.. index:: Web Frameworks
.. index:: Web Framework Benchmarks
.. index:: C++
.. index:: C++ Web Frameworks
.. index:: Wt
.. index:: C#
.. index:: Go
.. index:: Golang
.. index:: Java
.. index:: Java Web Frameworks
.. index:: J2EE
.. index:: JBoss
.. index:: JWt
- Source transpilation of :ref:`Wt` framework from C++ to Java
.. index:: Restlet
.. index:: Struts
.. index:: Java Servers
.. index:: Jetty
.. index:: Apache Tomcat
.. index:: Tomcat
.. index:: Javascript
.. index:: JS Libraries
.. index:: JS CDNs
- https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries/
- https://www.maxcdn.com/blog/free-open-source-cdns/
- http://www.bootstrapcdn.com/ (MaxCDN)
- https://cdnjs.com/ (CloudFlare)
- https://www.cloudflare.com/cdn/
- https://github.com/jesusabdullah/browserify-cdn
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Poppy
.. index:: Bootstrap
.. index:: jQuery
- lodash
.. index:: Zepto.js
- Zepto.js is a minimal, mostly-jQuery-compatible JS library.
.. index:: Underscore
.. index:: Babel
- style-loader, css-loader, less, less-loader
- babel-plugin-react-transform
- babel-plugin-transform-class-properties
- babel-plugin-transform-object-assign
- babel-preset-es2015
- babel-preset-react
- babel-preset-stage0
.. index:: JS Frameworks
.. index:: Angular
.. index:: Ionic
.. index:: React
See: Jest
.. index:: React-Native
.. index:: Redux
.. index:: Redux-actions
.. index:: Redux-devtools
.. index:: Node
.. index:: Express
.. index:: JS Testing
- see: Web Testing
.. index:: JS Packaging
.. index:: CommonJS
- CommonJS is more than just packaging
- :ref:`NodeJS` modules are very similar to CommonJS modules
exports( );
require( );
.. index:: AMD (JS)
.. index:: Asynchronous Module Definition
- AMD forked from :ref:`CommonJS`
- :ref:`Dojo`, :ref:`RequireJS`, ScriptManJS
define( );
.. index:: ES2015 Modules
.. index:: ES6 Modules
import ;
export ;
.. index:: System.js
- System.js supports :ref:`CommonJS`, :ref:`NodeJS`, :ref:`AMD`, and :ref:`ES2015 Modules`
.. index:: RequireJS
.. index:: NPM
.. index:: Bower
.. index:: Webpack
.. index:: Browserify
browserify is a tool for compiling node-flavored commonjs modules for the browser.
.. index:: Requirify
.. index:: Yarn
- Yarn can consume :ref:`NPM`
.. index:: PHP
.. index:: PHP Security
- https://www.owasp.org/index.php/PHP_Security_Cheat_Sheet
- https://www.owasp.org/index.php/PHP_Top_5
- https://www.owasp.org/index.php/PHP_Configuration_Cheat_Sheet
- https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_PHP_Security_Project
- https://github.com/OWASP/phpsec
- Unmaintained but still a good reference.
.. index:: HHVM
.. index:: PHP Frameworks
.. index:: CakePHP
.. index:: Laravel
.. index:: Symfony
.. index:: API Platform (PHP)
Built on :ref:`Symfony`
:ref:`RESTful` :ref:`Schema.org` :ref:`JSON-LD`, :ref:`Hydra`
:ref:`Angular`, ng-admin
.. index:: PHP Applications
.. index:: Drupal
.. index:: Joomla
.. index:: Mambo
Joomla (formerly "Mambo") is an open source :ref:`CMS` written in :ref:`PHP`.
.. index:: MediaWiki
.. index:: Semantic MediaWiki
Semantic Mediawiki (SMW) is an open source extension of :ref:`MediaWiki` for semantic data.
:ref:`SPARQL` (:ref:`Virtuoso`, 4store, :ref:`Blazegraph`, Fuseki, :ref:`Sesame`)
Concepts: ~composable saved searches
- :ref:`Semantic Web`, :ref:`Linked Data`, :ref:`RDFS`, :ref:`OWL`
- :ref:`Semantic Bundle` (includes SMW)
- :ref:`Wikibase` (:ref:`Wikidata`)
- :ref:`Dbpedia` (:ref:`MediaWiki` infoboxes)
.. index:: Semantic Bundle
.. index:: Wikibase
- :ref:`Wikidata` is built on Wikibase
- " DataValues + ValueParsers + ValueFormatters + ValueValidators"
.. index:: MODx
.. index:: WordPress
- https://github.com/miziomon/awesome-wordpress#websites
- https://wordpress.org/plugins/
- https://wordpress.org/themes/
.. index:: PHP Testing
.. index:: PHPunit
- PHPUnit cheat sheet https://gist.github.com/loonies/1255249
.. index:: PHP Packaging
.. index:: PHAR
PHAR (PHP Archive) is a packaging format for :ref:`PHP` programs.
- Compression: :ref:`Tar`, :ref:`Zip`, or PHAR
- Layout: Stub, Manifest, File Contents
- Metadata: "Meta-data can be any PHP variable that can be serialized."
- :ref:`Composer` and :ref:`PHPUnit` are distributed as PHARs (PHAR archives).
.. index:: Composer (PHP)
Composer is a package manager for :ref:`PHP` programs.
.. index:: Python
Bottle is a one file WSGI Python web framework.
pgs is written with bottle.py:
WebTest is a tool for testing WSGI applications without running a webserver (e.g. Pyramid, Flask, Django, Bottle)
- multi webdrivers (chrome webdriver, firefox webdriver, phantomjs webdriver, zopetestbrowser, remote webdriver)
- css and xpath selectors *
Webkit based scriptable web browser for python.
- PyQT or PySide
.. index:: Ruby
- irb: interactive ruby shell
- rdoc
- erb:
- capistrano
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/to-ruby-from-c-and-cpp/
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/to-ruby-from-java/
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/to-ruby-from-perl/
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/to-ruby-from-php/
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/to-ruby-from-python/
.. index:: Ruby Devtools
- rake: :ref:`Make` for Ruby
.. index:: Ruby Frameworks
.. index:: Rack (Ruby)
- Rack is a :ref:`Ruby` middleware API spec for a "Rack application" which receives a Request Environment and returns a Response.
- Rack is similar in form and function to and partially derived from :ref:`WSGI.`
- :ref:`Rails` and :ref:`Sinatra` are Rack applications
.. index:: Rails
.. index:: Ruby on Rails
.. index:: RoR
- ActionController
- acts_as_authenticated
- _partials
- :ref:`jQuery`, :ref:`CoffeeScript`, :ref:`Sass`
.. index:: React on Rails
.. index:: CoC
.. index:: Convention over Configuration
- CoC: Convention over Configuration
- File naming defaults,
.. index:: DRY
.. index:: Don't Repeat Yourself
- DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
- Models have many attributes and representations
.. index:: Active Record (Pattern)
.. index:: Pattern: Active Record
.. index:: Sinatra (Ruby)
.. index:: Ruby Servers
.. index:: Mongrel
.. index:: Phusion Passenger
Phusion Passenger is a web server
Nginx, Apache, Standalone
Serve apps written in Ruby, Python, Node.js
Development mode restart:
.. index:: Thin (Ruby)
.. index:: WEBrick
.. index:: Ruby Applications
.. index:: Project Hydra
.. index:: Ruby Testing
- Headless BrowsersA list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence
- https://github.com/substack/browser-launcher
- https://github.com/nodeca/navit
- "All methods are chainable" (Helpful instead of
- "All methods are chainable" (Helpful instead of