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SDK Overview

Fr0stbyteR edited this page Jun 14, 2021 · 3 revisions

SDK Overview

An SDK is provided in the packages/sdk directory in the repository. It includes API definition files written in TypeScript, abstract classes that conforms the API written in JavaScript, and different implementations and utilities that can be used in WAM projects.

Installing the SDK

Via local files

The following command will install a local distribution of the SDK into current project with an alias wamsdk.

npm i wamsdk@file:../webaudiomodule/packages/sdk -D

API definitions

The WAM API is considered as the plugin specification that should be implemented in each WAM. All the interfaces and types in the specification are described in TypeScript language in packages/sdk/api/types.d.ts.

The API is designed for making Web-based audio plugins (WAMs) and using them in the hosts. As the VST, AudioUnit or AAX standards on the desktop DAWs, audio plugins usually includes an insertable DSP and an UI on the given platform along with some extra features such as parameter automations, MIDI message processing, state saving and loading, etc. These features' interface are standardized in the API for audio plugin and host developers.

VSCode IntelliSense will take the types into account by using JSDoc or TypeScript import. For example:

// JavaScript
/** @typedef {import('wamsdk/src/api/types').WamEvent} IWamEvent */
// TypeScript
import { WamEvent } from 'wamsdk/src/api/types';


The API supports these primary features:

  • Getting the WAM's information by fetching a JSON file.

  • Loading the WAM plugin constructor by fetching an ECMAScript Module file.

  • Getting a WebAudio AudioNode-compatible processor that can be inserted into an existing audio graph.

  • Saving and Restoring the plugin's state.

  • Getting parameter information from both main thread and audio thread (AudioWorklet).

  • Scheduling automation events of audio parameters from both threads.

  • Scheduling transport, MIDI and OSC events with the host from both threads.

  • Emitting events for downstream WAM plugins from both threads.

  • The clean up when the plugin instance is destroyed.

API Overview

The interfaces defined are:

  • A WebAudioModule interface, which is the main entry point of a WAM plugin instance.

  • A WamDescriptor interface, which the descriptor JSON file should provide as the plugin's general information.

  • A WamNode interface, which extends WebAudio AudioNode that will be connected to the host's audio graph.

  • A WamProcessor interface, which extends AudioWorkletProcessor that process signals in the audio thread.

  • A WamParameter interface, which provides parameter information on both threads.

  • A WamEvent interface, which can be used to schedule or emit WAM related events like automations or MIDI messages.

  • A WamEnv interface, which is available on the audio thread to maintain the graph information there.

WebAudioModule interface

As a WAM distribution should include at least a descriptor in JSON and a JavaScript file that exports by default a WebAudioModule constructor. The constructor should provide statically:

  1. isWebAudioModuleConstructor getter that returns true.

  2. createInstance method that asynchronously instantiates the WebAudioModule.

    This method is a short hand for calling the constructor then the initialize method, and should return a Promise that resolves the WebAudioModule constructed and initialized.

  3. the new constructor.

    The WAM instance constructed by the new operator is only usable after calling initialize method.

From the host side, once imported the default export from the ESM module, the host can firstly do a type check using the isWebAudioModuleConstructor getter, then construct the WAM instance using the createInstance method. For example,

/** @typedef {typeof import('wamsdk').WebAudioModule} WebAudioModuleConstructor */
(async () => {
    const audioCtx = new AudioContext();
    const initialState = {};
    const imported = await import('./path_to_wam/index.js');
    /** @type {WebAudioModuleConstructor} */
    const WAM = imported.default;
    const isWAM = typeof WAM === 'function' && WAM.isWebAudioModuleConstructor;
    if (!isWAM) return;
    const wam = await WAM.createInstance(audioCtx, initialState);
    return wam;


const wam = await WAM.createInstance(audioCtx, initialState);

is equivalent to

const wam = new WAM(audioCtx);
await wam.initialize(initialState);

The following properties and methods should also be implemented.

  1. isWebAudioModule getter that returns true.

  2. audioContext getter that returns the current BaseAudioContext the WAM belongs to.

  3. audioNode getter that returns the AudioNode to be attached to an audio graph.

  4. initialized getter that returns false before initialized, and true after.

  5. moduleId getter that returns an identifier of the current WAM, usually composed by its vender + its name.

  6. instanceId getter that returns the unique identifier of the current WAM instance.

  7. descriptor getter that returns a WamDescriptor, same as the WAM's information in the JSON file.

  8. name getter that returns the WAM's name.

  9. vendor getter that returns the WAM vendor's name.

  10. initialize method to asynchronously initialize the newly constructed WAM and its AudioNode, accepting one optional argument to set its initial state, returning a Promise that resolves a WamNode. After initialized, the WAM will be available to connect its AudioNode to the host's audio graph.

  11. createGui method to asynchronously create an Element that can be attached to the HTML Document as the WAM's GUI, returning a Promise that resolves an Element.

    There could be multiple GUI controlling the same WAM. Make sure all the GUI can control the WAM and are responding to any state change.

  12. destroyGui method, used to clean up a created GUI, accepting an argument of type Element which is an existing but no longer useful GUI, returning void.

For example, a host can get and append to the document the WAM's GUI by doing following:

(async () => {
    const container = document.getElementById('wam-container');
    const wamGui = await wam.createGui();

and remove it by:


To connect an initialized WAM to an audio graph:

(async () => {
    const defaultConstraints = {
        audio: {
            echoCancellation: false,
            mozNoiseSuppression: false,
            mozAutoGainControl: false,
    const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(defaultConstraints);
    const inputNode = audioCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);

    const { audioNode } = wam;

WamDescriptor interface

The WAM descriptor contains information that can be used for the host to properly categorize, display, and load WAM by its features. The WamDescriptor interface is an object used in the WAM's descriptor JSON file and in its instance's descriptor property. It has the following properties.

  1. name: the WAM's name.
  2. vendor: the WAM vendor's name.
  3. version: current version (string).
  4. sdkVersion: the WAM SDK (API) version used.
  5. thumbnail: a URL containing an image for the WAM's thumbnail.
  6. keywords: an array of keyword strings.
  7. isInstrument: boolean, true if the WAM is a MIDI instrument.
  8. website: a URL of the WAM's development website.

a set of boolean properties indicating the IO support of the WAM. They are optional in the descriptor JSON, but mandatory to the descriptor getter under the WebAudioModule interface. These properties will affect the WAM's behavior in the host when it receives audio or events from the upstream WAMs.

  1. hasAudioInput
  2. hasAudioOutput
  3. hasMidiInput
  4. hasMidiOutput
  5. hasAutomationInput
  6. hasAutomationOutput
  7. hasMpeInput
  8. hasMpeOutput
  9. hasOscInput
  10. hasOscOutput
  11. hasSysexInput
  12. hasSysexOutput

WamNode interface

WamNode is an extended WebAudio AudioNode, available with the audioNode getter under the WebAudioModule interface.

A WAM host will use its native (or overridden) connect and disconnect methods to run its underlying DSP in an audio graph. The WamNode can also be the destination node of any AudioNode connection.

In this WamNode interface, the related WebAudioModule can be found using the module getter.

It has following methods:

Lifecycle related:

  1. destroy: This method should be called by the host before removing the WamNode. The WAM developer could perform a clean up by overriding this method. For example, remove event listeners or close AudioWorklet port.

State related:

  1. getState
  2. setState

A state could be any serializable type used to store or restore a state of a WAM.

Parameters related:

  1. getParameterInfo
  2. getParameterValues
  3. setParameterValues

Note that a WAM parameter is different from WebAudio AudioParam to support audio thread side manipulations. To schedule automations to the WAM parameters, the host can use scheduleEvents.

Event related:

  1. scheduleEvents: schedule an WAM event with a timestamp.
  2. clearEvents: remove all the future events.

An WAM events can contain parameter changes, MIDI events, etc. To all a WAM to send events to other WAMs the host can call following methods.

  1. connectEvents
  2. disconnectEvents

These events will be dispatched when sended or processed at the scheduled time. The host can capture them by addEventListener.

  1. getCompensationDelay: The host can get a compensation delay hint value in samples. The value is not measured by the host but provided by the WAM developer.

WamProcessor interface

Each WAM plugin should provide an WamProcessor interface on the AudioWorklet thread. The interface is extended by an AudioWorkletProcessor, created by an WamNode. It has the following getters and methods:

  1. moduleId getter: returns an identifier of the current WAM, same as in the WebAudioModule interface.

  2. instanceId getter: returns the unique identifier of the current WAM instance, same as in the WebAudioModule interface.

  3. getCompensationDelay

  4. scheduleEvents

  5. clearEvents

  6. destroy

They are the same as in the WamNode interface.

  1. emitEvents can be used by the WAM to pass any event to downstream WAMs in the event graph.
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