A WebdriverIO plugin. Adapter for Jasmine testing framework.
The easiest way is to keep wdio-jasmine-framework
as a devDependency in your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"wdio-jasmine-framework": "~0.2.20"
You can simple do it by:
npm install wdio-jasmine-framework --save-dev
Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO
can be found here.
Following code shows the default wdio test runner configuration...
// wdio.conf.js
module.exports = {
// ...
framework: 'jasmine'
jasmineNodeOpts: {
defaultTimeoutInterval: 10000
// ...
Timeout until specs will be marked as failed.
Type: Number
Default: 10000
The Jasmine framework allows it to intercept each assertion in order to log the state of the application or website depending on the result. For example it is pretty handy to take a screenshot every time an assertion fails.
Type: Function
Default: null
Optional pattern to selectively select it/describe cases to run from spec files.
Type: RegExp | string
Default: undefined
Inverts 'grep' matches
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Cleans up stack trace and removes all traces of node module packages
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Run specs in semi-random order
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Stops spec execution on first fail (other specs continue running)
Type: Boolean
Default: false
All commands can be found in the package.json. The most important are:
Watch changes:
$ npm run watch
Run tests:
$ npm test
# run test with coverage report:
$ npm run test:cover
Build package:
$ npm build
For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage.