diff --git a/src/i18n/de-DE.json b/src/i18n/de-DE.json
index 310fd5d2b8..77cba2e128 100644
--- a/src/i18n/de-DE.json
+++ b/src/i18n/de-DE.json
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
"errorUnusedEmail": "Diese E-Mail wird nicht verwendet.",
"successDescription": "Wir haben Ihnen einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts geschickt. Er ist 1 Stunde gültig.",
"successTitle": "Überprüfen Sie Ihren Posteingang.",
- "title": "Passwort ändern"
+ "title": "Passwort ändern",
+ "login": "Anmelden"
"general": {
"loading": "Bitte warten…"
@@ -69,11 +70,10 @@
"titlePhone": "Telefonnummer bestätigen"
"conversationJoin": {
- "loading": "Verifying link...",
+ "loading": "Link wird überprüft…",
"description": "Audio- und Videokonferenzen, Textnachrichten, Teilen von Dateien und Bildschirmfreigabe – alles Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselt.",
- "wirelessHeadline": "Sie möchten kein {{brandName}}-Benutzerkonto erstellen?",
- "wirelessLink": "Nehmen Sie als temporärer Gast an der Unterhaltung teil",
- "wirelessNote": "(Zugang verfällt nach 24 Stunden)",
+ "conversationLocation": "Die Unterhaltung findet auf {{domain}} statt",
+ "wirelessHeadline": "Sie haben kein {{brandName}}-Benutzerkonto? Dann können Sie sich als temporärer Gast im Browser anmelden.",
"errorConversationNotFoundDescription": "Der Link zu dieser Gruppenunterhaltung ist abgelaufen oder nicht mehr gültig.",
"errorConversationNotFoundHeadline": "Unterhaltung nicht gefunden",
"title": "Sie wurden zu einer Unterhaltung in {{brandName}} eingeladen",
@@ -83,10 +83,7 @@
"cannotJoinOnMobile": "Im Moment können Sie auf Ihrem Mobilgerät nicht an dieser Unterhaltung teilnehmen. Bitte öffnen Sie diesen Link stattdessen auf Ihrem Desktop."
"conversationJoinSelfHosted": {
- "title": "Sie wurden zu einer Unterhaltung in Wire auf der Domain \"{{Domain}}\" eingeladen",
- "wirelessHeadline": "Sie haben kein Wire-Benutzerkonto auf dieser Domain?",
- "wirelessLink": "Nehmen Sie als temporärer Gast auf dieser Domain an der Unterhaltung teil",
- "openWithBrowser": "Nehmen Sie mit einem Wire-Benutzerkonto von dieser Domain teil"
+ "title": "Sie wurden zu einer Unterhaltung in Wire eingeladen"
"userProfile": {
"title": "Sie wurden eingeladen, ein Benutzerprofil in {{brandName}} anzusehen.",
diff --git a/src/i18n/es-ES.json b/src/i18n/es-ES.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f384daa30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/es-ES.json
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ "delete": {
+ "button": "Delete Account",
+ "confirmation": "All your data on {{company}} is now erased.",
+ "description": "We’ve received a request to delete your {{company}} account. Click on the button below to proceed. It is valid for 10 minutes.",
+ "errorDescription": "Please try again to delete your account.",
+ "errorTitle": "Something went wrong",
+ "greeting": "Hi there,",
+ "headline": "Account deleted",
+ "resetLink": "reset your {{company}} password.",
+ "resetText": "If you did not ask for this, you should ",
+ "surveyLink": "share your thoughts about it.",
+ "surveyText": "Thanks for using {{company}}. If you’d like, you can This will take no longer than a minute.",
+ "title": "Delete Account"
+ },
+ "forgot": {
+ "button": "Reset password",
+ "emailPlaceholder": "Email",
+ "errorAlreadyProcessing": "We already sent you an email. The link is valid for 1 hour.",
+ "errorInvalidEmail": "That does not look like an email.",
+ "errorUnknown": "Something went wrong, please try again.",
+ "errorUnusedEmail": "This email is not in use.",
+ "successDescription": "We sent you a link to reset your password. It is valid for 1 hour.",
+ "successTitle": "Check your email",
+ "title": "Change Password",
+ "login": "Log in"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "loading": "Please wait…"
+ },
+ "header": {
+ "support": "Support"
+ },
+ "index": {
+ "description": "Business chats, one-click conference calls and shared documents – all protected with end-to-end encryption. Also available for personal use.",
+ "title": "The most secure collaboration platform"
+ },
+ "open": {
+ "description": "To sign in and start using {{company}}, launch the application.",
+ "downloadButton": "Get {{company}}",
+ "openMac": "OPEN macOS APP",
+ "openWeb": "Open in Web",
+ "openWire": "Open {{company}}"
+ },
+ "reset": {
+ "button": "Reset password",
+ "errorInvalidLink": "The link is not valid. Please try again.",
+ "errorPasswordAlreadyUsed": "Please choose a new password.",
+ "errorTitle": "Something went wrong",
+ "errorUnknown": "Something went wrong, please try again.",
+ "passwordInfo": "Use at least {{minPasswordLength}} characters, with one lowercase letter, one capital letter, a number, and a special character.",
+ "passwordPlaceholder": "Enter new password",
+ "successDescription": "You can now log in with your new password.",
+ "title": "Password reset"
+ },
+ "toPrimitive": "",
+ "verify": {
+ "error404Description": "Please try to create your account again.",
+ "error500Description": "We are investigating the issue, please check back shortly.",
+ "errorTitle": "Something went wrong.",
+ "successBotDescription": "Please note that upon successful verification of your e-mail, your {{company}} service provider account is still subject to approval through our staff, which usually happens within 24 hours.",
+ "successBotDescriptionEmail": "You will be informed of the approval via a separate e-mail.",
+ "successBotTitle": "Thank you for registering",
+ "successEmailAppDescription": "Install the app to start using {{company}}.",
+ "successEmailTitle": "Email verified",
+ "successPhoneDescription": "Phone verification in progress",
+ "title": "Verifying",
+ "titleBot": "Verify Bot",
+ "titleEmail": "Verify Account",
+ "titlePhone": "Verify Phone"
+ },
+ "conversationJoin": {
+ "loading": "Verifying link...",
+ "description": "Audio and video conferencing, text messaging, file sharing, and screen sharing, all end-to-end-encrypted.",
+ "conversationLocation": "The conversation takes place on {{domain}}",
+ "wirelessHeadline": "Don't have a {{brandName}} account? You can join as temporary guest in the browser.",
+ "errorConversationNotFoundDescription": "The link to this group conversation has expired or is no longer valid.",
+ "errorConversationNotFoundHeadline": "Conversation not found",
+ "title": "You have been invited to join a conversation in {{brandName}}",
+ "downloadApp": "Download Wire",
+ "openWithApp": "Join in App",
+ "openWithBrowser": "Join in Browser",
+ "cannotJoinOnMobile": "At the moment, you can't join this conversation on your mobile device. Please open this link on your desktop instead."
+ },
+ "conversationJoinSelfHosted": {
+ "title": "You have been invited to join a conversation in Wire"
+ },
+ "userProfile": {
+ "title": "You have been invited to view a user profile in {{brandName}}",
+ "description": "Audio and video conferencing, text messaging, file sharing, and screen sharing, all end-to-end-encrypted.",
+ "downloadApp": "Download {{brandName}}",
+ "openWithApp": "Open in App",
+ "openWithBrowser": "Open in Browser"
+ }
diff --git a/src/i18n/fr-FR.json b/src/i18n/fr-FR.json
index 9d556af126..3c709194ae 100644
--- a/src/i18n/fr-FR.json
+++ b/src/i18n/fr-FR.json
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
"errorUnusedEmail": "Cette adresse e-mail n’est pas en cours d’utilisation.",
"successDescription": "Nous vous avons envoyé un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Il est valable pendant 1 heure.",
"successTitle": "Consultez vos e-mails",
- "title": "Modifier le mot de passe"
+ "title": "Modifier le mot de passe",
+ "login": "Log in"
"general": {
"loading": "Veuillez patienter…"
@@ -71,9 +72,8 @@
"conversationJoin": {
"loading": "Vérification du lien...",
"description": "Conférences audio et vidéo, messagerie textuelle, partage de fichiers et partage d'écran, tous chiffrés de bout en bout.",
- "wirelessHeadline": "Vous ne voulez pas créer un compte {{brandName}} ?",
- "wirelessLink": "Rejoindre la conversation en tant qu'invité temporaire",
- "wirelessNote": "(l'accès expire après 24 heures)",
+ "conversationLocation": "The conversation takes place on {{domain}}",
+ "wirelessHeadline": "Don't have a {{brandName}} account? You can join as temporary guest in the browser.",
"errorConversationNotFoundDescription": "Le lien vers cette conversation de groupe a expiré ou n'est plus valide.",
"errorConversationNotFoundHeadline": "Conversation introuvable",
"title": "Vous avez été invité·e à rejoindre une conversation dans {{brandName}}",
@@ -83,10 +83,7 @@
"cannotJoinOnMobile": "Pour le moment, vous ne pouvez pas rejoindre cette conversation sur votre appareil mobile. Veuillez ouvrir ce lien sur votre bureau."
"conversationJoinSelfHosted": {
- "title": "Vous avez été invité·e à rejoindre une conversation Wire sur le domaine « {{domain}} »",
- "wirelessHeadline": "Vous n'avez pas de compte Wire sur ce domaine ?",
- "wirelessLink": "Rejoignez la conversation en tant qu'invité·e temporaire sur ce domaine",
- "openWithBrowser": "Rejoindre avec un compte Wire de ce domaine"
+ "title": "You have been invited to join a conversation in Wire"
"userProfile": {
"title": "Vous avez été invité·e à consulter un profil d'utilisateur dans {{brandName}} ",