diff --git a/.github/steps/-step.txt b/.github/steps/-step.txt
index b8626c4..62d8fe9 100644
--- a/.github/steps/-step.txt
+++ b/.github/steps/-step.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c531add..6f0c7c5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,24 +14,29 @@ _Learn why conflicts happen and how to resolve them._
-## Step 4: Merge your pull request
+## Finish
-_Almost there! :heart:_
+_Congratulations friend, you've completed this course!_
-You can now [merge](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/github-glossary#merge) your pull request!
-### :keyboard: Activity: Merge your pull request
+Here's a recap of all the tasks you've accomplished in your repository:
-1. First, resolve any remaining conflicts in your pull request.
- > Look back at step one if you need help.
-1. Click **Merge pull request**.
-1. Delete the branch `my-resume` (optional).
-1. Wait about 20 seconds then refresh this page (the one you're following instructions from). [GitHub Actions](https://docs.github.com/en/actions) will automatically update to the next step.
+- You learned why merge conflicts happen.
+- You resolved a simple merge conflict.
+- You created a merge conflict, and resolved it!
+### What's next?
+- Make your own Markdown resume site with GitHub Pages! Learn how in our [GitHub Pages](https://github.com/skills/github-pages) course.
+- We'd love to hear what you thought of this course [in our discussion board](https://github.com/skills/.github/discussions).
+- [Take another GitHub Skills course](https://github.com/skills).
+- [Read the GitHub Getting Started docs](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started).
+- To find projects to contribute to, check out [GitHub Explore](https://github.com/explore).