Set your App ID (iOS only), Dev Key and enable AppsFlyer to detect installations, sessions (app opens) and updates.
This is the minimum requirement to start tracking your app installs and is already implemented in this plugin. You MUST modify this call and provide:
devKey - Your application devKey provided by AppsFlyer.
appID - For iOS only. Your AppStore Application ID.
waitForATTUserAuthorization - For iOS14 only. Time for the sdk to wait before launch.
Add the following lines to your code to be able to initialize tracking with your own AppsFlyer dev key:
export class HomePage {
constructor(public platform: Platform) {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
const afConfig: AFInit = {
appID: '1234567890', // replace with your app ID.
devKey: 'your_dev_key', // replace with your dev key.
isDebug: true,
waitForATTUserAuthorization: 10, // for iOS 14 and higher
minTimeBetweenSessions: 6, // default 5 sec
registerOnDeepLink: true,
registerConversionListener: true,
registerOnAppOpenAttribution: false,
deepLinkTimeout: 4000, // default 3000 ms
useReceiptValidationSandbox: true, // iOS only
useUninstallSandbox: true // iOS only
AppsFlyer.initSDK(afConfig).then(res => alert(JSON.stringify(res)));
Setting | Description |
devKey | Your application devKey provided by AppsFlyer (required) |
appID | Your App Store application ID (iOS only) |
isDebug | Debug mode - set to true for testing only |
registerConversionListener | Set listener for SDK init response (Optional. default=true) |
registerOnAppOpenAttribution | Set listener for OnAppOpenAttribution response (Optional. default=true) |
registerOnDeepLink | Set listener for UDL response (Optional. default=false) |
waitForATTUserAuthorization | Time for the sdk to wait before launch. please read more Here (iOS only) |
useReceiptValidationSandbox | To test purchase validation using a sandboxed environment, set to true (Optional. default=false) |
useUninstallSandbox | Set this flag to test uninstall on Apple environment(production or sandbox). (Optional. default=false) |
minTimeBetweenSessions | Set a custom value for the minimum required time between sessions. (Optional. default=5 sec) |