diff --git a/src/i18n/de-DE.json b/src/i18n/de-DE.json
index 7d81cb6b8a..20e54675b7 100644
--- a/src/i18n/de-DE.json
+++ b/src/i18n/de-DE.json
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
"errorUnknown": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
"successDescription": "Wir haben Ihnen einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts geschickt. Er ist 1 Stunde gültig.",
"successTitle": "Überprüfen Sie Ihren Posteingang.",
- "title": "Passwort ändern",
+ "title": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
+ "description": "Wir senden Ihnen einen Link zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts per E-Mail.",
"login": "Anmelden"
"general": {
@@ -88,5 +89,48 @@
"downloadApp": "{{brandName}} herunterladen",
"openWithApp": "In App öffnen",
"openWithBrowser": "Im Browser öffnen"
+ },
+ "migration": {
+ "wrongCredentialsError": "Bitte geben Sie gültige Anmeldedaten ein.",
+ "passwordLabel": "Passwort (privates Benutzerkonto)",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Passwort",
+ "continueBtnText": "Weiter",
+ "layoutSubHeader": "Die sicherste Art, zusammenzuarbeiten.",
+ "layoutListHeader1": "Nutzen Sie das gleiche Maß an Sicherheit und profitieren Sie kostenlos von zusätzlichen Funktionen und Vorteilen, wie zum Beispiel:",
+ "layoutListHeader2": "Wie geht's weiter?",
+ "layoutListItem1": "An Videokonferenzen teilnehmen",
+ "layoutListItem2": "Gästebereiche und externe Kommunikation",
+ "layoutListItem3": "Verfügbarkeitsstatus",
+ "layoutListItem4": "Option zum Upgrade auf Wire for Enterprise, um alle Vorteile zu nutzen",
+ "layoutListItem5": "Öffnen Sie Wire und verbinden Sie sich mit Ihren neuen Team-Mitgliedern",
+ "layoutListItem6": "Erleben Sie Telefonkonferenzen mit nur einem Klick",
+ "welcomePageHeader": "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie sind Ihrem Team auf Wire beigetreten!",
+ "welcomePageSubHeader": "Willkommen bei {{teamName}}
Wir haben Ihr privates Benutzerkonto in ein Team-Mitgliedskonto umgewandelt.",
+ "welcomePageAppOpenText": "Wire öffnen",
+ "welcomePageTMOpenText": "Team-Management öffnen",
+ "welcomePageOr": "oder",
+ "confirmPageHeader": "Treten Sie Ihrem Team bei",
+ "confirmPageSubHeader": "Um eine sichere Übertragung zu gewährleisten und unbefugten Zugriff zu verhindern, geben Sie bitte das Passwort Ihres privaten Benutzerkontos erneut ein.",
+ "termsPageHeader": "Treten Sie Ihrem Team bei",
+ "termsPageSubHeader": "You’re about to join the team.",
+ "termsPageListHeader": "Wissenswertes",
+ "termsPageListItem1": "Ihr privates Benutzerkonto wird in ein Team-Konto umgewandelt.",
+ "termsPageListItem2": "Diese Änderung ist dauerhaft und unwiderruflich.",
+ "termsPageListItem3": "Beschränkung auf ein Team: Sie können mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse nur einem Team angehören.",
+ "termsPageListItem4": "Sie behalten all Ihre Kontakte und Ihren Gesprächsverlauf.",
+ "termsPageListItem5": "Ihr Profil: Sie behalten Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Ihren Profil- und Benutzernamen, sowie Ihr Passwort und Ihr Profilbild.",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerHeader": "Verwaltung Ihres Benutzerkontos",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerText": "Da Sie Teil eines Teams sein werden, kann der Administrator Sie aus dem Team entfernen. In diesem Fall verlieren Sie sofort den Zugriff auf Ihr Konto, Ihre Kontakte, Ihren Verlauf und Benutzernamen.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationsHeader": "Wir empfehlen",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem1": "Überprüfen Sie die Identität des Administrators, bevor Sie die Bedingungen akzeptieren. Schließen Sie dieses Fenster, wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem2": "Sichern Sie Ihren Gesprächsverlauf",
+ "termsPageMigrationTerms": "Ich bin mit den Übertragungsbedingungen einverstanden und verstehe, dass diese Änderung unumkehrbar ist.",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUse": "Ich akzeptiere",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUseLink": "Wires Nutzungsbedingungen (Geschäftlich).",
+ "invitationPageHeader": "Treten Sie Ihrem Team bei",
+ "invitationPageSubHeader": "Melden Sie sich mit der E-Mail-Adresse oder dem Benutzernamen und dem Passwort Ihres privaten Benutzerkontos an.",
+ "invitationPagLoginLabel": "E-Mail-Adresse oder Benutzername",
+ "emailOrUsernamePlaceholder": "E-Mail-Adresse oder Benutzername eingeben",
+ "forgotPassword": "Passwort vergessen?"
diff --git a/src/i18n/es-ES.json b/src/i18n/es-ES.json
index 67c79cc8f1..977219fbf2 100644
--- a/src/i18n/es-ES.json
+++ b/src/i18n/es-ES.json
@@ -89,5 +89,48 @@
"downloadApp": "Download {{brandName}}",
"openWithApp": "Open in App",
"openWithBrowser": "Open in Browser"
+ },
+ "migration": {
+ "wrongCredentialsError": "Please enter valid credentials.",
+ "passwordLabel": "Password (personal account)",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Password",
+ "continueBtnText": "Continue",
+ "layoutSubHeader": "The most secure collaboration",
+ "layoutListHeader1": "Use the same level of security and enjoy extra features and benefits for free, like:",
+ "layoutListHeader2": "What’s next",
+ "layoutListItem1": "Join video conferences",
+ "layoutListItem2": "Guest rooms and external communication",
+ "layoutListItem3": "Availability status",
+ "layoutListItem4": "Option to upgrade to Wire for Enterprise to get full collaboration benefits",
+ "layoutListItem5": "Open Wire and get connected with your new team members",
+ "layoutListItem6": "Enjoy conference calls with a single click",
+ "welcomePageHeader": "Congratulations, you joined your team on Wire!",
+ "welcomePageSubHeader": "Welcome to {{teamName}}
We transferred your personal account into a team member account.",
+ "welcomePageAppOpenText": "Open Wire",
+ "welcomePageTMOpenText": "Open Team Management",
+ "welcomePageOr": "or",
+ "confirmPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "confirmPageSubHeader": "To ensure a secure transfer and prevent unauthorized access, please enter the password of your personal account again.",
+ "termsPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "termsPageSubHeader": "You’re about to join the team.",
+ "termsPageListHeader": "Things to know",
+ "termsPageListItem1": "Your personal account will be transferred to a team account.",
+ "termsPageListItem2": "This change is permanent and irrevocable.",
+ "termsPageListItem3": "One team limit: You can only be part of one team with this email address.",
+ "termsPageListItem4": "You keep your contacts and your conversation history.",
+ "termsPageListItem5": "Profile details: You keep your email, profile name, and username, as well as your password and profile picture.",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerHeader": "Account Management",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerText": "As you will be part of a team, the admin can remove you from the team. In that case, you will immediately lose access to your account, contacts, history, and username.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationsHeader": "We recommend to",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem1": "Verify the admin’s identity before accepting, and if you’re unsure, close this window.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem2": "Back up your history",
+ "termsPageMigrationTerms": "I agree to the migration terms and understand that this change is irreversible.",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUse": "I accept",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUseLink": "Wire's Terms of Use (Business).",
+ "invitationPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "invitationPageSubHeader": "Log in with your personal account's email or username and password.",
+ "invitationPagLoginLabel": "Email or username",
+ "emailOrUsernamePlaceholder": "Enter email or username",
+ "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?"
diff --git a/src/i18n/fr-FR.json b/src/i18n/fr-FR.json
index 8a7c2ae26d..b2ad223848 100644
--- a/src/i18n/fr-FR.json
+++ b/src/i18n/fr-FR.json
@@ -89,5 +89,48 @@
"downloadApp": "Télécharger {{brandName}}",
"openWithApp": "Ouvrir dans l'appli",
"openWithBrowser": "Ouvrir dans le navigateur"
+ },
+ "migration": {
+ "wrongCredentialsError": "Please enter valid credentials.",
+ "passwordLabel": "Password (personal account)",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Password",
+ "continueBtnText": "Continue",
+ "layoutSubHeader": "The most secure collaboration",
+ "layoutListHeader1": "Use the same level of security and enjoy extra features and benefits for free, like:",
+ "layoutListHeader2": "What’s next",
+ "layoutListItem1": "Join video conferences",
+ "layoutListItem2": "Guest rooms and external communication",
+ "layoutListItem3": "Availability status",
+ "layoutListItem4": "Option to upgrade to Wire for Enterprise to get full collaboration benefits",
+ "layoutListItem5": "Open Wire and get connected with your new team members",
+ "layoutListItem6": "Enjoy conference calls with a single click",
+ "welcomePageHeader": "Congratulations, you joined your team on Wire!",
+ "welcomePageSubHeader": "Welcome to {{teamName}}
We transferred your personal account into a team member account.",
+ "welcomePageAppOpenText": "Open Wire",
+ "welcomePageTMOpenText": "Open Team Management",
+ "welcomePageOr": "or",
+ "confirmPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "confirmPageSubHeader": "To ensure a secure transfer and prevent unauthorized access, please enter the password of your personal account again.",
+ "termsPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "termsPageSubHeader": "You’re about to join the team.",
+ "termsPageListHeader": "Things to know",
+ "termsPageListItem1": "Your personal account will be transferred to a team account.",
+ "termsPageListItem2": "This change is permanent and irrevocable.",
+ "termsPageListItem3": "One team limit: You can only be part of one team with this email address.",
+ "termsPageListItem4": "You keep your contacts and your conversation history.",
+ "termsPageListItem5": "Profile details: You keep your email, profile name, and username, as well as your password and profile picture.",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerHeader": "Account Management",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerText": "As you will be part of a team, the admin can remove you from the team. In that case, you will immediately lose access to your account, contacts, history, and username.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationsHeader": "We recommend to",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem1": "Verify the admin’s identity before accepting, and if you’re unsure, close this window.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem2": "Back up your history",
+ "termsPageMigrationTerms": "I agree to the migration terms and understand that this change is irreversible.",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUse": "I accept",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUseLink": "Wire's Terms of Use (Business).",
+ "invitationPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "invitationPageSubHeader": "Log in with your personal account's email or username and password.",
+ "invitationPagLoginLabel": "Email or username",
+ "emailOrUsernamePlaceholder": "Enter email or username",
+ "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?"
diff --git a/src/i18n/si-LK.json b/src/i18n/si-LK.json
index 261168d84e..9e6a322775 100644
--- a/src/i18n/si-LK.json
+++ b/src/i18n/si-LK.json
@@ -89,5 +89,48 @@
"downloadApp": "{{brandName}} බාගන්න",
"openWithApp": "යෙදුමෙහි අරින්න",
"openWithBrowser": "අතිරික්සුවෙහි අරින්න"
+ },
+ "migration": {
+ "wrongCredentialsError": "Please enter valid credentials.",
+ "passwordLabel": "Password (personal account)",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Password",
+ "continueBtnText": "Continue",
+ "layoutSubHeader": "The most secure collaboration",
+ "layoutListHeader1": "Use the same level of security and enjoy extra features and benefits for free, like:",
+ "layoutListHeader2": "What’s next",
+ "layoutListItem1": "Join video conferences",
+ "layoutListItem2": "Guest rooms and external communication",
+ "layoutListItem3": "Availability status",
+ "layoutListItem4": "Option to upgrade to Wire for Enterprise to get full collaboration benefits",
+ "layoutListItem5": "Open Wire and get connected with your new team members",
+ "layoutListItem6": "Enjoy conference calls with a single click",
+ "welcomePageHeader": "Congratulations, you joined your team on Wire!",
+ "welcomePageSubHeader": "Welcome to {{teamName}}
We transferred your personal account into a team member account.",
+ "welcomePageAppOpenText": "Open Wire",
+ "welcomePageTMOpenText": "Open Team Management",
+ "welcomePageOr": "or",
+ "confirmPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "confirmPageSubHeader": "To ensure a secure transfer and prevent unauthorized access, please enter the password of your personal account again.",
+ "termsPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "termsPageSubHeader": "You’re about to join the team.",
+ "termsPageListHeader": "Things to know",
+ "termsPageListItem1": "Your personal account will be transferred to a team account.",
+ "termsPageListItem2": "This change is permanent and irrevocable.",
+ "termsPageListItem3": "One team limit: You can only be part of one team with this email address.",
+ "termsPageListItem4": "You keep your contacts and your conversation history.",
+ "termsPageListItem5": "Profile details: You keep your email, profile name, and username, as well as your password and profile picture.",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerHeader": "Account Management",
+ "termsPageAccountManagerText": "As you will be part of a team, the admin can remove you from the team. In that case, you will immediately lose access to your account, contacts, history, and username.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationsHeader": "We recommend to",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem1": "Verify the admin’s identity before accepting, and if you’re unsure, close this window.",
+ "termsPageRecommendationItem2": "Back up your history",
+ "termsPageMigrationTerms": "I agree to the migration terms and understand that this change is irreversible.",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUse": "I accept",
+ "termsPageTermsOfUseLink": "Wire's Terms of Use (Business).",
+ "invitationPageHeader": "Join your team",
+ "invitationPageSubHeader": "Log in with your personal account's email or username and password.",
+ "invitationPagLoginLabel": "Email or username",
+ "emailOrUsernamePlaceholder": "Enter email or username",
+ "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?"