jQuery Form Validation plugin
- Version 0.3a
- Dependencies: jQuery 1.72
- To use : import jQuery 1.72 js file
import validate.js file
attach to desired form (e.g. $("selector").formValidator();
can take options such as background & color for customization (e.g. $("selector").formValidator({ "background": "red", "color": "white" });
when you define a dom element add the appropriate classes for validation to happen on change or keyup, whichever is defined in the plugin
- Classes : required - requires input
numeric - required numeric input
phone - masks text with phone number (###) ###-####
date - masks text with date mm/20yy
card - accepts only 3,4,5,6 as valid input and determines appropriate max length of cvv and of card number, also chooses corresponding card type
email - checks for correctly formatted email against a regular expression
- Functions : createTip(message, context) - creates tip dialog with the specified message and attaches to the appropriate DOM element
removeTip(context) - removes tip dialog from the appropriate DOM element createSummary(message, e) - creates summary of missing fields removeSummary() - removes summary dialog
- Options : background - Default is transparent.
color - Default is red.
orientation - Defaults to right. Takes right, top, left, or bottom. Anything else will default to right.
disableSubmit - Default is true. Disables any submit event from firing if a tooltip exists. excludedList - JSON array, default is blank. Allows for other input elements with the type of submit to not have validation rules applied.
- Updates : V 0.2a - Added disable functionality and options,
Added orientation options
Changed tooltips from <div> to <span> & display from block to inline
Changed disabled button selector from "button" to "input[type=submit]"
Added email regex test
Added max length for routing and account #'s
Fixed phone number mask bug
V 0.3a - Added excludedList option
Added enable/renable to keyup, keydown, keypress, blur, and change events
Only displaying Required Field on blur and change events