EDX = -1 it will decrement ECX and jump to ptr 1, else it will decrement EDX and jump to ptr 2 until ECX = -1")
 ---- Dec 26 -- Matrix math ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 VEX(260, "MADD",          2,   7.00,    0,         "MATRIX","MATRIX","X = X + Y")
 VEX(261, "MSUB",          2,   7.00,    0,         "MATRIX","MATRIX","X = X - Y")
diff --git a/lua/wire/zvm/zvm_opcodes.lua b/lua/wire/zvm/zvm_opcodes.lua
index 069aea8..7b37ae3 100644
--- a/lua/wire/zvm/zvm_opcodes.lua
+++ b/lua/wire/zvm/zvm_opcodes.lua
@@ -1358,8 +1358,19 @@ end
 ZVM.OpcodeTable[259] = function(self)  --LOOPXY
---  self:Dyn_Emit("
+  self:Dyn_Emit("EDX = EDX - 1")
+  self:Dyn_Emit("if EDX ~= -1 then")
+    self:Dyn_Emit("VM:Jump($2)")
+    self:Dyn_EmitState()
+    self:Dyn_EmitBreak()
+  self:Dyn_Emit("else")
+    self:Dyn_Emit("ECX = ECX - 1")
+    self:Dyn_Emit("if ECX ~= -1 then")
+      self:Dyn_Emit("VM:Jump($1)")
+      self:Dyn_EmitState()
+      self:Dyn_EmitBreak()
+    self:Dyn_Emit("end")
+  self:Dyn_Emit("end")
 ZVM.OpcodeTable[260] = function(self)  --MADD