Note: webdriverjs-angular isn't yet compatible with WebdriverIO v3.x
. We are currently working on it to make that happen soon. So stay tuned.
Functional test you angularjs application without having to .pause()
or .wait()
Based on WebdriverIO, you access
the same API commands but you never have to .pause()
between actions.
var webdriverjsAngular = require('webdriverjs-angular');
var options = {
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome'
ngRoot: 'body' // main application selector
.title(function(err, res) {
console.log('Title was: ' + res.value);
For more options, usage and API details, see WebdriverIO.
webdriverjs-angular is based on an existing lib, it's extending WebdriverIO.
webdriverjs-angular is designed to work well with angularJS applications. AngularJS applications have a specific behavior that needs to be taken care of to provide easy e2e testing.
automatically waits for angularjs to be ready.
So you just have to worry about what you want to do in your tests, not when to do it.
Why not use angular/protractor?
Unlike angular/protractor or sebv/wd-tractor, we do not enhance WebdriverIO API with angularJS-related command.
You will not find any elementByNgBinding
, addMockModule
or any other specific, angularJS-related methods.
We think your functionnal tests should be as framework-agnostic as possible.
If you need elementByNgBinding
, just use regular
commands like .element('[ng-binding=model]')
See test/spec.
# you need multiple terminal window
# start a standalone selenium server
npm install selenium-standalone phantomjs -g
# start web server
node test/app/scripts/web-server.js
# launch tests
BROWSER=phantomjs npm test