- npm build
- infura.io network test
- wrong package path
Breaking API changes (constructor parameters).
- unicode support
- new tests to handle non-existed names #21
- constructor parameters. Now parameters is optional #13 Default network is https://eth.gateway.whoisens.org and networkId is taken from JSON-RPC call.
- migrated to JSON-RPC3
- improved tests
- moved common tests #22
- dependencies & devDependencies shields
- build dist for browsers
npm run build:browser
- added test for browsers as well
- updated dependencies
- separated browser and nodejs tests
- CommonJS doesn't work #14
- Add unit test in real browser #12
- updated
- updated README
- execute tests before npm publish
- changed target from es2018 to es2017, so Edge understands it
- changed http to https
- switched tests from infura to internal one http://eth.gateway.whoisens.org
- addressType to output
- used external dataset
- returns errors if JSON RCP has one
- other small fixes
- ability to set custom network url endpoint #2
- integrated Travis CI
API is changed.
- lot of code refactoring. API is changed.
- integration tests #1
- added support for subdomains #3
- new info in result object for JSON RCP, including contract address, method, payload, parameters, etc...
- support for ems and cjs
- documentation
- fixed TS errors
- code refactoring
- ESM compatible
Initial version