Kubernetes requires a set of machines to host the Kubernetes control plane and the worker nodes where containers are ultimately run. In this lab you will provision the compute resources required for running a secure and highly available Kubernetes cluster within a single Resource Group in a single region Create a default Resource Group in a region
Ensure a resource group has been created as described in the Prerequisites lab.
The Kubernetes networking model assumes a flat network in which containers and nodes can communicate with each other. In cases where this is not desired network policies can limit how groups of containers are allowed to communicate with each other and external network endpoints.
Setting up network policies is out of scope for this tutorial.
In this section a dedicated Virtual Network (VNet) network will be setup to host the Kubernetes cluster.
Create the kubernetes-vnet
custom VNet network with a subnet kubernetes
provisioned with an IP address range large enough to assign a private IP address to each node in the Kubernetes cluster.:
az network vnet create -g kubernetes \
-n kubernetes-vnet \
--address-prefix \
--subnet-name kubernetes-subnet
IP address range can host up to 254 compute instances.
Create a firewall (Network Security Group) and assign it to the subnet:
az network nsg create -g kubernetes -n kubernetes-nsg
az network vnet subnet update -g kubernetes \
-n kubernetes-subnet \
--vnet-name kubernetes-vnet \
--network-security-group kubernetes-nsg
Create a firewall rule that allows external SSH and HTTPS:
az network nsg rule create -g kubernetes \
-n kubernetes-allow-ssh \
--access allow \
--destination-address-prefix '*' \
--destination-port-range 22 \
--direction inbound \
--nsg-name kubernetes-nsg \
--protocol tcp \
--source-address-prefix '*' \
--source-port-range '*' \
--priority 1000
az network nsg rule create -g kubernetes \
-n kubernetes-allow-api-server \
--access allow \
--destination-address-prefix '*' \
--destination-port-range 6443 \
--direction inbound \
--nsg-name kubernetes-nsg \
--protocol tcp \
--source-address-prefix '*' \
--source-port-range '*' \
--priority 1001
An external load balancer will be used to expose the Kubernetes API Servers to remote clients.
List the firewall rules in the kubernetes-vnet
VNet network:
az network nsg rule list -g kubernetes --nsg-name kubernetes-nsg --query "[].{Name:name, \
Direction:direction, Priority:priority, Port:destinationPortRange}" -o table
Name Direction Priority Port
--------------------------- ----------- ---------- ------
kubernetes-allow-ssh Inbound 1000 22
kubernetes-allow-api-server Inbound 1001 6443
Allocate a static IP address that will be attached to the external load balancer fronting the Kubernetes API Servers:
az network lb create -g kubernetes \
-n kubernetes-lb \
--backend-pool-name kubernetes-lb-pool \
--public-ip-address kubernetes-pip \
--public-ip-address-allocation static
Verify the kubernetes-pip
static IP address was created correctly in the kubernetes
Resource Group and chosen region:
az network public-ip list --query="[?name=='kubernetes-pip'].{ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, \
Region:location,Allocation:publicIpAllocationMethod,IP:ipAddress}" -o table
ResourceGroup Region Allocation IP
--------------- -------- ------------ --------------
kubernetes eastus2 Static XX.XXX.XXX.XXX
The compute instances in this lab will be provisioned using Ubuntu Server 18.04, which has good support for the cri-containerd container runtime. Each compute instance will be provisioned with a fixed private IP address to simplify the Kubernetes bootstrapping process.
To select latest stable Ubuntu Server release run following command and replace UBUNTULTS variable below with latest row in the table.
az vm image list --location eastus2 --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --sku 18.04-LTS --all -o table
Create two compute instances which will host the Kubernetes control plane in controller-as
Availability Set:
az vm availability-set create -g kubernetes -n controller-as
for i in 0 1 2; do
echo "[Controller ${i}] Creating public IP..."
az network public-ip create -n controller-${i}-pip -g kubernetes > /dev/null
echo "[Controller ${i}] Creating NIC..."
az network nic create -g kubernetes \
-n controller-${i}-nic \
--private-ip-address${i} \
--public-ip-address controller-${i}-pip \
--vnet kubernetes-vnet \
--subnet kubernetes-subnet \
--ip-forwarding \
--lb-name kubernetes-lb \
--lb-address-pools kubernetes-lb-pool > /dev/null
echo "[Controller ${i}] Creating VM..."
az vm create -g kubernetes \
-n controller-${i} \
--image ${UBUNTULTS} \
--nics controller-${i}-nic \
--availability-set controller-as \
--nsg '' \
--admin-username 'kuberoot' \
--generate-ssh-keys > /dev/null
Each worker instance requires a pod subnet allocation from the Kubernetes cluster CIDR range. The pod subnet allocation will be used to configure container networking in a later exercise. The pod-cidr
instance metadata will be used to expose pod subnet allocations to compute instances at runtime.
The Kubernetes cluster CIDR range is defined by the Controller Manager's
flag. In this tutorial the cluster CIDR range will be set to10.240.0.0/16
, which supports 254 subnets.
Create two compute instances which will host the Kubernetes worker nodes in worker-as
Availability Set:
az vm availability-set create -g kubernetes -n worker-as
for i in 0 1; do
echo "[Worker ${i}] Creating public IP..."
az network public-ip create -n worker-${i}-pip -g kubernetes > /dev/null
echo "[Worker ${i}] Creating NIC..."
az network nic create -g kubernetes \
-n worker-${i}-nic \
--private-ip-address${i} \
--public-ip-address worker-${i}-pip \
--vnet kubernetes-vnet \
--subnet kubernetes-subnet \
--ip-forwarding > /dev/null
echo "[Worker ${i}] Creating VM..."
az vm create -g kubernetes \
-n worker-${i} \
--image ${UBUNTULTS} \
--nics worker-${i}-nic \
--tags pod-cidr=10.200.${i}.0/24 \
--availability-set worker-as \
--nsg '' \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--admin-username 'kuberoot' > /dev/null
List the compute instances in your default compute zone:
az vm list -d -g kubernetes -o table
Name ResourceGroup PowerState PublicIps Location
------------ --------------- ------------ -------------- ----------
controller-0 kubernetes VM running XX.XXX.XXX.XXX eastus2
controller-1 kubernetes VM running XX.XXX.XXX.XXX eastus2
controller-2 kubernetes VM running XX.XXX.XXX.XXX eastus2
worker-0 kubernetes VM running XX.XXX.XXX.XXX eastus2
worker-1 kubernetes VM running XX.XXX.XXX.XXX eastus2