{t('warningLifecycleUpdate', brandName)}
{t('warningLifecycleUpdate', {brandName})}
Privacy Policy.`;
+ 'acceptNewsModal.unsubscribeDescription': `You can unsubscribe at any time.`;
+ 'accessibility.addParticipants.close': `Close add participants view`;
+ 'accessibility.callStatusMissed': `Missed call`;
+ 'accessibility.cancelMsgEdit': `Cancel message editing`;
+ 'accessibility.chooseAccountColor': `Choose your profile color`;
+ 'accessibility.closeNotificationsLabel': `Close notification settings`;
+ 'accessibility.conversation.goBack': `Go back to conversation info`;
+ 'accessibility.conversation.sectionLabel': `Conversation List`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationAssetImageAlt': `Image from {username} from {messageDate}`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationContextMenuOpenLabel': `Open more options`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationDetailsActionDevicesLabel': `Show Devices`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationDetailsActionGroupAdminLabel': `Set group admin`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationDetailsActionNotificationsLabel': `Show notifications settings`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationDetailsCloseLabel': `Close image details view`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationOptionsMenu': `Open conversation options`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationOptionsMenuAccessKey': `Use right arrow key to focus on the conversation options menu`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationStatusMuted': `Muted conversation`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationStatusPending': `Pending connection request`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationStatusUnread': `Unread message`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationStatusUnreadMention': `Unread mention`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationStatusUnreadPing': `Missed ping`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationStatusUnreadReply': `Unread reply`;
+ 'accessibility.conversationTitle': `{username} status {status}`;
+ 'accessibility.emojiPickerSearchPlaceholder': `Search for emoji`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.close': `Close \'GIF\' window`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.loading': `Loading giphy`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.selectGif': `Select gif`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.sendGif': `Send gif`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.showGifs': `Open all gifs`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.showSingleGif': `Open single gif`;
+ 'accessibility.giphyModal.tryAnother': `Try another gif`;
+ 'accessibility.groupCreationActionCloseModal': `Close group creation dialog`;
+ 'accessibility.groupCreationParticipantsActionBack': `Go back`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.collection': `Attachment overview`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.connectionRequests': `Connection request`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.conversation': `Conversation`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.historyExport': `Back up conversation`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.historyImport': `Restore from backup`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.noConversation': `No conversation`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.preferencesAV': `Preferences - audio and video`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.preferencesAbout': `Preferences - about`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.preferencesAccount': `Preferences - account`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.preferencesDeviceDetails': `Preferences - device details`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.preferencesDevices': `Preferences - devices`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.preferencesOptions': `Preferences - options`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.sidebar': `Navigation`;
+ 'accessibility.headings.sidebar.footer': `Navigation Footer`;
+ 'accessibility.messageActionsMenuEmoji': `Select emoji`;
+ 'accessibility.messageActionsMenuLabel': `Message actions`;
+ 'accessibility.messageActionsMenuLike': `React with heart`;
+ 'accessibility.messageActionsMenuThumbsUp': `React with thumbs up`;
+ 'accessibility.messageDetailsReadReceipts': `Message viewed by {readReceiptText}, open details`;
+ 'accessibility.messageReactionDetailsPlural': `{emojiCount} reactions, react with {emojiName} emoji`;
+ 'accessibility.messageReactionDetailsSingular': `{emojiCount} reaction, react with {emojiName} emoji`;
+ 'accessibility.messages.like': `Like message`;
+ 'accessibility.messages.liked': `Unlike message`;
+ 'accessibility.openConversation': `Open profile of {name}`;
+ 'accessibility.preferencesDeviceDetails.goBack': `Go back to device overview`;
+ 'accessibility.rightPanel.GoBack': `Go back`;
+ 'accessibility.rightPanel.close': `Close conversation info`;
+ 'accessibility.searchInput.cancel': `Delete entry`;
+ 'accessibility.userProfileDeleteEntry': `Delete entry`;
+ 'accountForm.emailPersonalPlaceholder': `you@email.com`;
+ 'accountForm.emailTeamPlaceholder': `you@yourcompany.com`;
+ 'accountForm.namePlaceholder': `Name`;
+ 'accountForm.passwordHelp': `Use at least {minPasswordLength} characters, with one lowercase letter, one capital letter, a number, and a special character.`;
+ 'accountForm.passwordPlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'accountForm.submitButton': `Next`;
+ 'accountForm.terms': `I accept the terms and conditions`;
+ 'accountForm.termsAndPrivacyPolicy': `I accept the privacy policy and terms and conditions`;
+ 'acme.done.button': `Ok`;
+ 'acme.done.button.close': `Close window \'Certificate Downloaded\'`;
+ 'acme.done.button.secondary': `Certificate details`;
+ 'acme.done.headline': `Certificate issued`;
+ 'acme.done.paragraph': `The certificate is active now and your device is verified. You can find more details about this certificate in your [bold]Wire Preferences[/bold] under [bold]Devices.[/bold]
Learn more about end-to-end identity `;
+ 'acme.error.button.close': `Close window \'Something went wrong\'`;
+ 'acme.error.button.primary': `Retry`;
+ 'acme.error.button.secondary': `Cancel`;
+ 'acme.error.gracePeriod.paragraph': `The certificate couldn\'t be issued. [br] Please try again, or reach out to your team admin.`;
+ 'acme.error.headline': `Something went wrong`;
+ 'acme.error.paragraph': `The certificate couldn\'t be issued. [br] You can retry to get the certificate now, or you will get a reminder later.`;
+ 'acme.inProgress.button.close': `Close window \'Getting Certificate\'`;
+ 'acme.inProgress.headline': `Getting Certificate...`;
+ 'acme.inProgress.paragraph.alt': `Downloading...`;
+ 'acme.inProgress.paragraph.main': `Please navigate to your web browser and log in to the certiticate service. [br] In case the website does not open. you can also navigate there manually by following this URL: [br] [link] {url} [/link]`;
+ 'acme.remindLater.button.primary': `Ok`;
+ 'acme.remindLater.paragraph': `You can get the certificate in your [bold]Wire settings[/bold] during the next {delayTime}. Open [bold]Devices[/bold] and select [bold]Get Certificate[/bold] for your current device.
To continue using Wire without interruption, retrieve it in time – it doesn’t take long.
Learn more about end-to-end identity `;
+ 'acme.renewCertificate.button.close': `Close window \'Update End-to-end identify certificate\'`;
+ 'acme.renewCertificate.button.primary': `Update Certificate`;
+ 'acme.renewCertificate.button.secondary': `Remind Me Later`;
+ 'acme.renewCertificate.gracePeriodOver.paragraph': `The end-to-end identity certificate for this device has expired. To keep your Wire communication at the highest security level, please update the certificate.
Enter your identity provider’s credentials in the next step to update the certificate automatically.
Learn more about end-to-end identity `;
+ 'acme.renewCertificate.headline.alt': `Update end-to-end identity certificate`;
+ 'acme.renewCertificate.paragraph': `The end-to-end identity certificate for this device expires soon. To keep your communication at the highest security level, update your certificate now.
Enter your identity provider’s credentials in the next step to update the certificate automatically.
Learn more about end-to-end identity `;
+ 'acme.renewal.done.headline': `Certificate updated`;
+ 'acme.renewal.done.paragraph': `The certificate is updated and your device is verified. You can find more details about this certificate in your [bold]Wire Preferences[/bold] under [bold]Devices.[/bold]
Learn more about end-to-end identity `;
+ 'acme.renewal.inProgress.headline': `Updating Certificate...`;
+ 'acme.selfCertificateRevoked.button.cancel': `Continue using this device`;
+ 'acme.selfCertificateRevoked.button.primary': `Log out`;
+ 'acme.selfCertificateRevoked.text': `Your team admin revoked the certificate for this device.
Log out to reduce security risks. Then log in again, get a new certificate, and reset your password.
If you keep using this device, your conversations are no longer verified.`;
+ 'acme.selfCertificateRevoked.title': `End-to-end identity certificate revoked`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.button.close': `Close window \'End-to-end identity certificate\'`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.button.primary': `Get Certificate`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.button.secondary': `Remind Me Later`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.gracePeriodOver.paragraph': `Your team now uses end-to-end identity to make Wire\'s usage more secure. The device verification takes place automatically using a certificate.
Enter your identity provider\'s credentials in the next step to automatically get a verification certificate for this device.
Learn more about end-to-end identity`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.headline.alt': `End-to-end identity certificate`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.headline.main': `Team settings changed`;
+ 'acme.settingsChanged.paragraph': `As of today, your team uses end-to-end identity to make Wire\'s usage more secure and practicable. The device verification takes place automatically using a certificate and replaces the previous manual process. This way, you communicate with the highest security standard.
Enter your identity provider\'s credentials in the next step to automatically get a verification certificate for this device.
Learn more about end-to-end identity`;
+ 'addParticipantsConfirmLabel': `Add`;
+ 'addParticipantsHeader': `Add participants`;
+ 'addParticipantsHeaderWithCounter': `Add participants ({number})`;
+ 'addParticipantsManageServices': `Manage services`;
+ 'addParticipantsManageServicesNoResults': `Manage services`;
+ 'addParticipantsNoServicesManager': `Services are helpers that can improve your workflow.`;
+ 'addParticipantsNoServicesMember': `Services are helpers that can improve your workflow. To enable them, ask your administrator.`;
+ 'addParticipantsSearchPlaceholder': `Search by name`;
+ 'addParticipantsServiceConfirmButton': `Add service`;
+ 'addParticipantsTabsPeople': `People`;
+ 'addParticipantsTabsServices': `Services`;
+ 'and': `and`;
+ 'appAlreadyOpen.continueButton': `Continue`;
+ 'appAlreadyOpen.headline': `{brandName} is already open in this browser`;
+ 'appAlreadyOpen.text': `If you continue here, you will be logged out on the other tab.`;
+ 'archiveHeader': `Archive`;
+ 'authAccCreationTitle': `Create an account`;
+ 'authAccountCountryCode': `Country Code`;
+ 'authAccountPasswordForgot': `Forgot password`;
+ 'authAccountPublicComputer': `This is a public computer`;
+ 'authAccountSignIn': `Log in`;
+ 'authBlockedCookies': `Enable cookies to log in to {brandName}.`;
+ 'authBlockedDatabase': `{brandName} needs access to local storage to display your messages. Local storage is not available in private mode.`;
+ 'authBlockedTabs': `{brandName} is already open in another tab.`;
+ 'authBlockedTabsAction': `Use this tab instead`;
+ 'authErrorCode': `Invalid Code`;
+ 'authErrorCountryCodeInvalid': `Invalid Country Code`;
+ 'authErrorEmailExists': `Email address already taken`;
+ 'authErrorEmailForbidden': `Sorry. This email address is forbidden.`;
+ 'authErrorEmailMalformed': `Please enter a valid email address.`;
+ 'authErrorEmailMissing': `Please enter an email address.`;
+ 'authErrorMisc': `Problems with the connection. Please try again.`;
+ 'authErrorNameShort': `Enter a name with at least 2 characters`;
+ 'authErrorOffline': `No Internet connection`;
+ 'authErrorPending': `Account is not yet verified`;
+ 'authErrorSignIn': `Please verify your details and try again.`;
+ 'authErrorSuspended': `This account is no longer authorized to log in.`;
+ 'authForgotPasswordTitle': `Change your password`;
+ 'authHistoryButton': `OK`;
+ 'authHistoryDescription': `For privacy reasons, your conversation history will not appear here.`;
+ 'authHistoryHeadline': `It’s the first time you’re using {brandName} on this device.`;
+ 'authHistoryReuseDescription': `Messages sent in the meantime will not appear here.`;
+ 'authHistoryReuseHeadline': `You’ve used {brandName} on this device before.`;
+ 'authLandingPageTitleP1': `Welcome to`;
+ 'authLandingPageTitleP2': `Create an account or log in`;
+ 'authLimitButtonManage': `Manage devices`;
+ 'authLimitButtonSignOut': `Log out`;
+ 'authLimitDescription': `Remove one of your other devices to start using {brandName} on this one.`;
+ 'authLimitDevicesCurrent': `(Current)`;
+ 'authLimitDevicesHeadline': `Devices`;
+ 'authLoginTitle': `Log in`;
+ 'authPlaceholderEmail': `Email`;
+ 'authPlaceholderPassword': `Password`;
+ 'authPostedResend': `Resend to {email}`;
+ 'authPostedResendAction': `No email showing up?`;
+ 'authPostedResendDetail': `Check your email inbox and follow the instructions.`;
+ 'authPostedResendHeadline': `You’ve got mail.`;
+ 'authSSOLoginTitle': `Log in with single sign-on`;
+ 'authSetUsername': `Set username`;
+ 'authVerifyAccountAdd': `Add`;
+ 'authVerifyAccountDetail': `This lets you use {brandName} on multiple devices.`;
+ 'authVerifyAccountHeadline': `Add email address and password.`;
+ 'authVerifyAccountLogout': `Log out`;
+ 'authVerifyCodeDescription': `Enter the verification code we sent to {number}.`;
+ 'authVerifyCodeResend': `No code showing up?`;
+ 'authVerifyCodeResendDetail': `Resend`;
+ 'authVerifyCodeResendTimer': `You can request a new code {expiration}.`;
+ 'authVerifyPasswordHeadline': `Enter your password`;
+ 'availability.available': `Available`;
+ 'availability.away': `Away`;
+ 'availability.busy': `Busy`;
+ 'availability.none': `None`;
+ 'availability.status': `Status`;
+ 'backupCancel': `Cancel`;
+ 'backupDecryptionModalAction': `Continue`;
+ 'backupDecryptionModalMessage': `The backup is password protected.`;
+ 'backupDecryptionModalPlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'backupDecryptionModalTitle': `Enter Password`;
+ 'backupEncryptionModalAction': `Back Up Now`;
+ 'backupEncryptionModalCloseBtn': `Cancel`;
+ 'backupEncryptionModalMessage': `The backup will be compressed, and you can encrypt it with a password.`;
+ 'backupEncryptionModalPlaceholder': `Password (Optional)`;
+ 'backupEncryptionModalTitle': `Set Password`;
+ 'backupExportGenericErrorHeadline': `The file could not be saved`;
+ 'backupExportGenericErrorSecondary': `The backup was not completed.`;
+ 'backupExportProgressCompressing': `Preparing backup file`;
+ 'backupExportProgressHeadline': `Preparing…`;
+ 'backupExportProgressSecondary': `Backing up · {processed} of {total} — {progress}%`;
+ 'backupExportSaveFileAction': `Save file`;
+ 'backupExportSuccessHeadline': `Backup ready`;
+ 'backupExportSuccessSecondary': `You can use this to restore history if you lose your computer or switch to a new one.`;
+ 'backupImportAccountErrorHeadline': `Wrong backup`;
+ 'backupImportAccountErrorSecondary': `You cannot restore history from a different account.`;
+ 'backupImportFormatErrorHeadline': `Incompatible backup`;
+ 'backupImportFormatErrorSecondary': `The provided backup format is not supported`;
+ 'backupImportGenericErrorHeadline': `Something went wrong`;
+ 'backupImportGenericErrorSecondary': `Your history could not be restored.`;
+ 'backupImportIncompatibleErrorHeadline': `Wrong backup`;
+ 'backupImportIncompatibleErrorSecondary': `You cannot restore history from a different account.`;
+ 'backupImportPasswordErrorHeadline': `Wrong Password`;
+ 'backupImportPasswordErrorSecondary': `Please verify your input and try again`;
+ 'backupImportProgressHeadline': `Preparing…`;
+ 'backupImportProgressSecondary': `Restoring history · {processed} of {total} — {progress}%`;
+ 'backupImportSuccessHeadline': `History restored.`;
+ 'backupImportVersionErrorHeadline': `Incompatible backup`;
+ 'backupImportVersionErrorSecondary': `This backup was created by a newer or outdated version of {brandName} and cannot be restored here.`;
+ 'backupPasswordHint': `Use at least {minPasswordLength} characters, with one lowercase letter, one capital letter, a number, and a special character.`;
+ 'backupTryAgain': `Try Again`;
+ 'buttonActionError': `Your answer can\'t be sent, please retry`;
+ 'callAccept': `Accept`;
+ 'callChooseSharedScreen': `Choose a screen to share`;
+ 'callChooseSharedWindow': `Choose a window to share`;
+ 'callConversationAcceptOrDecline': `{conversationName} is calling. Press control + enter to accept the call or press control + shift + enter to decline the call.`;
+ 'callDecline': `Decline`;
+ 'callDegradationAction': `OK`;
+ 'callDegradationDescription': `The call was disconnected because {username} is no longer a verified contact.`;
+ 'callDegradationTitle': `Call ended`;
+ 'callDurationLabel': `Duration`;
+ 'callEveryOneLeft': `all other participants left.`;
+ 'callJoin': `Join`;
+ 'callMaximizeLabel': `Maximize Call`;
+ 'callNoCameraAccess': `No camera access`;
+ 'callNoOneJoined': `no other participant joined.`;
+ 'callParticipants': `{number} on call`;
+ 'callReactionButtonAriaLabel': `Select emoji {emoji}`;
+ 'callReactionButtonsAriaLabel': `Emoji selection bar`;
+ 'callReactions': `Reactions`;
+ 'callReactionsAriaLabel': `Emoji {emoji} from {from}`;
+ 'callStateCbr': `Constant Bit Rate`;
+ 'callStateConnecting': `Connecting…`;
+ 'callStateIncoming': `Calling…`;
+ 'callStateIncomingGroup': `{user} is calling`;
+ 'callStateOutgoing': `Ringing…`;
+ 'callWasEndedBecause': `Your call was ended because`;
+ 'callingPopOutWindowTitle': `{brandName} Call`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallOwnerModalDescription': `Your team is currently on the free Basic plan. Upgrade to Enterprise for access to features such as starting conferences and more. [link]Learn more about {brandName} Enterprise[/link]`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallOwnerModalTitle': `Upgrade to Enterprise`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallOwnerModalUpgradeButton': `Upgrade now`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallPersonalModalDescription': `The option to initiate a conference call is only available in the paid version of {brandName}.`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallPersonalModalTitle': `Feature unavailable`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallTeamMemberModalDescription': `To start a conference call, your team needs to upgrade to the Enterprise plan.`;
+ 'callingRestrictedConferenceCallTeamMemberModalTitle': `Feature unavailable`;
+ 'cameraStatusOff': `off`;
+ 'cameraStatusOn': `on`;
+ 'chooseHandle.handlePlaceholder': `Username`;
+ 'chooseHandle.headline': `Set username`;
+ 'chooseHandle.subhead': `Your username helps people find you.`;
+ 'clientItem.passwordPlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'clientManager.headline': `Remove a device`;
+ 'clientManager.logout': `Cancel process`;
+ 'clientManager.oauth': `You are adding a new device. Only 7 devices can be active. Remove one of your devices to start using Wire on this one ({device}).`;
+ 'clientManager.subhead': `Remove one of your other devices to start using {brandName} on this one.`;
+ 'collectionSectionAudio': `Audio`;
+ 'collectionSectionFiles': `Files`;
+ 'collectionSectionImages': `Images`;
+ 'collectionSectionLinks': `Links`;
+ 'collectionShowAll': `Show all {number}`;
+ 'connectionRequestConnect': `Connect`;
+ 'connectionRequestIgnore': `Ignore`;
+ 'conversation.AllDevicesVerified': `All device fingerprints verified (Proteus)`;
+ 'conversation.AllE2EIDevicesVerified': `All devices are verified by end-to-end identity. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversation.AllE2EIDevicesVerifiedShort': `All devices are verified (end-to-end identity)`;
+ 'conversation.AllVerified': `All fingerprints are verified (Proteus)`;
+ 'conversation.E2EICallAnyway': `Call Anyway`;
+ 'conversation.E2EICallDisconnected': `The call was disconnected as {user} started using a new device or has an invalid certificate.`;
+ 'conversation.E2EICancel': `Cancel`;
+ 'conversation.E2EICertificateExpired': `This conversation is no longer verified, as [bold]{user}[/bold] uses at least one device with an expired end-to-end identity certificate.`;
+ 'conversation.E2EICertificateNoLongerVerifiedGeneric': `This conversation is no longer verified, as at least one participant started using a new device or has an invalid certificate. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversation.E2EICertificateRevoked': `This conversation is no longer verified, as a team admin revoked the end-to-end identity certificate for at least one of [bold]{user}[/bold] devices. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIConversationNoLongerVerified': `Conversation no longer verified`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIDegradedInitiateCall': `At least one participant started using a new device or has an invalid certificate.\nDo you still want to start the call?`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIDegradedJoinCall': `At least one participant started using a new device or has an invalid certificate.\nDo you still want to join the call?`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIDegradedNewMessage': `At least one participant started using a new device or has an invalid certificate.\nDo you still want to send the message?`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIGroupCallDisconnected': `The call was disconnected as at least one participant started using a new device or has an invalid certificate.`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIJoinAnyway': `Join Anyway`;
+ 'conversation.E2EINewDeviceAdded': `This conversation is no longer verified, as [bold]{user}[/bold] uses at least one device without a valid end-to-end identity certificate.`;
+ 'conversation.E2EINewUserAdded': `This conversation is no longer verified, as [bold]{user}[/bold] uses at least one device without a valid end-to-end identity certificate.`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIOk': `OK`;
+ 'conversation.E2EISelfUserCertificateExpired': `This conversation is no longer verified, as you use at least one device with an expired end-to-end identity certificate. `;
+ 'conversation.E2EISelfUserCertificateRevoked': `This conversation is no longer verified, as a team admin revoked the end-to-end identity certificate for at least one of your devices. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversation.E2EISelfUserUnverifiedDeviceAdded': `This conversation is no longer verified, as you added at least one new device without a valid end-to-end identity certificate. `;
+ 'conversation.E2EISelfUserUnverifiedUserAdded': `This conversation is no longer verified, as you use at least one device without a valid end-to-end identity certificate. `;
+ 'conversation.E2EISendAnyway': `Send Anyway`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIUGetCertificate': `Get the certificate now`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIUpdateCertificate': `Update certificate now`;
+ 'conversation.E2EIVerificationDegraded': `Conversation is no longer verified`;
+ 'conversationAllWelcomeMessage': `Welcome to Wire 👋`;
+ 'conversationAssetDownloading': `Downloading…`;
+ 'conversationAssetFailedDecryptDownloading': `DOWNLOAD FAILED (File could not be decrypted)`;
+ 'conversationAssetFailedHashDownloading': `DOWNLOAD FAILED (HASH DOES NOT MATCH)`;
+ 'conversationAssetRestrictedAudioMessageHeadline': `Audio message`;
+ 'conversationAssetUploadFailed': `Upload Failed`;
+ 'conversationAssetUploading': `Uploading…`;
+ 'conversationAudioAssetRestricted': `Receiving audio messages is prohibited`;
+ 'conversationButtonSeparator': `or`;
+ 'conversationClassified': `Security level: VS-NfD`;
+ 'conversationConnectWithNewUsers': `Connect with People`;
+ 'conversationConnectionAccepted': `Connected`;
+ 'conversationConnectionBlocked': `Blocked`;
+ 'conversationConnectionCancelRequest': `Cancel connection request`;
+ 'conversationConnectionVerificationWarning': `Please verify the person\'s identity before sharing any sensitive information.`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuCopy': `Copy`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuDelete': `Delete for Me…`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuDeleteEveryone': `Delete for Everyone…`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuDetails': `Details`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuDownload': `Download`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuEdit': `Edit`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuLike': `Like`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuReply': `Reply`;
+ 'conversationContextMenuUnlike': `Unlike`;
+ 'conversationCreateReceiptsEnabled': `Read receipts are on`;
+ 'conversationCreateTeam': `with [showmore]all team members[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationCreateTeamGuest': `with [showmore]all team members and one guest[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationCreateTeamGuests': `with [showmore]all team members and {count} guests[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationCreateTemporary': `You joined the conversation`;
+ 'conversationCreateWith': `with {users}`;
+ 'conversationCreateWithMore': `with {users}, and [showmore]{count} more[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationCreated': `[bold]{name}[/bold] started a conversation with {users}`;
+ 'conversationCreatedMore': `[bold]{name}[/bold] started a conversation with {users}, and [showmore]{count} more[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationCreatedName': `[bold]{name}[/bold] started the conversation`;
+ 'conversationCreatedNameYou': `[bold]You[/bold] started the conversation`;
+ 'conversationCreatedYou': `You started a conversation with {users}`;
+ 'conversationCreatedYouMore': `You started a conversation with {users}, and [showmore]{count} more[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationDeleteTimestamp': `Deleted: {date}`;
+ 'conversationDetails1to1ReceiptsFirst': `If both sides turn on read receipts, you can see when messages are read.`;
+ 'conversationDetails1to1ReceiptsHeadDisabled': `You have disabled read receipts`;
+ 'conversationDetails1to1ReceiptsHeadEnabled': `You have enabled read receipts`;
+ 'conversationDetails1to1ReceiptsSecond': `You can change this option in your [button]account settings[/button].`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionAddParticipants': `Add participants`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionArchive': `Archive`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionBlock': `Block`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionCancelRequest': `Cancel request`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionClear': `Clear content`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionConversationParticipants': `Show all ({number})`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionCreateGroup': `Create group`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionDelete': `Delete group`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionDevices': `Devices`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionGuestOptions': `Guests`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionLeave': `Leave group`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionNotifications': `Notifications`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionRemove': `Remove group`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionServicesOptions': `Services`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionTimedMessages': `Self-deleting messages`;
+ 'conversationDetailsActionUnblock': `Unblock`;
+ 'conversationDetailsCloseLabel': `Close image details view`;
+ 'conversationDetailsGroupAdmin': `Group Admin`;
+ 'conversationDetailsGroupAdminInfo': `When this is on, the admin can add or remove people and services, update group settings, and change a participant’s role.`;
+ 'conversationDetailsOff': `Off`;
+ 'conversationDetailsOn': `On`;
+ 'conversationDetailsOptions': `Options`;
+ 'conversationDetailsParticipantsServicesMany': `Services`;
+ 'conversationDetailsParticipantsServicesOne': `Service`;
+ 'conversationDetailsParticipantsUsersMany': `People`;
+ 'conversationDetailsParticipantsUsersOne': `Person`;
+ 'conversationDetailsPeople': `People`;
+ 'conversationDetailsProtocolDetails': `Protocol details`;
+ 'conversationDetailsServices': `Services`;
+ 'conversationDeviceNewDeviceMany': ` new devices`;
+ 'conversationDeviceNewDeviceOne': ` a new device`;
+ 'conversationDeviceNewPeopleJoined': `New people joined.`;
+ 'conversationDeviceNewPeopleJoinedVerify': `Verify devices`;
+ 'conversationDeviceStartedUsingMany': ` started using`;
+ 'conversationDeviceStartedUsingOne': ` started using`;
+ 'conversationDeviceStartedUsingYou': ` started using`;
+ 'conversationDeviceUnverified': ` unverified one of`;
+ 'conversationDeviceUserDevices': ` {user}´s devices`;
+ 'conversationDeviceYourDevices': ` your devices`;
+ 'conversationDirectEmptyMessage': `You have no contacts yet. Search for people on {brandName} and get connected.`;
+ 'conversationEditTimestamp': `Edited: {date}`;
+ 'conversationFavoritesTabEmptyLinkText': `How to label conversations as favorites`;
+ 'conversationFavoritesTabEmptyMessage': `Select your favorite conversations, and you’ll find them here 👍`;
+ 'conversationFederationIndicator': `Federated`;
+ 'conversationFileAssetRestricted': `Receiving files is prohibited`;
+ 'conversationFoldersEmptyText': `Add your conversations to folders to stay organized.`;
+ 'conversationFoldersEmptyTextLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'conversationFooterArchive': `Archive`;
+ 'conversationFooterContacts': `Contacts`;
+ 'conversationGroupCreate': `Group`;
+ 'conversationGroupEmptyMessage': `You are not part of any group conversation yet.`;
+ 'conversationGuestIndicator': `Guest`;
+ 'conversationImageAssetRestricted': `Receiving images is prohibited`;
+ 'conversationInternalEnvironmentDisclaimer': `This is NOT WIRE but an internal testing environment. Authorized for use by Wire employees only. Any public USE is PROHIBITED. The data of the users of this test environment is extensively recorded and analysed. To use the secure messenger Wire, please visit [link]{url}[/link]`;
+ 'conversationJoin.existentAccountJoinInBrowser': `Join in the browser`;
+ 'conversationJoin.existentAccountJoinWithoutLink': `Join the conversation`;
+ 'conversationJoin.existentAccountUserName': `You are logged in as {selfName}`;
+ 'conversationJoin.fullConversationHeadline': `Unable to join conversation`;
+ 'conversationJoin.fullConversationSubhead': `The maximum number of participants in this conversation has been reached.`;
+ 'conversationJoin.hasAccount': `Already have an account?`;
+ 'conversationJoin.headline': `The conversation takes place on {domain}`;
+ 'conversationJoin.invalidHeadline': `Conversation not found`;
+ 'conversationJoin.invalidSubhead': `The link to this group conversation expired or the conversation was set to private.`;
+ 'conversationJoin.join': `Join`;
+ 'conversationJoin.joinButton': `Join as Temporary Guest`;
+ 'conversationJoin.joinWithOtherAccount': `Join with another account`;
+ 'conversationJoin.mainHeadline': `Join Conversation`;
+ 'conversationJoin.namePlaceholder': `Your name`;
+ 'conversationJoin.noAccountHead': `Don\'t have an account?`;
+ 'conversationJoin.subhead': `Join conversation as temporary guest (access expires after 24 hours)`;
+ 'conversationJoin.termsAcceptanceText': `I accept`;
+ 'conversationJoin.termsLink': `{brandName}’s Terms of Use`;
+ 'conversationJoinedAfterMLSMigrationFinalisation': `You haven’t updated this device for a while. In the meantime, the standard messaging protocol changed from Proteus to Messaging Layer Security (MLS). Due to this change, some messages may not appear here. [link]Learn more about MLS[/link]`;
+ 'conversationJustNow': `Just now`;
+ 'conversationLabelDirects': `1:1 Conversations`;
+ 'conversationLabelFavorites': `Favorites`;
+ 'conversationLabelGroups': `Groups`;
+ 'conversationLabelPeople': `People`;
+ 'conversationLikesCaptionPlural': `[bold]{firstUser}[/bold] and [bold]{secondUser}[/bold]`;
+ 'conversationLikesCaptionPluralMoreThan2': `[bold]{userNames}[/bold] and [showmore]{number} more[/showmore]`;
+ 'conversationLikesCaptionReactedPlural': `reacted with {emojiName}`;
+ 'conversationLikesCaptionReactedSingular': `reacted with {emojiName}`;
+ 'conversationLikesCaptionSingular': `[bold]{userName}[/bold]`;
+ 'conversationLocationLink': `Open Map`;
+ 'conversationMLSMigrationFinalisationOngoingCall': `Due to migration to MLS, you might have issues with your current call. If that\'s the case, hang up and call again.`;
+ 'conversationMemberJoined': `[bold]{name}[/bold] added {users} to the conversation`;
+ 'conversationMemberJoinedMore': `[bold]{name}[/bold] added {users}, and [showmore]{count} more[/showmore] to the conversation`;
+ 'conversationMemberJoinedSelf': `[bold]{name}[/bold] joined`;
+ 'conversationMemberJoinedSelfYou': `[bold]You[/bold] joined`;
+ 'conversationMemberJoinedYou': `[bold]You[/bold] added {users} to the conversation`;
+ 'conversationMemberJoinedYouMore': `[bold]You[/bold] added {users}, and [showmore]{count} more[/showmore] to the conversation`;
+ 'conversationMemberLeft': `[bold]{name}[/bold] left`;
+ 'conversationMemberLeftYou': `[bold]You[/bold] left`;
+ 'conversationMemberRemoved': `[bold]{name}[/bold] removed {users}`;
+ 'conversationMemberRemovedMissingLegalHoldConsent': `{user} was removed from this conversation because legal hold has been activated. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversationMemberRemovedYou': `[bold]You[/bold] removed {users}`;
+ 'conversationMemberWereRemoved': `{users} were removed from the conversation`;
+ 'conversationMessageDelivered': `Delivered`;
+ 'conversationMissedMessages': `You haven’t used this device for a while. Some messages may not appear here.`;
+ 'conversationModalRestrictedFileSharingDescription': `This file could not be shared due to your file sharing restrictions.`;
+ 'conversationModalRestrictedFileSharingHeadline': `File sharing restrictions`;
+ 'conversationMultipleMembersRemovedMissingLegalHoldConsent': `{users} were removed from this conversation because legal hold has been activated. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversationMultipleMembersRemovedMissingLegalHoldConsentMore': `{users} and {count} more were removed from this conversation because legal hold has been activated. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversationNewConversation': `Communication in Wire is always end-to-end encrypted. Everything you send and receive in this conversation is only accessible to you and your contact.`;
+ 'conversationNotClassified': `Security level: Unclassified`;
+ 'conversationNotFoundMessage': `You may not have permission with this account or it no longer exists.`;
+ 'conversationNotFoundTitle': `{brandName} can’t open this conversation.`;
+ 'conversationParticipantsSearchPlaceholder': `Search by name`;
+ 'conversationParticipantsTitle': `People`;
+ 'conversationPing': ` pinged`;
+ 'conversationPingConfirmTitle': `Are you sure you want to ping {memberCount} people?`;
+ 'conversationPingYou': ` pinged`;
+ 'conversationPlaybackError': `Unsupported video type, please download`;
+ 'conversationPlaybackErrorDownload': `Download`;
+ 'conversationPopoverFavorite': `Add to favorites`;
+ 'conversationPopoverUnfavorite': `Remove from favorites`;
+ 'conversationProtocolUpdatedToMLS': `This conversation now uses the new Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol. To communicate seamlessly, always use the latest version of Wire on your devices. [link]Learn more about MLS[/link]`;
+ 'conversationProtocolUpdatedToMixedPart1': `The standard messaging protocol is changing from Proteus to the new Messaging Layer Security (MLS). [link]Learn more about MLS[/link]`;
+ 'conversationProtocolUpdatedToMixedPart2': `Ensure you use the latest version of Wire to be ready for MLS and continue communicating seamlessly.`;
+ 'conversationReceiptsOff': ` turned off read receipts for everyone`;
+ 'conversationReceiptsOffYou': ` turned off read receipts for everyone`;
+ 'conversationReceiptsOn': ` turned on read receipts for everyone`;
+ 'conversationReceiptsOnYou': ` turned on read receipts for everyone`;
+ 'conversationRename': ` renamed the conversation`;
+ 'conversationRenameYou': ` renamed the conversation`;
+ 'conversationResetTimer': ` turned off the message timer`;
+ 'conversationResetTimerYou': ` turned off the message timer`;
+ 'conversationResume': `Start a conversation with {users}`;
+ 'conversationSendPastedFile': `Pasted image at {date}`;
+ 'conversationServicesWarning': `Services have access to the content of this conversation`;
+ 'conversationSomeone': `Someone`;
+ 'conversationStartNewConversation': `Create a Group`;
+ 'conversationTeamLeft': `[bold]{name}[/bold] was removed from the team`;
+ 'conversationToday': `today`;
+ 'conversationTweetAuthor': ` on Twitter`;
+ 'conversationUnableToDecrypt1': `A message from [highlight]{user}[/highlight] was not received.`;
+ 'conversationUnableToDecrypt2': `[highlight]{user}[/highlight]´s device identity changed. Undelivered message.`;
+ 'conversationUnableToDecryptErrorMessage': `Error`;
+ 'conversationUnableToDecryptLink': `Why?`;
+ 'conversationUnableToDecryptResetSession': `Reset session`;
+ 'conversationUnverifiedUserWarning': `Please still be careful with whom you share sensitive information.`;
+ 'conversationUpdatedTimer': ` set the message timer to {time}`;
+ 'conversationUpdatedTimerYou': ` set the message timer to {time}`;
+ 'conversationVideoAssetRestricted': `Receiving videos is prohibited`;
+ 'conversationViewAllConversations': `All conversations`;
+ 'conversationViewTooltip': `All`;
+ 'conversationVoiceChannelDeactivate': ` called`;
+ 'conversationVoiceChannelDeactivateYou': ` called`;
+ 'conversationWithBlockedUser': `You blocked this user`;
+ 'conversationYesterday': `Yesterday`;
+ 'conversationYouAccusative': `you`;
+ 'conversationYouDative': `you`;
+ 'conversationYouNominative': `you`;
+ 'conversationYouRemovedMissingLegalHoldConsent': `[bold]You[/bold] were removed from this conversation because legal hold has been activated. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'conversationsAllArchived': `Everything archived`;
+ 'conversationsConnectionRequestMany': `{number} people waiting`;
+ 'conversationsConnectionRequestOne': `1 person waiting`;
+ 'conversationsContacts': `Contacts`;
+ 'conversationsEmptyConversation': `Group conversation`;
+ 'conversationsNoConversations': `Connect with others or create a new group to start collaborating!`;
+ 'conversationsNothingArchived': `Nothing archived yet 👻`;
+ 'conversationsNothingArchivedTip': `To keep your conversation list tidy, move unused conversations here. You can always unarchive those later.`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverArchive': `Archive`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverBlock': `Block`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverCancel': `Cancel request`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverClear': `Clear content`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverLeave': `Leave group`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverMoveTo': `Move to`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverNewFolder': `Create new folder`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverNoCustomFolders': `No custom folders`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverNotificationSettings': `Notifications`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverNotify': `Unmute`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverRemoveFrom': `Remove from "{name}"`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverSilence': `Mute`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverUnarchive': `Unarchive`;
+ 'conversationsPopoverUnblock': `Unblock`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineEphemeralMention': `Mentioned you`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineEphemeralMentionGroup': `Someone mentioned you`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineEphemeralMessage': `Sent a message`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineEphemeralMessageGroup': `Someone sent a message`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineEphemeralReply': `Replied to you`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineEphemeralReplyGroup': `Someone replied to you`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineIncomingCall': `{user} is calling`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePeopleAdded': `{user} people were added`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePeopleLeft': `{number} people left`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePersonAdded': `{user} was added`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePersonAddedSelf': `{user} joined`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePersonAddedYou': `{user} added you`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePersonLeft': `{user} left`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePersonRemoved': `{user} was removed`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLinePersonRemovedTeam': `{user} was removed from the team`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineRenamed': `{user} renamed the conversation`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryMention': `{number} mention`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryMentions': `{number} mentions`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryMessage': `{number} message`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryMessages': `{number} messages`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryMissedCall': `{number} missed call`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryMissedCalls': `{number} missed calls`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryPing': `{number} ping`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryPings': `{number} pings`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryReplies': `{number} replies`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineSummaryReply': `{number} reply`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineYouLeft': `You left`;
+ 'conversationsSecondaryLineYouWereRemoved': `You were removed`;
+ 'conversationsWelcome': `Welcome to {brandName} 👋`;
+ 'cookiePolicyStrings.bannerText': `We use cookies to personalize your experience on our website. By continuing to use the website, you agree to the use of cookies.{newline}Further information on cookies can be found in our
privacy policy.`;
+ 'createAccount.headLine': `Set up your account`;
+ 'createAccount.nextButton': `Next`;
+ 'createPersonalAccount.goBack': `Go back`;
+ 'createPersonalAccount.headLine': `New account`;
+ 'createPersonalAccount.nextButton': `Register`;
+ 'customEnvRedirect.credentialsInfo': `Provide credentials only if you\'re sure this is your organization\'s login.`;
+ 'customEnvRedirect.redirectHeadline': `Redirecting...`;
+ 'customEnvRedirect.redirectTo': `You are being redirected to your dedicated enterprise service.`;
+ 'dataSharingModalAgree': `Agree`;
+ 'dataSharingModalDecline': `Decline`;
+ 'dataSharingModalDescription': `Help to improve Wire by sharing your usage data via a pseudonymous ID. The data is neither linked to your personal information nor shared with third parties besides Wire Group. It includes, for example, when you use a feature, your app version, device type, or your operating system. This data will be deleted at the latest after 365 days.
Find further details in our [link]Privacy Policy[/link]. You can revoke your consent at any time.`;
+ 'dataSharingModalTitle': `Consent to share user data`;
+ 'downloadLatestMLS': `Download the latest MLS Wire version`;
+ 'enumerationAnd': `, and `;
+ 'ephemeralRemaining': `remaining`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsDay': `day`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsDays': `days`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsHour': `hour`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsHours': `hours`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsMinute': `minute`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsMinutes': `minutes`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsNone': `Off`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsSecond': `second`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsSeconds': `seconds`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsWeek': `week`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsWeeks': `weeks`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsYear': `year`;
+ 'ephemeralUnitsYears': `years`;
+ 'extensionsBubbleButtonGif': `Gif`;
+ 'extensionsGiphyButtonMore': `Try Another`;
+ 'extensionsGiphyButtonOk': `Send`;
+ 'extensionsGiphyMessage': `{tag} • via giphy.com`;
+ 'extensionsGiphyNoGifs': `Oops, no gifs`;
+ 'extensionsGiphyRandom': `Random`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantSingularNonFederatingBackends': `[bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group as their backend doesn\'t federate with the backends of all group participants.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantSingularOfflineBackend': `[bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group as the backend of [bold]{domain}[/bold] could not be reached.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantSingularOfflineForTooLong': `[bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsPlural': `[bold]{total} participants[/bold] could not be added to the group.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsPluralDetailsNonFederatingBackends': `[bold]{names}[/bold] and [bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group as their backends do not federate with each other.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsPluralDetailsOfflineBackend': `[bold]{names}[/bold] and [bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group as the backend of [bold]{domain}[/bold] could not be reached.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsPluralDetailsOfflineForTooLong': `[bold]{names}[/bold] and [bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsSingularDetailsNonFederatingBackends': `[bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group as their backends do not federate with each other.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsSingularDetailsOfflineBackend': `[bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group as the backend of [bold]{domain}[/bold] could not be reached.`;
+ 'failedToAddParticipantsSingularDetailsOfflineForTooLong': `[bold]{name}[/bold] could not be added to the group.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalApplock': `Mandatory app lock is now disabled. You do not need a passcode or biometric authentication when returning to the app.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalApplockHeadline': `Team settings changed`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalAudioVideoDescriptionItemCameraDisabled': `Camera in calls is disabled`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalAudioVideoDescriptionItemCameraEnabled': `Camera in calls is enabled`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalAudioVideoHeadline': `There has been a change in {brandName}`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalConferenceCallingEnabled': `Your team was upgraded to {brandName} Enterprise, which gives you access to features such as conference calls and more. [link]Learn more about {brandName} Enterprise[/link]`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalConferenceCallingHeadline': `{brandName} Enterprise`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalConversationGuestLinksDescriptionItemConversationGuestLinksDisabled': `Generating guest links is now disabled for all group admins.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalConversationGuestLinksDescriptionItemConversationGuestLinksEnabled': `Generating guest links is now enabled for all group admins.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalConversationGuestLinksHeadline': `Team settings changed`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalDownloadPathChanged': `Standard file location on Windows computers has changed. The app needs a restart for the new setting to take effect.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalDownloadPathDisabled': `Standard file location on Windows computers is disabled. Restart the app to save downloaded files in a new location.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalDownloadPathEnabled': `You’ll find your downloaded files now in a specific standard location on your Windows computer. The app needs a restart for the new setting to take effect.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalDownloadPathHeadline': `There has been a change in {brandName}`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalFileSharingDescriptionItemFileSharingDisabled': `Sharing and receiving files of any type is now disabled`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalFileSharingDescriptionItemFileSharingEnabled': `Sharing and receiving files of any type is now enabled`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalFileSharingHeadline': `There has been a change in {brandName}`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalSelfDeletingMessagesDescriptionItemDisabled': `Self-deleting messages are disabled`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalSelfDeletingMessagesDescriptionItemEnabled': `Self-deleting messages are enabled. You can set a timer before writing a message.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalSelfDeletingMessagesDescriptionItemEnforced': `Self-deleting messages are now mandatory. New messages will self-delete after {timeout}.`;
+ 'featureConfigChangeModalSelfDeletingMessagesHeadline': `There has been a change in {brandName}`;
+ 'federationConnectionRemove': `The backends [bold]{backendUrlOne}[/bold] and [bold]{backendUrlTwo}[/bold] stopped federating.`;
+ 'federationDelete': `[bold]Your backend[/bold] stopped federating with [bold]{backendUrl}.[/bold]`;
+ 'fileTypeRestrictedIncoming': `File from [bold]{name}[/bold] can’t be opened`;
+ 'fileTypeRestrictedOutgoing': `Sharing files with the {fileExt} extension is not permitted by your organization`;
+ 'folderViewTooltip': `Folders`;
+ 'footer.copy': `© Wire Swiss GmbH`;
+ 'footer.wireLink': `wire.com`;
+ 'fullsearchCancelCloseBtn': `Cancel search`;
+ 'fullsearchCancelLabel': `Close search field`;
+ 'fullsearchNoResults': `No results.`;
+ 'fullsearchPlaceholder': `Search text messages`;
+ 'generatePassword': `Generate password`;
+ 'groupCallConfirmationModalTitle': `Are you sure you want to call {memberCount} people?`;
+ 'groupCallModalCloseBtnLabel': `Close window, Call in a group`;
+ 'groupCallModalPrimaryBtnName': `Call`;
+ 'groupCreationDeleteEntry': `Delete entry`;
+ 'groupCreationParticipantsActionCreate': `Done`;
+ 'groupCreationParticipantsActionSkip': `Skip`;
+ 'groupCreationParticipantsHeader': `Add people`;
+ 'groupCreationParticipantsHeaderWithCounter': `Add people ({number})`;
+ 'groupCreationParticipantsPlaceholder': `Search by name`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesAction': `Next`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesErrorNameLong': `Too many characters`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesErrorNameShort': `At least 1 character`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesHeader': `Create group`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesNonFederatingEditList': `Edit Participants List`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesNonFederatingHeadline': `Group can’t be created`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesNonFederatingLeave': `Discard Group Creation`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesNonFederatingMessage': `People from backends {backends} can’t join the same group conversation, as their backends can’t communicate with each other. To create the group, remove affected participants. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'groupCreationPreferencesPlaceholder': `Group name`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionBlock': `Block…`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionCancelRequest': `Cancel request…`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionDevices': `Devices`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionDevicesGoBack': `Go back to device details`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionIgnoreRequest': `Ignore request`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionIncomingRequest': `Accept request`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionLeave': `Leave group…`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionOpenConversation': `Open conversation`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionPending': `Pending`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionRemove': `Remove from group…`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionSelfProfile': `Open profile`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionSendRequest': `Connect`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionStartConversation': `Start conversation`;
+ 'groupParticipantActionUnblock': `Unblock…`;
+ 'groupSizeInfo': `Up to {count} people can join a group conversation.`;
+ 'guestLinkDisabled': `Generating guest links is not allowed in your team.`;
+ 'guestLinkDisabledByOtherTeam': `You can\'t generate a guest link in this conversation, as it has been created by someone from another team and this team is not allowed to use guest links.`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.conversationPasswordProtected': `This conversation is password protected.`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.description': `Please enter the password you have received with the access link for this conversation.`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.headline': `{conversationName} Enter password`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.headlineDefault': `Enter password`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.joinConversation': `Join Conversation`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.learnMoreLink': `Learn more about guest links`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.passwordIncorrect': `Password is incorrect, please try again.`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.passwordInputLabel': `Conversation password`;
+ 'guestLinkPasswordModal.passwordInputPlaceholder': `Enter conversation password`;
+ 'guestOptionsCopyLink': `Copy link`;
+ 'guestOptionsCopyLinkDone': `Link copied!`;
+ 'guestOptionsCreateLink': `Create link`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoHeader': `Invite others with a link`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoModalAction': `Create Link`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoModalCancel': `Cancel`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoModalFormLabel': `Guest link password`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoModalTitle': `Create password secured link`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoModalTitleBoldSubTitle': `You can\'t change the password later. Make sure to copy and store it.`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoModalTitleSubTitle': `People who want to join the conversation via the guest link need to enter this password first.`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoPasswordSecured': `Link is password secured`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoText': `Invite others with a link to this conversation. Anyone with the link can join the conversation, even if they don’t have {brandName}.`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoTextForgetPassword': `Forgot password? Revoke the link and create a new one.`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoTextSecureWithPassword': `You can also secure the link with a password.`;
+ 'guestOptionsInfoTextWithPassword': `Users are asked to enter the password before they can join the conversation with a guest link.`;
+ 'guestOptionsPasswordCopyToClipboard': `Copy Password`;
+ 'guestOptionsPasswordCopyToClipboardSuccess': `Password Copied!`;
+ 'guestOptionsPasswordForceToCopy': `You need to copy the password so that you can store and share it with people you want to invite.`;
+ 'guestOptionsPasswordRadioLabel': `Guest link password`;
+ 'guestOptionsPasswordRadioOptionNotSecured': `Not password secured`;
+ 'guestOptionsPasswordRadioOptionSecured': `Password secured`;
+ 'guestOptionsRevokeLink': `Revoke link`;
+ 'guestOptionsTitle': `Guests`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadge': `[bold]Guests[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeExternal': `[bold]Externals[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeExternalAndGuest': `[bold]Externals[/bold] and [bold]guests[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeExternalAndGuestAndService': `[bold]Externals[/bold], [bold]guests[/bold], and [bold]services[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeExternalAndService': `[bold]Externals[/bold] and [bold]services[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederated': `[bold]Federated users[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndExternal': `[bold]Federated users[/bold] and [bold]Externals[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndExternalAndGuest': `[bold]Federated users[/bold], [bold]Externals[/bold] and [bold]guests[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndExternalAndGuestAndService': `[bold]Federated users[/bold], [bold]Externals[/bold], [bold]guests[/bold], and [bold]services[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndExternalAndService': `[bold]Federated users[/bold], [bold]Externals[/bold] and [bold]services[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndGuest': `[bold]Federated users[/bold] and [bold]Guests[/bold] as present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndGuestAndService': `[bold]Federated users[/bold], [bold]Guests[/bold] and [bold]services[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeFederatedAndService': `[bold]Federated users[/bold] and [bold]Services[/bold] are active`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeGuestAndService': `[bold]Guests[/bold] and [bold]services[/bold] are present`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationBadgeService': `[bold]Services[/bold] are active`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationButton': `Invite people`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationHead': `People outside your team can join this conversation.`;
+ 'guestRoomConversationName': `Guest room`;
+ 'guestRoomToggleInfo': `Open this conversation to people outside your team.`;
+ 'guestRoomToggleInfoDisabled': `You can\'t disable the guest option in this conversation, as it has been created by someone from another team.`;
+ 'guestRoomToggleInfoExtended': `Open this conversation to people outside your team. You can always change it later.`;
+ 'guestRoomToggleInfoHead': `Guest Links`;
+ 'guestRoomToggleName': `Allow Guests`;
+ 'historyInfo.learnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'historyInfo.noHistoryHeadline': `It’s the first time you’re using {brandName} on this device.`;
+ 'historyInfo.noHistoryInfo': `For privacy reasons, {newline}your conversation history will not appear here.`;
+ 'historyInfo.ok': `OK`;
+ 'index.createAccount': `Create account`;
+ 'index.createAccountForOrganizations': `Wire for Free`;
+ 'index.createAccountForPersonalUse': `Personal`;
+ 'index.createPersonalAccount': `Chat privately with groups of friends and family`;
+ 'index.createTeam': `Secure collaboration for businesses, institutions and professional organizations`;
+ 'index.disclaimer': `This is NOT WIRE but an internal testing environment. Authorized for use by Wire employees only. Any public USE is PROHIBITED. The data of the users of this test environment is extensively recorded and analysed. To use the secure messenger Wire, please visit {link}`;
+ 'index.enterprise': `Enterprise Login`;
+ 'index.goBack': `Go Back`;
+ 'index.login': `Log in`;
+ 'index.loginInfo': `Already have an account?`;
+ 'index.ssoLogin': `Log in with SSO`;
+ 'index.welcome': `Welcome to {brandName}`;
+ 'initDecryption': `Decrypting messages`;
+ 'initEvents': `Loading messages`;
+ 'initProgress': ` — {number1} of {number2}`;
+ 'initReceivedSelfUser': `Hello, {user}.`;
+ 'initReceivedUserData': `Checking for new messages`;
+ 'initUpdatedFromNotifications': `Almost done - Enjoy {brandName}`;
+ 'initValidatedClient': `Fetching your connections and conversations`;
+ 'internetConnectionSlow': `Slow internet connection`;
+ 'invite.emailPlaceholder': `colleague@email.com`;
+ 'invite.headline': `Build your team`;
+ 'invite.nextButton': `Next`;
+ 'invite.skipForNow': `Skip for now`;
+ 'invite.subhead': `Invite your colleagues to join.`;
+ 'inviteHeadline': `Invite people to {brandName}`;
+ 'inviteHintSelected': `Press {metaKey} + C to copy`;
+ 'inviteHintUnselected': `Select and Press {metaKey} + C`;
+ 'inviteMessage': `I’m on {brandName}, search for {username} or visit get.wire.com.`;
+ 'inviteMessageNoEmail': `I’m on {brandName}. Visit get.wire.com to connect with me.`;
+ 'inviteMetaKeyMac': `Cmd`;
+ 'inviteMetaKeyPc': `Ctrl`;
+ 'jumpToLastMessage': `Scroll to the end of this conversation`;
+ 'legalHoldActivated': `This conversation is under legal hold`;
+ 'legalHoldActivatedLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'legalHoldDeactivated': `Legal hold deactivated for this conversation`;
+ 'legalHoldDescriptionOthers': `Legal Hold has been activated for at least one person in this conversation.
All messages will be preserved for future access, including deleted, edited, and self-deleting messages.`;
+ 'legalHoldDescriptionSelf': `Legal Hold has been activated for your account.
All messages will be preserved for future access, including deleted, edited, and self-deleting messages.
Your conversation partners will be aware of the recording.`;
+ 'legalHoldHeadline': `Legal Hold`;
+ 'legalHoldMessageSendingMissingConsentMessage': `You cannot send this message because you have at least one outdated device that does not support legal hold. Please update all your devices or remove them from the app settings. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'legalHoldMessageSendingMissingConsentTitle': `Message cannot be sent`;
+ 'legalHoldModalPrimaryAction': `Accept`;
+ 'legalHoldModalSecondaryAction': `Not now`;
+ 'legalHoldModalText': `All future messages will be recorded by the device with fingerprint:[br][fingerprint][br]This includes deleted, edited, and self-deleting messages in all conversations.`;
+ 'legalHoldModalTextPassword': `Enter your password to confirm.`;
+ 'legalHoldModalTitle': `Legal hold requested`;
+ 'legalHoldSubjects': `Legal Hold Subjects`;
+ 'legalHoldWarningMessage': `The conversation is now subject to legal hold.[br]Do you still want to send your message?`;
+ 'legalHoldWarningPrimary': `Send anyway`;
+ 'legalHoldWarningSecondaryInformation': `What is legal hold?`;
+ 'legalHoldWarningSecondaryVerify': `Verify devices...`;
+ 'legalHoldWarningTitle': `Legal hold`;
+ 'login.emailPlaceholder': `Email or username`;
+ 'login.forgotPassword': `Forgot password?`;
+ 'login.goBack': `Go Back`;
+ 'login.headline': `Log in`;
+ 'login.passwordPlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'login.publicComputer': `This is a public computer`;
+ 'login.ssoLogin': `Company log in`;
+ 'login.subhead': `Enter your email address or username.`;
+ 'login.submitTwoFactorButton': `Submit`;
+ 'login.twoFactorLoginSubHead': `Please check your email {email} for the verification code and enter it below.`;
+ 'login.twoFactorLoginTitle': `Verify your account`;
+ 'mediaBtnPause': `Pause`;
+ 'mediaBtnPlay': `Play`;
+ 'messageCouldNotBeSentBackEndOffline': `Message could not be sent as the back-end of [bold]{domain}[/bold] could not be reached.`;
+ 'messageCouldNotBeSentConnectivityIssues': `Message could not be sent due to connectivity issues.`;
+ 'messageCouldNotBeSentRetry': `Retry`;
+ 'messageDetailsEdited': `Edited: {edited}`;
+ 'messageDetailsNoReactions': `No one has reacted to this message yet.`;
+ 'messageDetailsNoReceipts': `No one has read this message yet.`;
+ 'messageDetailsReceiptsOff': `Read receipts were not on when this message was sent.`;
+ 'messageDetailsSent': `Sent: {sent}`;
+ 'messageDetailsTitle': `Details`;
+ 'messageDetailsTitleReactions': `Reactions{count}`;
+ 'messageDetailsTitleReceipts': `Read{count}`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendHideDetails': `Hide details`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendParticipants': `{count} participants`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendParticipantsFromDomainPlural': `{count} participants from {domain}`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendParticipantsFromDomainSingular': `1 participant from {domain}`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendPlural': `didn\'t get your message.`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendShowDetails': `Show details`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendWillNotReceivePlural': `won\'t get your message.`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendWillNotReceiveSingular': `won\'t get your message.`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendWillReceivePlural': `will get your message later.`;
+ 'messageFailedToSendWillReceiveSingular': `will get your message later.`;
+ 'mlsConversationRecovered': `You haven\'t used this device for a while, or an issue has occurred. Some older messages may not appear here.`;
+ 'mlsSignature': `MLS with {signature} Signature`;
+ 'mlsThumbprint': `MLS Thumbprint`;
+ 'mlsToggleInfo': `When this is on, conversation will use the new messaging layer security (MLS) protocol.`;
+ 'mlsToggleName': `MLS`;
+ 'modal1To1ConversationCreateErrorNoKeyPackagesHeadline': `Unable to start conversation`;
+ 'modal1To1ConversationCreateErrorNoKeyPackagesMessage': `You can’t start the conversation with {name} right now.
{name} needs to open Wire or log in again first.
Please try again later.`;
+ 'modalAccountCreateAction': `OK`;
+ 'modalAccountCreateHeadline': `Create an account?`;
+ 'modalAccountCreateMessage': `By creating an account you will lose the conversation history in this guest room.`;
+ 'modalAccountDeletionAction': `Delete`;
+ 'modalAccountDeletionHeadline': `Delete account`;
+ 'modalAccountDeletionMessage': `We will send you an email. Follow the link to delete your account permanently.`;
+ 'modalAccountLeaveGuestRoomAction': `Leave`;
+ 'modalAccountLeaveGuestRoomHeadline': `Leave the guest room?`;
+ 'modalAccountLeaveGuestRoomMessage': `Conversation history will be deleted. To keep it, create an account next time.`;
+ 'modalAccountLogoutAction': `Log out`;
+ 'modalAccountLogoutHeadline': `Clear Data?`;
+ 'modalAccountLogoutOption': `Delete all your personal information and conversations on this device.`;
+ 'modalAccountNewDevicesFrom': `From:`;
+ 'modalAccountNewDevicesHeadline': `Your account was used on:`;
+ 'modalAccountNewDevicesMessage': `If you didn’t do this, remove the device and reset your password.`;
+ 'modalAccountNewDevicesSecondary': `Manage devices`;
+ 'modalAccountReadReceiptsChangedMessage': `You can change this option in your account settings.`;
+ 'modalAccountReadReceiptsChangedOffHeadline': `You have disabled read receipts`;
+ 'modalAccountReadReceiptsChangedOnHeadline': `You have enabled read receipts`;
+ 'modalAccountReadReceiptsChangedSecondary': `Manage devices`;
+ 'modalAccountRemoveDeviceAction': `Remove device`;
+ 'modalAccountRemoveDeviceHeadline': `Remove "{device}"`;
+ 'modalAccountRemoveDeviceMessage': `Your password is required to remove the device.`;
+ 'modalAccountRemoveDevicePlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'modalAcknowledgeAction': `Ok`;
+ 'modalAcknowledgeHeadline': `Something went wrong`;
+ 'modalAppLockForgotGoBackButton': `Go back`;
+ 'modalAppLockForgotMessage': `The data stored on this device can only be accessed with your app lock passcode. If you have forgotten your passcode, you can reset this client.`;
+ 'modalAppLockForgotTitle': `Forgot your app lock passcode?`;
+ 'modalAppLockForgotWipeCTA': `Reset this client`;
+ 'modalAppLockLockedError': `Wrong passcode`;
+ 'modalAppLockLockedForgotCTA': `Access as new device`;
+ 'modalAppLockLockedTitle': `Enter passcode to unlock {brandName}`;
+ 'modalAppLockLockedUnlockButton': `Unlock`;
+ 'modalAppLockPasscode': `Passcode`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupAcceptButton': `Set passcode`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupChangeMessage': `Your organization needs to lock your app when {brandName} is not in use to keep the team safe.[br]Create a passlock to unlock {brandName}. Please, remember it, as it can not be recovered.`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupChangeTitle': `There was a change at {brandName}`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupCloseBtn': `Close window, Set app lock passcode?`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupDigit': `A digit`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupLong': `At least {minPasswordLength} characters long`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupLower': `A lowercase letter`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupMessage': `The app will lock itself after a certain time of inactivity.[br]To unlock the app you need to enter this passcode.[br]Make sure to remember this passcode as there is no way to recover it.`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupSecondPlaceholder': `Repeat passcode`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupSpecial': `A special character`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupTitle': `Set app lock passcode`;
+ 'modalAppLockSetupUppercase': `An uppercase letter`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipeConfirmConfirmButton': `Reset this client`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipeConfirmGoBackButton': `Go back`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipeConfirmMessage': `All your conversation history will be permanently deleted from this client. You may then log in again.`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipeConfirmTitle': `Do you really want to reset this client?`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipePasswordConfirmButton': `Reset this client`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipePasswordError': `Wrong password`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipePasswordGoBackButton': `Go back`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipePasswordPlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'modalAppLockWipePasswordTitle': `Enter your {brandName} account password to reset this client`;
+ 'modalAssetFileTypeRestrictionHeadline': `Restricted filetype`;
+ 'modalAssetFileTypeRestrictionMessage': `The filetype of "{fileName}" is not allowed.`;
+ 'modalAssetParallelUploadsHeadline': `Too many files at once`;
+ 'modalAssetParallelUploadsMessage': `You can send up to {number} files at once.`;
+ 'modalAssetTooLargeHeadline': `File too large`;
+ 'modalAssetTooLargeMessage': `You can send files up to {number}`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityAvailableMessage': `You will appear as Available to other people. You will receive notifications for incoming calls and for messages according to the Notifications setting in each conversation.`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityAvailableTitle': `You are set to Available`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityAwayMessage': `You will appear as Away to other people. You will not receive notifications about any incoming calls or messages.`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityAwayTitle': `You are set to Away`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityBusyMessage': `You will appear as Busy to other people. You will only receive notifications for mentions, replies, and calls in conversations that are not muted.`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityBusyTitle': `You are set to Busy`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityDontShowAgain': `Do not display this information again`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityNoneMessage': `You will receive notifications for incoming calls and for messages according to the Notifications setting in each conversation.`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityNoneTitle': `No status set`;
+ 'modalAvailabilityRemoveBtn': `Close window \'Set a status\'`;
+ 'modalCallEmptyConversationHeadline': `No one to call`;
+ 'modalCallEmptyConversationMessage': `There is no one left here.`;
+ 'modalCallEmptyLogCloseBtn': `Close window \'No calls\'`;
+ 'modalCallEmptyLogHeadline': `No calls`;
+ 'modalCallEmptyLogMessage': `There were no calls to base the debug report on.`;
+ 'modalCallNoGroupVideoHeadline': `No video calls in groups`;
+ 'modalCallNoGroupVideoMessage': `Video calls are not available in group conversations.`;
+ 'modalCallNoMicrophoneAction': `Tell me how`;
+ 'modalCallNoMicrophoneHeadline': `Can’t call without microphone`;
+ 'modalCallNoMicrophoneMessage': `Your browser needs access to the microphone to make calls.`;
+ 'modalCallSecondIncomingAction': `Answer`;
+ 'modalCallSecondIncomingHeadline': `Answer call?`;
+ 'modalCallSecondIncomingMessage': `Your current call will end.`;
+ 'modalCallSecondOngoingAction': `Hang Up`;
+ 'modalCallSecondOngoingHeadline': `Hang up call on another device?`;
+ 'modalCallSecondOngoingMessage': `You can only be in one call at a time.`;
+ 'modalCallSecondOutgoingAction': `Call Anyway`;
+ 'modalCallSecondOutgoingHeadline': `Hang up current call?`;
+ 'modalCallSecondOutgoingMessage': `A call is active in another conversation. Calling here will hang up the other call.`;
+ 'modalCallUpdateClientHeadline': `Please update {brandName}`;
+ 'modalCallUpdateClientMessage': `You received a call that isn\'t supported by this version of {brandName}.`;
+ 'modalConferenceCallNotSupportedHeadline': `Conference calling is unavailable.`;
+ 'modalConferenceCallNotSupportedJoinMessage': `To join a group call, please switch to a compatible browser.`;
+ 'modalConferenceCallNotSupportedMessage': `This browser does not support end-to-end-encrypted conference calls.`;
+ 'modalConferenceCallNotSupportedStartMessage': `To start a group call, please switch to a compatible browser.`;
+ 'modalConfirmSecondary': `Cancel`;
+ 'modalConnectAcceptAction': `Connect`;
+ 'modalConnectAcceptHeadline': `Accept?`;
+ 'modalConnectAcceptMessage': `This will connect you and open the conversation with {user}.`;
+ 'modalConnectAcceptSecondary': `Ignore`;
+ 'modalConnectCancelAction': `Yes`;
+ 'modalConnectCancelHeadline': `Cancel Request?`;
+ 'modalConnectCancelMessage': `Remove connection request to {user}.`;
+ 'modalConnectCancelSecondary': `No`;
+ 'modalConversationClearAction': `Delete`;
+ 'modalConversationClearHeadline': `Clear content?`;
+ 'modalConversationClearMessage': `This will clear the conversation history on all your devices.`;
+ 'modalConversationClearOption': `Also leave the conversation`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteErrorHeadline': `Group not deleted`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteErrorMessage': `An error occurred while trying to delete the group {name}. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteGroupAction': `Delete`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteGroupHeadline': `Delete group conversation?`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteGroupMessage': `This will delete the group and all content for all participants on all devices. There is no option to restore the content. All participants will be notified.`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageAction': `Delete`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageAllCloseBtn': `Close window \'Delete for everyone\'`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageCloseBtn': `Close window \'Delete only for me\'`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageEveryoneAction': `Delete`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageEveryoneHeadline': `Delete for everyone?`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageEveryoneMessage': `This cannot be undone.`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageHeadline': `Delete only for me?`;
+ 'modalConversationDeleteMessageMessage': `This cannot be undone.`;
+ 'modalConversationGuestOptionsGetCodeMessage': `Could not get access link.`;
+ 'modalConversationGuestOptionsRequestCodeMessage': `Could not request access link. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationGuestOptionsRevokeCodeMessage': `Could not revoke access link. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationJoinConfirm': `Join`;
+ 'modalConversationJoinFullHeadline': `You could not join the conversation`;
+ 'modalConversationJoinFullMessage': `The conversation is full.`;
+ 'modalConversationJoinHeadline': ``;
+ 'modalConversationJoinMessage': `You have been invited to a conversation: {conversationName}`;
+ 'modalConversationJoinNotFoundHeadline': `You could not join the conversation`;
+ 'modalConversationJoinNotFoundMessage': `The conversation link is invalid.`;
+ 'modalConversationLeaveAction': `Leave`;
+ 'modalConversationLeaveHeadline': `Leave {name} conversation?`;
+ 'modalConversationLeaveMessage': `You won’t be able to send or receive messages in this conversation.`;
+ 'modalConversationLeaveMessageCloseBtn': `Close window \'Leave {name} conversation\'`;
+ 'modalConversationLeaveOption': `Also clear the content`;
+ 'modalConversationMessageTooLongHeadline': `Message too long`;
+ 'modalConversationMessageTooLongMessage': `You can send messages up to {number} characters long.`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceAction': `Send anyway`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceHeadlineMany': `{users} started using new devices`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceHeadlineOne': `{user} started using a new device`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceHeadlineYou': `{user} started using a new device`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceIncomingCallAction': `Accept call`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceIncomingCallMessage': `Do you still want to accept the call?`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceMessage': `Do you still want to send your message?`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceOutgoingCallAction': `Call anyway`;
+ 'modalConversationNewDeviceOutgoingCallMessage': `Do you still want to place the call?`;
+ 'modalConversationNotConnectedHeadline': `No one added to conversation`;
+ 'modalConversationNotConnectedMessageMany': `One of the people you selected does not want to be added to conversations.`;
+ 'modalConversationNotConnectedMessageOne': `{name} does not want to be added to conversations.`;
+ 'modalConversationOptionsAllowGuestMessage': `Could not allow guests. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationOptionsAllowServiceMessage': `Could not allow services. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationOptionsDisableGuestMessage': `Could not remove guests. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationOptionsDisableServiceMessage': `Could not remove services. Please try again.`;
+ 'modalConversationOptionsToggleGuestMessage': `Could not change guests state.`;
+ 'modalConversationOptionsToggleServiceMessage': `Could not change services state.`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveAction': `Remove`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveCloseBtn': `Close window \'Remove\'`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveGroupAction': `Remove`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveGroupHeadline': `Remove group conversation?`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveGroupMessage': `This will delete the group on this device. There is no option to restore the content.`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveGuestsHeadline': `Disable guest access?`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveGuestsMessage': `Current guests will be removed from the conversation. New guests will not be allowed.`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveGuestsOrServicesAction': `Disable`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveHeadline': `Remove?`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveMessage': `{user} won’t be able to send or receive messages in this conversation.`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveServicesHeadline': `Disable services access?`;
+ 'modalConversationRemoveServicesMessage': `Current services will be removed from the conversation. New services will not be allowed.`;
+ 'modalConversationRevokeLinkAction': `Revoke link`;
+ 'modalConversationRevokeLinkCloseBtn': `Close window \'Revoke the link\'`;
+ 'modalConversationRevokeLinkHeadline': `Revoke the link?`;
+ 'modalConversationRevokeLinkMessage': `New guests will not be able to join with this link. Current guests will still have access.`;
+ 'modalConversationTooManyMembersHeadline': `The group is full`;
+ 'modalConversationTooManyMembersMessage': `Up to {number1} people can join a conversation. Currently there is only room for {number2} more.`;
+ 'modalCreateFolderAction': `Create`;
+ 'modalCreateFolderHeadline': `Create new folder`;
+ 'modalCreateFolderMessage': `Move your conversation to a new folder.`;
+ 'modalCreateFolderPlaceholder': `Folder name`;
+ 'modalCreateGroupProtocolHeading': `Protocol`;
+ 'modalCreateGroupProtocolInfo': `Select MLS to create a group conversation using the Messaging Layer Security protocol.`;
+ 'modalCreateGroupProtocolSelect.default': ` (default)`;
+ 'modalCreateGroupProtocolSelect.mls': `MLS`;
+ 'modalCreateGroupProtocolSelect.proteus': `Proteus`;
+ 'modalGifTooLargeHeadline': `Selected animation is too large`;
+ 'modalGifTooLargeMessage': `Maximum size is {number} MB.`;
+ 'modalGuestLinkJoinConfirmLabel': `Confirm password`;
+ 'modalGuestLinkJoinConfirmPlaceholder': `Confirm your password`;
+ 'modalGuestLinkJoinHelperText': `Use at least {minPasswordLength} characters, with one lowercase letter, one capital letter, a number, and a special character.`;
+ 'modalGuestLinkJoinLabel': `Set password`;
+ 'modalGuestLinkJoinPlaceholder': `Enter password`;
+ 'modalIntegrationUnavailableHeadline': `Bots currently unavailable`;
+ 'modalIntegrationUnavailableMessage': `Thank you for your interest in bots. The service is currently suspended while we work on the next version. Stay tuned.`;
+ 'modalLegalHoldConversationMissingConsentMessage': `Due to legal hold, only team members can be added to this conversation. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'modalLegalHoldDeactivatedMessage': `Future messages will not be recorded.`;
+ 'modalLegalHoldDeactivatedTitle': `Legal hold deactivated`;
+ 'modalNewFolderCloseBtn': `Close window \'Create new folder\'`;
+ 'modalNoAudioCloseBtn': `Close window \'Microphone disabled\'`;
+ 'modalNoAudioInputAction': `Go to preferences`;
+ 'modalNoAudioInputMessage': `An audio input device could not be found. Other participants will not be able to hear you until your audio settings are configured. Please go to Preferences to find out more about your audio configuration.`;
+ 'modalNoAudioInputTitle': `Microphone disabled`;
+ 'modalNoCameraCloseBtn': `Close window \'No camera access\'`;
+ 'modalNoCameraMessage': `{brandName} doesn’t have access to the camera.[br][faqLink]Read this support article[/faqLink] to find out how to fix it.`;
+ 'modalNoCameraTitle': `No camera access`;
+ 'modalOpenLinkAction': `Open`;
+ 'modalOpenLinkMessage': `This will take you to {link}`;
+ 'modalOpenLinkTitle': `Visit Link`;
+ 'modalOptionSecondary': `Cancel`;
+ 'modalPictureFileFormatHeadline': `Can’t use this picture`;
+ 'modalPictureFileFormatMessage': `Please choose a PNG or JPEG file.`;
+ 'modalPictureTooLargeHeadline': `Selected picture is too large`;
+ 'modalPictureTooLargeMessage': `You can use pictures up to {number} MB.`;
+ 'modalPictureTooSmallHeadline': `Picture too small`;
+ 'modalPictureTooSmallMessage': `Please choose a picture that is at least 320 x 320 px.`;
+ 'modalPreferencesAccountEmailErrorHeadline': `Error`;
+ 'modalPreferencesAccountEmailHeadline': `Verify email address`;
+ 'modalPreferencesAccountEmailInvalidMessage': `Email address is invalid.`;
+ 'modalPreferencesAccountEmailTakenMessage': `Email address is already taken.`;
+ 'modalRemoveDeviceCloseBtn': `Close window \'Remove device {name}\'`;
+ 'modalServiceUnavailableHeadline': `Adding service not possible`;
+ 'modalServiceUnavailableMessage': `The service is unavailable at the moment.`;
+ 'modalSessionResetHeadline': `The session has been reset`;
+ 'modalSessionResetMessage': `If the problem is not resolved, [link]contact[/link] us.`;
+ 'modalUnableToReceiveMessages': `You can’t receive messages at the moment. Please log out and log in again directly to resolve this case.`;
+ 'modalUploadContactsAction': `Try again`;
+ 'modalUploadContactsMessage': `We did not receive your information. Please try importing your contacts again.`;
+ 'modalUserBlockAction': `Block`;
+ 'modalUserBlockHeadline': `Block {user}?`;
+ 'modalUserBlockMessage': `{user} won’t be able to contact you or add you to group conversations.`;
+ 'modalUserBlockedForLegalHold': `This user is blocked due to legal hold. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'modalUserCannotAcceptConnectionMessage': `Connection request could not be accepted`;
+ 'modalUserCannotBeAddedHeadline': `Guests cannot be added`;
+ 'modalUserCannotCancelConnectionMessage': `Connection request could not be canceled`;
+ 'modalUserCannotConnectHeadline': `Connecting not possible`;
+ 'modalUserCannotIgnoreConnectionMessage': `Connection request could not be ignored`;
+ 'modalUserCannotSendConnectionLegalHoldMessage': `You cannot connect to this user due to legal hold. [link]Learn more[/link]`;
+ 'modalUserCannotSendConnectionMessage': `Connection request could not be sent`;
+ 'modalUserCannotSendConnectionNotFederatingMessage': `You can’t send a connection request as your backend doesn’t federate with the one of {username}.`;
+ 'modalUserLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'modalUserUnblockAction': `Unblock`;
+ 'modalUserUnblockHeadline': `Unblock?`;
+ 'modalUserUnblockMessage': `{user} will be able to contact you and add you to group conversations again.`;
+ 'moderatorMenuEntryMute': `Mute`;
+ 'moderatorMenuEntryMuteAllOthers': `Mute everyone else`;
+ 'muteStateRemoteMute': `You have been muted`;
+ 'noActiveSpeakers': `No active speakers…`;
+ 'nonexistentUser': `Deleted User`;
+ 'notificationAssetAdd': `Shared a picture`;
+ 'notificationConnectionAccepted': `Accepted your connection request`;
+ 'notificationConnectionConnected': `You are now connected`;
+ 'notificationConnectionRequest': `Wants to connect`;
+ 'notificationConversationCreate': `{user} started a conversation`;
+ 'notificationConversationDeleted': `A conversation has been deleted`;
+ 'notificationConversationDeletedNamed': `{name} has been deleted`;
+ 'notificationConversationMessageTimerReset': `{user} turned off the message timer`;
+ 'notificationConversationMessageTimerUpdate': `{user} set the message timer to {time}`;
+ 'notificationConversationRename': `{user} renamed the conversation to {name}`;
+ 'notificationMemberJoinMany': `{user} added {number} people to the conversation`;
+ 'notificationMemberJoinOne': `{user1} added {user2} to the conversation`;
+ 'notificationMemberJoinSelf': `{user} joined the conversation`;
+ 'notificationMemberLeaveRemovedYou': `{user} removed you from the conversation`;
+ 'notificationMention': `Mention: {text}`;
+ 'notificationObfuscated': `Sent a message`;
+ 'notificationObfuscatedMention': `Mentioned you`;
+ 'notificationObfuscatedReply': `Replied to you`;
+ 'notificationObfuscatedTitle': `Someone`;
+ 'notificationPing': `Pinged`;
+ 'notificationReaction': `{reaction} your message`;
+ 'notificationReply': `Reply: {text}`;
+ 'notificationSettingsDisclaimer': `You can be notified about everything (including audio and video calls) or only when someone mentions you or replies to one of your messages.`;
+ 'notificationSettingsEverything': `Everything`;
+ 'notificationSettingsMentionsAndReplies': `Mentions and replies`;
+ 'notificationSettingsNothing': `Nothing`;
+ 'notificationSettingsTitle': `Notifications`;
+ 'notificationSharedAudio': `Shared an audio message`;
+ 'notificationSharedFile': `Shared a file`;
+ 'notificationSharedLocation': `Shared a location`;
+ 'notificationSharedVideo': `Shared a video`;
+ 'notificationTitleGroup': `{user} in {conversation}`;
+ 'notificationVoiceChannelActivate': `Calling`;
+ 'notificationVoiceChannelDeactivate': `Called`;
+ 'oauth.allow': `Allow`;
+ 'oauth.cancel': `Don\'t Allow`;
+ 'oauth.details': `If you allow the permissions listed above, your Outlook Calendar will be able to connect to Wire. If you don’t grant the permissions, you can’t use this add-in.`;
+ 'oauth.headline': `Permissions`;
+ 'oauth.learnMore': `
Learn more about these permissions`;
+ 'oauth.logout': `Switch account`;
+ 'oauth.privacypolicy': `Wire\'s
Privacy Policy`;
+ 'oauth.scope.read_feature_configs': `View your team’s feature configurations`;
+ 'oauth.scope.read_self': `View your Wire username, profile name, and email`;
+ 'oauth.scope.write_conversations': `Create conversations in Wire`;
+ 'oauth.scope.write_conversations_code': `Create guest links to conversations in Wire`;
+ 'oauth.subhead': `Microsoft Outlook requires your permission to:`;
+ 'offlineBackendLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'ongoingAudioCall': `Ongoing audio call with {conversationName}.`;
+ 'ongoingGroupAudioCall': `Ongoing conference call with {conversationName}.`;
+ 'ongoingGroupVideoCall': `Ongoing video conference call with {conversationName}, your camera is {cameraStatus}.`;
+ 'ongoingVideoCall': `Ongoing video call with {conversationName}, your camera is {cameraStatus}.`;
+ 'otherUserNoAvailableKeyPackages': `You can\'t communicate with {participantName} at the moment. When {participantName} logs in again, you can call and send messages and files again.`;
+ 'otherUserNotSupportMLSMsg': `You can\'t communicate with {participantName}, as you two use different protocols. When {participantName} gets an update, you can call and send messages and files.`;
+ 'participantDevicesDetailHeadline': `Verify that this matches the fingerprint shown on [bold]{user}’s device[/bold].`;
+ 'participantDevicesDetailHowTo': `How do I do that?`;
+ 'participantDevicesDetailResetSession': `Reset session`;
+ 'participantDevicesDetailShowMyDevice': `Show my device fingerprint`;
+ 'participantDevicesDetailVerify': `Verified`;
+ 'participantDevicesHeader': `Devices`;
+ 'participantDevicesHeadline': `{brandName} gives every device a unique fingerprint. Compare them with {user} and verify your conversation.`;
+ 'participantDevicesLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'participantDevicesNoClients': `{user} has no devices attached to their account and won’t get your messages or calls at the moment.`;
+ 'participantDevicesProteusDeviceVerification': `Proteus Device Verification`;
+ 'participantDevicesProteusKeyFingerprint': `Proteus Key Fingerprint`;
+ 'participantDevicesSelfAllDevices': `Show all my devices`;
+ 'participantDevicesSelfFingerprint': `Device fingerprint`;
+ 'participantDevicesWhyVerify': `Why verify conversations?`;
+ 'pastedFileCloseMessage': `Close`;
+ 'pastedFileSendMessage': `Send`;
+ 'preferencesAV': `Audio / Video`;
+ 'preferencesAVCamera': `Camera`;
+ 'preferencesAVMicrophone': `Microphone`;
+ 'preferencesAVNoCamera': `{brandName} doesn’t have access to the camera.[br][faqLink]Read this support article[/faqLink] to find out how to fix it.`;
+ 'preferencesAVPermissionDetail': `Enable from your preferences`;
+ 'preferencesAVSpeakers': `Speakers`;
+ 'preferencesAVTemporaryDisclaimer': `Guests can’t start video conferences. Select the camera to use if you join one.`;
+ 'preferencesAVTryAgain': `Try Again`;
+ 'preferencesAbout': `About`;
+ 'preferencesAboutAVSVersion': `AVS version {version}`;
+ 'preferencesAboutCopyright': `© Wire Swiss GmbH`;
+ 'preferencesAboutDesktopVersion': `Desktop version {version}`;
+ 'preferencesAboutPrivacyPolicy': `Privacy policy`;
+ 'preferencesAboutSupport': `Support`;
+ 'preferencesAboutSupportContact': `Contact Support`;
+ 'preferencesAboutSupportWebsite': `Support website`;
+ 'preferencesAboutTermsOfUse': `Terms of use`;
+ 'preferencesAboutVersion': `{brandName} for web version {version}`;
+ 'preferencesAboutWebsite': `{brandName} website`;
+ 'preferencesAccount': `Account`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColor': `Set a profile color`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColorAMBER': `Amber`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColorBLUE': `Blue`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColorGREEN': `Green`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColorPURPLE': `Purple`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColorRED': `Red`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAccentColorTURQUOISE': `Turquoise`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAppLockCheckbox': `Lock with passcode`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAppLockDetail': `Lock Wire after {locktime} in the background. Unlock with Touch ID or enter your passcode.`;
+ 'preferencesAccountAvailabilityUnset': `Set a status`;
+ 'preferencesAccountCopyLink': `Copy Profile Link`;
+ 'preferencesAccountCreateTeam': `Create a team`;
+ 'preferencesAccountData': `Data usage permissions`;
+ 'preferencesAccountDataTelemetry': `Usage data allows {brandName} to understand how the app is being used and how it can be improved. The data is anonymous and does not include the content of your communications (such as messages, files or calls).`;
+ 'preferencesAccountDataTelemetryCheckbox': `Send anonymous usage data`;
+ 'preferencesAccountDelete': `Delete account`;
+ 'preferencesAccountDisplayname': `Profile name`;
+ 'preferencesAccountDomain': `Domain`;
+ 'preferencesAccountEmail': `Email`;
+ 'preferencesAccountEmailPlaceholder': `Your email address`;
+ 'preferencesAccountInfo': `Info`;
+ 'preferencesAccountLeaveGuestRoom': `Leave the guest room`;
+ 'preferencesAccountLeaveGuestRoomDescription': `You will no longer be able to access the messages in this conversation.`;
+ 'preferencesAccountLink': `Profile link`;
+ 'preferencesAccountLogOut': `Log out`;
+ 'preferencesAccountManageTeam': `Manage team`;
+ 'preferencesAccountMarketingConsentCheckbox': `Receive newsletter`;
+ 'preferencesAccountMarketingConsentDetail': `Receive news and product updates from {brandName} via email.`;
+ 'preferencesAccountPrivacy': `Privacy`;
+ 'preferencesAccountReadReceiptsCheckbox': `Read receipts`;
+ 'preferencesAccountReadReceiptsDetail': `When this is off, you won’t be able to see read receipts from other people. This setting does not apply to group conversations.`;
+ 'preferencesAccountResetAppLockPassphrase': `Reset app lock passcode`;
+ 'preferencesAccountResetPassword': `Reset password`;
+ 'preferencesAccountSelectedLabel': `Selected`;
+ 'preferencesAccountSetAppLockPassphrase': `Set app lock passcode`;
+ 'preferencesAccountTeam': `Team`;
+ 'preferencesAccountTypingIndicatorCheckbox': `Typing Indicator`;
+ 'preferencesAccountTypingIndicatorsDetail': `When this is off, you won’t be able to see when other people are typing, and others won’t see when you are typing. This setting applies to all conversations on this device.`;
+ 'preferencesAccountUpdateLabel': `Change your status to`;
+ 'preferencesAccountUsername': `Username`;
+ 'preferencesAccountUsernameAvailable': `Available`;
+ 'preferencesAccountUsernameErrorTaken': `Already taken`;
+ 'preferencesAccountUsernameHint': `At least 2 characters. a—z, 0—9 and \'.\', \'-\', \'_\' only.`;
+ 'preferencesAccountUsernamePlaceholder': `Your full name`;
+ 'preferencesDevice': `Device`;
+ 'preferencesDeviceDetails': `Device Details`;
+ 'preferencesDeviceDetailsFingerprintNotMatch': `If fingerprints don’t match, reset the session to generate new encryption keys on both sides.`;
+ 'preferencesDeviceDetailsVerificationStatus': `Verification Status`;
+ 'preferencesDeviceNotVerified': `not verified`;
+ 'preferencesDevices': `Devices`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesActivatedOn': `Activated`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesActive': `Active`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesActiveDetail': `If you don’t recognize a device above, remove it and reset your password.`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesCurrent': `Current`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesFingerprint': `Key fingerprint`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesFingerprintDetail': `{brandName} gives every device a unique fingerprint. Compare them and verify your devices and conversations.`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesId': `ID: `;
+ 'preferencesDevicesRemove': `Remove Device`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesRemoveCancel': `Cancel`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesRemoveDetail': `Remove this device if you have stopped using it. You will be logged out of this device immediately.`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesSessionConfirmation': `The session has been reset.`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesSessionDetail': `If fingerprints don’t match, reset the session to generate new encryption keys on both sides.`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesSessionOngoing': `Resetting session…`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesSessionReset': `Reset Session`;
+ 'preferencesDevicesVerification': `Verified`;
+ 'preferencesHeadline': `Settings`;
+ 'preferencesMLSThumbprint': `MLS Thumbprint: `;
+ 'preferencesOptions': `Options`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAppearance': `Appearance`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAppearanceTextSize': `Text size`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudio': `Sound alerts`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudioAll': `All`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudioAllDetail': `All sounds`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudioNone': `None`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudioNoneDetail': `Sshhh!`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudioSome': `Some`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsAudioSomeDetail': `Pings and calls`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsBackupExportHeadline': `Back Up`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsBackupExportSecondary': `Create a backup to preserve your conversation history. You can use this to restore history if you lose your computer or switch to a new one.\nThe backup file is not protected by {brandName} end-to-end encryption, so store it in a safe place.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsBackupHeader': `History`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsBackupImportHeadline': `Restore`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsBackupImportSecondary': `You can only restore history from a backup of the same platform. Your backup will overwrite the conversations that you may have on this device.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsBackupTryAgain': `Try Again`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsCall': `Calls`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsCallLogs': `Troubleshooting`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsCallLogsDetail': `Save the calling debug report. This information helps {brandName} Support diagnose calling problems.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsCallLogsGet': `Save Report`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsContacts': `Contacts`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsContactsDetail': `We use your contact data to connect you with others. We anonymize all information and do not share it with anyone else.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsContactsMacos': `Import from Contacts`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEmojiReplaceCheckbox': `Replace type emoticons with emojis`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEmojiReplaceDetail': `:-) → [icon]`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEnableAgcCheckbox': `Automatic gain control (AGC)`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEnableAgcDetails': `Enable to allow your microphone volume to be adjusted automatically to ensure all participants in a call are heard with similar and comfortable loudness.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEnableSoundlessIncomingCalls': `Silence other calls`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEnableSoundlessIncomingCallsDetails': `Enable to silence incoming calls when you are already in an ongoing call.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEnableVbrCheckbox': `Variable Bit Rate Encoding`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsEnableVbrDetails': `This makes audio calls use less data and work better on slower networks. Turn off to use constant bitrate encoding (CBR). This setting only affects 1:1 calls; conference calls always use CBR encoding.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsFontSizeDefault': `Default`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsFontSizeLarge': `Large`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsFontSizeSmall': `Small`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsInputLevelDetected': `Audio detected from microphone`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsInputLevelNotDetected': `No audio detected from microphone`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsNotifications': `Notifications`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsNotificationsNone': `Off`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsNotificationsObfuscate': `Hide details`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsNotificationsObfuscateMessage': `Show sender`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsNotificationsOn': `Show sender and message`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsPreviewsSendCheckbox': `Create previews for links you send`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsPreviewsSendDetail': `Previews may still be shown for links from other people.`;
+ 'preferencesOptionsUseDarkMode': `Dark theme`;
+ 'proteusDeviceDetails': `Proteus Device Details`;
+ 'proteusDeviceVerified': `Device verified (Proteus)`;
+ 'proteusID': `Proteus ID`;
+ 'proteusNotVerified': `Not Verified`;
+ 'proteusVerified': `Verified`;
+ 'proteusVerifiedDetails': `Verified (Proteus)`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.bad': `Bad`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.description': `How do you rate the overall quality of the call?`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.doNotAskAgain': `Don\'t ask again`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.excellent': `Excellent`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.fair': `Fair`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.heading': `Call Quality Feedback`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.notificationSubmitted': `Your feedback has been submitted. Thank you!`;
+ 'qualityFeedback.skip': `Skip`;
+ 'readReceiptsToggleInfo': `When this is on, people can see when their messages in this conversation are read.`;
+ 'readReceiptsToggleName': `Read receipts`;
+ 'receiptToggleInfo': `When this is on, people can see when their messages in this conversation are read.`;
+ 'receiptToggleLabel': `Read receipts`;
+ 'replyAudioMessage': `Audio Message`;
+ 'replyBarCancelMessage': `Cancel answer`;
+ 'replyBarEditMessage': `Edit`;
+ 'replyBarLocation': `Edit`;
+ 'replyQuoteError': `You cannot see this message.`;
+ 'replyQuoteShowLess': `Show less`;
+ 'replyQuoteShowMore': `Show more`;
+ 'replyQuoteTimeStampDate': `Original message from {date}`;
+ 'replyQuoteTimeStampTime': `Original message from {time}`;
+ 'roleAdmin': `Admin`;
+ 'roleOwner': `Owner`;
+ 'rolePartner': `External`;
+ 'searchArchivedConversations': `Search archived conversations`;
+ 'searchConnect': `Connect`;
+ 'searchConnectWithOtherDomain': `Connect with other domain`;
+ 'searchConnections': `Connections`;
+ 'searchContacts': `Contacts`;
+ 'searchConversationNames': `Conversation names`;
+ 'searchConversations': `Search conversations`;
+ 'searchConversationsNoResult': `No results found`;
+ 'searchConversationsNoResultConnectSuggestion': `Connect with new users or start a new conversation`;
+ 'searchCreateGroup': `Create group`;
+ 'searchCreateGuestRoom': `Create guest room`;
+ 'searchDirectConversations': `Search 1:1 conversations`;
+ 'searchFavoriteConversations': `Search favorites`;
+ 'searchFederatedDomainNotAvailable': `The federated domain is currently not available.`;
+ 'searchFederatedDomainNotAvailableLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'searchGroupConversations': `Search group conversations`;
+ 'searchGroupParticipants': `Group participants`;
+ 'searchInvite': `Invite people to join {brandName}`;
+ 'searchInviteButtonContacts': `From Contacts`;
+ 'searchInviteDetail': `Sharing your contacts helps you connect with others. We anonymize all the information and do not share it with anyone else.`;
+ 'searchInviteHeadline': `Bring your friends`;
+ 'searchInviteShare': `Share Contacts`;
+ 'searchListAdmins': `Group Admins ({count})`;
+ 'searchListEveryoneParticipates': `Everyone you’re\nconnected to is already in\nthis conversation.`;
+ 'searchListMembers': `Group Members ({count})`;
+ 'searchListNoAdmins': `There are no admins.`;
+ 'searchListNoMatches': `No matching results.\nTry entering a different name.`;
+ 'searchManageServices': `Manage Services`;
+ 'searchManageServicesNoResults': `Manage services`;
+ 'searchMemberInvite': `Invite people to join the team`;
+ 'searchNoContactsOnWire': `You have no contacts on {brandName}.\nTry finding people by\nname or username.`;
+ 'searchNoMatchesPartner': `No results`;
+ 'searchNoServicesManager': `Services are helpers that can improve your workflow.`;
+ 'searchNoServicesMember': `Services are helpers that can improve your workflow. To enable them, ask your administrator.`;
+ 'searchOtherDomainFederation': `Connect with other domain`;
+ 'searchOthers': `Connect`;
+ 'searchOthersFederation': `Connect with {domainName}`;
+ 'searchPeople': `People`;
+ 'searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder': `Search people`;
+ 'searchPeoplePlaceholder': `Search for people and conversations`;
+ 'searchServiceConfirmButton': `Open Conversation`;
+ 'searchServicePlaceholder': `Search by name`;
+ 'searchServices': `Services`;
+ 'searchTeamGroups': `Team conversations`;
+ 'searchTeamMembers': `Team members`;
+ 'searchTopPeople': `Top people`;
+ 'searchTrySearch': `Find people by\nname or username`;
+ 'searchTrySearchFederation': `Find people in Wire by name or\n@username\n\nFind people from another domain\nby @username@domainname`;
+ 'searchTrySearchLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'selfNotSupportMLSMsgPart1': `You can\'t communicate with {selfUserName}, as your device doesn\'t support the suitable protocol.`;
+ 'selfNotSupportMLSMsgPart2': `to call, and send messages and files.`;
+ 'selfProfileImageAlt': `Your profile picture`;
+ 'servicesOptionsTitle': `Services`;
+ 'servicesRoomToggleInfo': `Open this conversation to services.`;
+ 'servicesRoomToggleInfoExtended': `Open this conversation to services. You can always change it later.`;
+ 'servicesRoomToggleName': `Allow Services`;
+ 'setEmail.button': `Set email`;
+ 'setEmail.emailPlaceholder': `Email`;
+ 'setEmail.headline': `Set email`;
+ 'setEmail.tryAgain': `Try again`;
+ 'setEntropy.continue': `Continue`;
+ 'setEntropy.headline': `Increase your account’s security`;
+ 'setEntropy.moreEntropyNeeded': `Please continue moving your mouse within the window and use the entire area for this purpose.`;
+ 'setEntropy.subheadline': `Move your mouse as randomly as possible in the white window until the progress bar is 100% full. In this way, you will help improve the quality of the random numbers used to create the long-term cryptographic secrets of this device and thus increase the security of your account.`;
+ 'setEntropy.success': `Thanks for your support!`;
+ 'setPassword.button': `Set password`;
+ 'setPassword.headline': `Set password`;
+ 'setPassword.passwordPlaceholder': `Password`;
+ 'ssoLogin.codeInputPlaceholder': `SSO code`;
+ 'ssoLogin.codeOrMailInputPlaceholder': `Email or SSO code`;
+ 'ssoLogin.headline': `Company log in`;
+ 'ssoLogin.overlayDescription': `If you don\'t see the Single Sign On window, continue your Company Log in from here.`;
+ 'ssoLogin.overlayFocusLink': `Click to continue`;
+ 'ssoLogin.pasteButton': `Paste code`;
+ 'ssoLogin.subhead': `Enter the company SSO access code.`;
+ 'ssoLogin.subheadCode': `Please enter your SSO code`;
+ 'ssoLogin.subheadCodeOrEmail': `Please enter your email or SSO code.`;
+ 'ssoLogin.subheadEmailEnvironmentSwitchWarning': `If your email matches an enterprise installation of {brandName}, this app will connect to that server.`;
+ 'startedAudioCallingAlert': `You are calling {conversationName}.`;
+ 'startedGroupCallingAlert': `You started a conference call with {conversationName}.`;
+ 'startedVideoCallingAlert': `You are calling {conversationName}, you camera is {cameraStatus}.`;
+ 'startedVideoGroupCallingAlert': `You started a conference call with {conversationName}, your camera is {cameraStatus}.`;
+ 'takeoverButtonChoose': `Choose your own`;
+ 'takeoverButtonKeep': `Keep this one`;
+ 'takeoverLink': `Learn more`;
+ 'takeoverSub': `Claim your unique name on {brandName}.`;
+ 'teamCreationAlreadyInTeamErrorActionText': `OK`;
+ 'teamCreationAlreadyInTeamErrorMessage': `You\'ve created or joined a team with this email address on another device.`;
+ 'teamCreationAlreadyInTeamErrorTitle': `Already part of a team`;
+ 'teamCreationBack': `Back`;
+ 'teamCreationBackToWire': `Back to Wire`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmCloseLabel': `Close confirmation view`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmListItem1': `You create a team and transfer your personal account into a team account`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmListItem2': `As the team owner you can invite and remove team members and manage team settings`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmListItem3': `This change is permanent and irrevocable`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmMigrationTermsText': `I agree to the migration terms and understand that this change is irreversible.`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmTermsOfUseLink': `Wire’s Terms of Use`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmTermsOfUseText': `I accept`;
+ 'teamCreationConfirmTitle': `Confirmation`;
+ 'teamCreationContinue': `Continue`;
+ 'teamCreationCreateTeam': `Create Team`;
+ 'teamCreationCreateTeamCloseLabel': `Close team name view`;
+ 'teamCreationFormNameLabel': `Team Name:`;
+ 'teamCreationFormNamePlaceholder': `Your Name`;
+ 'teamCreationFormSubTitle': `Select a name for your team. You can change it at any time.`;
+ 'teamCreationFormTitle': `Team Name`;
+ 'teamCreationGeneralErrorActionText': `Try Again`;
+ 'teamCreationGeneralErrorMessage': `Wire could not complete your team creation due to an unknown error.`;
+ 'teamCreationGeneralErrorTitle': `Team not created`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroCloseLabel': `Close team account overview`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroLink': `Learn more about Wire’s plans`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroListItem1': `[bold]Admin Console:[/bold] Invite team members and manage settings.`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroListItem2': `[bold]Effortless Collaboration:[/bold] Communicate with guests and external parties.`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroListItem3': `[bold]Larger Meetings:[/bold] Join video conferences up to 150 participants.`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroListItem4': `[bold]Availability Status:[/bold] Let your team know if you’re available, busy or away.`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroListItem5': `[bold]Upgrade to Enterprise:[/bold] Get additional features and premium support.`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroSubTitle': `Transform your personal account into a team account to get more out of your collaboration.`;
+ 'teamCreationIntroTitle': `Team Account`;
+ 'teamCreationLeaveModalCloseLabel': `Close window Leave without saving`;
+ 'teamCreationLeaveModalLeaveBtn': `Leave Without Saving`;
+ 'teamCreationLeaveModalSubTitle': `When you leave now, you lose your progress and need to restart the team creation.`;
+ 'teamCreationLeaveModalSuccessBtn': `Continue Team Creation`;
+ 'teamCreationLeaveModalTitle': `Leave without saving?`;
+ 'teamCreationOpenTeamManagement': `Open Team Management`;
+ 'teamCreationStep': `Step {currentStep} of {totalSteps}`;
+ 'teamCreationSuccessCloseLabel': `Close team created view`;
+ 'teamCreationSuccessListItem1': `Invite your first team members, and start working together`;
+ 'teamCreationSuccessListItem2': `Customize your team settings`;
+ 'teamCreationSuccessListTitle': `Go to Team Management to:`;
+ 'teamCreationSuccessSubTitle': `You’re now the owner of the team ({teamName}).`;
+ 'teamCreationSuccessTitle': `Congratulations {name}!`;
+ 'teamCreationTitle': `Create your team`;
+ 'teamName.headline': `Name your team`;
+ 'teamName.subhead': `You can always change it later.`;
+ 'teamName.teamNamePlaceholder': `Team name`;
+ 'teamName.whatIsWireTeamsLink': `What is a team?`;
+ 'teamSettingsModalCloseBtn': `Close window \'Team settings changed\'`;
+ 'teamUpgradeBannerButtonText': `Create Wire Team`;
+ 'teamUpgradeBannerContent': `Explore extra features for free with the same level of security.`;
+ 'teamUpgradeBannerHeader': `Enjoy benefits of a team`;
+ 'temporaryGuestCta': `Create an account`;
+ 'temporaryGuestDescription': `Secure your business with encrypted group messaging and conference calls.`;
+ 'temporaryGuestJoinDescription': `If you close or refresh this page, you will lose access.`;
+ 'temporaryGuestJoinMessage': `This conversation will be available to you for 24 hours.`;
+ 'temporaryGuestLeaveDescription': `If you close or refresh this page, you will lose access to the conversation history.`;
+ 'temporaryGuestLeaveMessage': `You are no longer part of this conversation.`;
+ 'temporaryGuestTimeRemaining': ` left in this guest room`;
+ 'timedMessageDisclaimer': `Self-deleting messages will be turned on for all the participants in this conversation.`;
+ 'timedMessagesTitle': `Self-deleting messages`;
+ 'tooltipConversationAddImage': `Add picture`;
+ 'tooltipConversationCall': `Call`;
+ 'tooltipConversationDetailsAddPeople': `Add participants to conversation ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationDetailsRename': `Change conversation name`;
+ 'tooltipConversationEphemeral': `Self-deleting message`;
+ 'tooltipConversationEphemeralAriaLabel': `Type a self-deleting message, currently set to {time}`;
+ 'tooltipConversationFile': `Add file`;
+ 'tooltipConversationInfo': `Conversation info`;
+ 'tooltipConversationInputMoreThanTwoUserTyping': `{user1} and {count} more people are typing`;
+ 'tooltipConversationInputOneUserTyping': `{user1} is typing`;
+ 'tooltipConversationInputPlaceholder': `Type a message`;
+ 'tooltipConversationInputTwoUserTyping': `{user1} and {user2} are typing`;
+ 'tooltipConversationPeople': `People ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationPicture': `Add picture`;
+ 'tooltipConversationPing': `Ping`;
+ 'tooltipConversationSearch': `Search`;
+ 'tooltipConversationSendMessage': `Send message`;
+ 'tooltipConversationVideoCall': `Video Call`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsArchive': `Archive ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsArchived': `Show archive ({number})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsMore': `More`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsNotifications': `Open notification settings ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsNotify': `Unmute ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsPreferences': `Open preferences`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsSilence': `Mute ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipConversationsStart': `Start conversation ({shortcut})`;
+ 'tooltipPreferencesContactsMacos': `Share all your contacts from the macOS Contacts app`;
+ 'tooltipPreferencesPassword': `Open another website to reset your password`;
+ 'tooltipPreferencesPicture': `Change your picture…`;
+ 'tooltipPreferencesRename': `Change your name`;
+ 'tooltipPreferencesTabs': `Preferences tabs`;
+ 'tooltipSearchClose': `Close (Esc)`;
+ 'unavailableUser': `Name not available`;
+ 'unknownApplicationErrorDescription': `An unknown application error occurred. Please retry to get back to your recent action or reload Wire to get back to your last conversation.`;
+ 'unknownApplicationErrorReload': `Reload`;
+ 'unknownApplicationErrorTitle': `Something went wrong`;
+ 'unknownApplicationErrorTryAgain': `Try again`;
+ 'urlSupportRoot': `/`;
+ 'urlWebappRoot': `/`;
+ 'urlWebsiteCreateTeam': `/create-team/`;
+ 'urlWebsitePrivacy': `/privacy`;
+ 'urlWebsiteRoot': `/`;
+ 'userAvailabilityAvailable': `Available`;
+ 'userAvailabilityAway': `Away`;
+ 'userAvailabilityBusy': `Busy`;
+ 'userAvailabilityNone': `None`;
+ 'userBlockedConnectionBadge': `Blocked`;
+ 'userListContacts': `Contacts`;
+ 'userListSelectedContacts': `Selected ({selectedContacts})`;
+ 'userNotFoundMessage': `You may not have permission with this account or the person may not be on {brandName}.`;
+ 'userNotFoundTitle': `{brandName} can’t find this person.`;
+ 'userNotVerified': `Get certainty about {user}’s identity before connecting.`;
+ 'userProfileButtonConnect': `Connect`;
+ 'userProfileButtonIgnore': `Ignore`;
+ 'userProfileButtonUnblock': `Unblock`;
+ 'userProfileDomain': `Domain`;
+ 'userProfileEmail': `Email`;
+ 'userProfileImageAlt': `Profile picture of`;
+ 'userRemainingTimeHours': `{time}h left`;
+ 'userRemainingTimeMinutes': `Less than {time}m left`;
+ 'verify.changeEmail': `Change email`;
+ 'verify.headline': `You’ve got mail`;
+ 'verify.resendCode': `Resend code`;
+ 'verify.subhead': `Enter the verification code we sent to{newline}{email}`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayCamera': `Camera`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayChangeViewMode': `Change view mode`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayCloseFullScreen': `Go back to minimized view`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayConversations': `Conversations`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayFitVideoLabel': `Double-click to view full screen`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayFitVideoLabelGoBack': `Double-click to show all participants`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayHangUp': `Hang Up`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayHideParticipantsList': `Hide participants list`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayMicrophone': `Microphone`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayOpenFullScreen': `Open the call in full screen`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayOpenPopupWindow': `Open in a new window`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayParticipantsListLabel': `Participants ({count})`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayShareScreen': `Share Screen`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayShowParticipantsList': `Show participants list`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayViewModeAll': `Show all participants`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayViewModeLabel': `View mode`;
+ 'videoCallOverlayViewModeSpeakers': `Show active speakers only`;
+ 'videoCallParticipantConnecting': `Connecting...`;
+ 'videoCallPaused': `Video paused`;
+ 'videoCallScreenShareEndConfirm': `End screen share`;
+ 'videoCallScreenShareEndConfirmDescription': `If you minimize the window, your screen share will end.`;
+ 'videoCallScreenShareEnded': `Your screen share has ended.`;
+ 'videoCallScreenShareNotSupported': `Screen sharing is not supported in this browser`;
+ 'videoCallaudioInputMicrophone': `Microphone`;
+ 'videoCallaudioOutputSpeaker': `Speaker`;
+ 'videoCallbackgroundBlur': `Blur my background`;
+ 'videoCallbackgroundBlurHeadline': `Background`;
+ 'videoCallbackgroundNotBlurred': `Don\'t blur my background`;
+ 'videoCallvideoInputCamera': `Camera`;
+ 'videoSpeakersTabAll': `All ({count})`;
+ 'videoSpeakersTabSpeakers': `Speakers`;
+ 'viewingInAnotherWindow': `Viewing in another window`;
+ 'warningCallIssues': `This version of {brandName} can not participate in the call. Please use`;
+ 'warningCallQualityPoor': `Poor connection`;
+ 'warningCallUnsupportedIncoming': `{user} is calling. Your browser doesn’t support calls.`;
+ 'warningCallUnsupportedOutgoing': `You cannot call because your browser doesn’t support calls.`;
+ 'warningCallUpgradeBrowser': `To call, please update Google Chrome.`;
+ 'warningConnectivityConnectionLost': `Trying to connect. {brandName} may not be able to deliver messages.`;
+ 'warningConnectivityNoInternet': `No Internet. You won’t be able to send or receive messages.`;
+ 'warningLearnMore': `Learn more`;
+ 'warningLifecycleUpdate': `A new version of {brandName} is available.`;
+ 'warningLifecycleUpdateLink': `Update now`;
+ 'warningLifecycleUpdateNotes': `What’s new`;
+ 'warningNotFoundCamera': `You cannot call because your computer does not have a camera.`;
+ 'warningNotFoundMicrophone': `You cannot call because your computer does not have a microphone.`;
+ 'warningPermissionDeniedCamera': `You cannot call because your browser does not have access to the camera.`;
+ 'warningPermissionDeniedMicrophone': `You cannot call because your browser does not have access to the microphone.`;
+ 'warningPermissionDeniedScreen': `Your browser needs permission to share your screen.`;
+ 'warningPermissionRequestCamera': `[icon] Allow access to camera`;
+ 'warningPermissionRequestMicrophone': `[icon] Allow access to microphone`;
+ 'warningPermissionRequestNotification': `[icon] Allow notifications`;
+ 'warningPermissionRequestScreen': `[icon] Allow access to screen`;
+ 'wireLinux': `{brandName} for Linux`;
+ 'wireMacos': `{brandName} for macOS`;
+ 'wireWindows': `{brandName} for Windows`;
+ 'wire_for_web': `{brandName} for Web`;
+ };
+ export default translations;
diff --git a/webpack.config.dev.js b/webpack.config.dev.js
index 83c65e0ae19..81010473d77 100644
--- a/webpack.config.dev.js
+++ b/webpack.config.dev.js
@@ -21,10 +21,37 @@ const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
+const spawn = require('cross-spawn');
const commonConfig = require('./webpack.config.common');
const srcScript = 'src/script/';
+const updateTranslationTypesPlugin = {
+ apply: compiler => {
+ compiler.hooks.watchRun.tapAsync('TranslationWatcher', (compiler, callback) => {
+ const changedFiles = Array.from(compiler.modifiedFiles || new Set());
+ const translationsFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/i18n/en-US.json');
+ if (!changedFiles.includes(translationsFilePath)) {
+ return callback();
+ }
+ console.log('Translations file changed. Generating types...');
+ const process = spawn('yarn', ['run', 'translate:generate-types'], {
+ stdio: 'inherit',
+ });
+ process.on('close', code => {
+ if (code !== 0) {
+ console.error(`Translation type generation failed with code ${code}`);
+ }
+ callback();
+ });
+ });
+ },
module.exports = {
devtool: 'eval-source-map',
@@ -34,7 +61,7 @@ module.exports = {
auth: ['webpack-hot-middleware/client', path.resolve(__dirname, srcScript, 'auth/main.tsx')],
mode: 'development',
- plugins: [...commonConfig.plugins, new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()],
+ plugins: [...commonConfig.plugins, new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), updateTranslationTypesPlugin],
snapshot: {
// This will make sure that changes in the node_modules will be detected and recompiled automatically (when using yalc for example)
managedPaths: [],
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index 063c36050f0..b2bd26179e1 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -18743,6 +18743,7 @@ __metadata:
copy-webpack-plugin: "npm:12.0.2"
core-js: "npm:3.39.0"
cross-env: "npm:7.0.3"
+ cross-spawn: "npm:^7.0.6"
css-loader: "npm:7.1.2"
cssnano: "npm:7.0.6"
date-fns: "npm:4.1.0"