We recommend that you use the Experience Platform SDK logging API to print a message from the extension code. The Experience Platform SDKs provide the setLogLevel
API, which is used to set one of the following logging modes:
If the current logging mode is less verbose, the message is not printed by the Experience Platform SDKs. When debugging and testing your extension, to see all the messages flowing through the Experience Platform SDK, you or the application developer can make the logging more verbose.
The Experience Platform SDK uses the extension name as the log tag for the Adobe extensions, so that the application developer can filter the logs for a mobile extension. A similar approach can be implemented by a partner extension as seen in the examples below:
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Java Example
final String extensionName = "com.example.MyExtension";
ExtensionErrorCallback<ExtensionError> errorCallback = new ExtensionErrorCallback<ExtensionError>() {
public void error(final ExtensionError errorCode) {
MobileCore.log(LoggingMode.WARNING, extensionName, String.format("An error occurred while registering extension, %s",
MobileCore.registerExtension(MyExtension.class, errorCallback);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS" %} Objective-C Example
NSString* extensionName = @"com.example.MyExtension";
NSError *error = nil;
if ([ACPCore registerExtension:[MyExtension class] error:&error]) {
[ACPCore log:ACPMobileLogLevelDebug tag:extensionName message:@"MyExtension was successfully registered"];
} else {
[ACPCore log:ACPMobileLogLevelWarning tag:extensionName message:@"An error occurred while attempting to register MyExtension"];
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Read more about Mobile SDK Logging here