Create Docker host instance with block storage(or NAS, S3) Ex: Vultur, Fedora (click 'Block Storage Compatible'). I use Linux, but if you like Windows most major hosts (including Vultur) offer it, and some smaller ones host OSX mini (but OSX hosts tend not to offer NAS options ).
Add Block Storage (NAS) to Linux. Using Block Storage helps you manage storage size and Docker helps you migrate
Before setting up the machine - test the internet speed. If speed is slow, setup on another provider:
pip install speedtest-cli speedtest-cli
Or you can move your image and storage to another provider later, there are a dozen hosting proviers that offer more than 10-gigabits/sec - but not of the big 3 AFAIK. Also, this is a good time to open a browser (|IOS|Anorid) based SSH.
Attach the storage as per instructions of your host. Then 'format' and mount the storage. Ex:
mount /mnt/blockstorage
Add security to your cloud host. Ex: iptables, fail2ban, etc.
Install docker - in the mounted block storage folder! Follow web instructions - this is just my block.
yum update / upgrade dnf install
or dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
dnf config-manager \ --add-repo \ dnf install docker-ce systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker docker info
Don't install anything on linux - other than Docker. Install everything inside of Docker.
We start with a phusion baseimage. Make a Dockerfile.
FROM phusion/baseimage MAINTAINER vic ([email protected]) docker build -t bake:latest .
Start the container:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/blockstorage/vol,target=/root/vol bake /sbin/my_init docker ps docker exec -ti ID /bin/bash docker exec -ti 9337faa3fc9d /bin/bash
Almost there. Check:
if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then echo "I'm inside the matrix"; else echo "I'm living in real world!"; fi
Optional if you like the Vi Visual Editor: install NERDTree (via apt-vim )
We need a web/http server. WedgeServer in golang. ( a Caddy Server fork )
apt-get update / upgrade
apt-get install mlocate updatedb apt-get install net-tools apt-get install git
add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports apt-get update apt-get install golang-go go get go get cd go/src/ go run build.go cp wedge /root cd /root/vol mkdir public (create an index.html in public) cd .. create /root/vol/Wedgefile :8080 gzip root public tls off
run WedgeServer /root/wedge
from host: curl localhost:8080
Now that it works local, lets try WWW. Start the container and go inside. Start the Wedge server inside the container.
nohup ./wedge &
Now open your local browser to the host ip:8080
docker commit 12d0b07e566d myBake docker stop 12d0b07e566d
More. Install other usefull tools:
apt-get install findutils apt-get install unzip apt-get install zip
Now install SDKMan: And install node js.
sdk version npm -version npm i gulp sdk install gradle add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java apt update apt install oracle-java8-installer
Done with docker host. You can now git check out to your /vol. Let docker build and host.
****** Save your own container! Before you stop it or kill it. By image id
docker commit f6bdffedc58e cekvenich/bake:latest docker stop XID
And test, so you sure you can back and restore your block storage mount.
add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
npm update, yarn, gem, pip
push the image
docker tag bake cekvenich/bake:latest docker push cekvenich/bake:latest