- Update node modules.
- fix: Fix SZ market insider trading query.
- fix: Fix finance calendar query.
- Update node modules: async, blessed-contrib, js-yaml, lodash and eslint.
- Update node modules: async, bluebird, moment, eslint and blessed-contrib.
- Update node modules: eslint,eslint-plugin-import,eslint-config-airbnb,js-yaml,lodash,moment and request.
- Update node modules:async,blessed-contrib,lodash,moment and request.
- Unescape html entities and collapse whitespace of fin cal by using strman.
- Update eslint and fix eslint check.
- Update node.js modules:async, eslint and eslint-plugin-import.
- Update node modules:bluebird, iconv and strman.
- Update node modules: strman, eslint, eslint-plugin-import and gulp-eslint.
- Add
counter task for gulp. - Use numbro instead of numeral.
- Update node modules: moment, request and strman.
- Update node modules: async, eslint-plugin-import and eslint.
- Update node modules: async, lodash, numbro and request.
- Update node modules: lodash, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-config-airbnb and eslint.
- Fix eslint check issues.
- Update node modules: lodash, gulp-imagemin, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-config-airbnb and eslint.
- Update numbro, bluebird, cheerio and eslint.
- Update bluebird, lodash, moment and request.
- Update bluebird and lodash.
- Fix help content output for node.js V6+;
- Update node.js modules: async, eslint, eslint-plugin-import, gulp-imagemin and js-yaml.
- Fix SZ market insider trading query for the DOM structure has been changed.
- Add insider trading query support for quotes start with
. - Fix finance calendar: remove redundant spaces, etc.
- Add quotes begin with
to SZ market. - Update node modules:lodash,request and blessed-contrib.
- Fix eslint checking warnings.
- Update node modules:bluebird, js-yaml and moment.
- Update node modules:blessed-contrib,bluebird,imagemin-pngquant and lodash.
- Update node modules:cheerio,js-yaml,lodash,moment,request and bluebird.
- Fix javascript coding style.
- Update lodash to v4.0.0: change .pluck,.trimRight,.trimLeft,.padRight, etc.
- Update node modules:async, js-yaml and moment.
- Use columnify to replace printf.
- Remove grunt tasks.
- Update node modules:cheerio,js-yaml,lodash,moment,request and bluebird.
- Fix eslint check warnings.
- Update node modules:blessed-contrib,bluebird,imagemin-pngquant and lodash.
- Update node modules:bluebird, js-yaml and moment.
- Update node modules:lodash,request and blessed-contrib.
- Update node modules:lodash,async.
- Add quotes begin with
to SZ market.
- Update node modules:bluebird, commander, js-yaml, blessed-contrib and request.
- Add gulp building tasks.
- Update async to v1.5.0.
- Update blessed-contrib to v2.5.1.
- Update node modules:blessed-contrib,js-yaml,request.
- Use 'SystemDrive' instead of 'USERPROFILE' in
for windows users to store conf file. - Use template string of ES6 instead of string concat, node.js v4.0.0 or greater required.
- Update node modules:async, blessed-contrib and moment.
- Add float number support for star.
- Update node.js module: js-yaml.
- Fix #41:Add filter margin symbols support.
- Update node modules:bluebird, iconv and request.
- Fix pagination bugs for insider trading query with specified security code.
- Update node module request to 2.61.0.
- Add grep from security code feature in stock trace.
- Fix Insider trading query paging bug.
- Update node.js modules:[email protected],[email protected],[email protected].
- Update node.js module:[email protected].
- Add insider trading query for none specific stocks.
- Add
support while querying insider tradings:SZM-深圳主板, SZGEM-深圳创业板, SZSME-深圳中小板, SHM-上海主板. - Add
-i --top-buy
param to query top buy value of insider tradings, time span support: 1m~12m. - Add
-i --top-sell
param to query top sell value of insider tradings, time span support: 1m~12m. - Add grunt task for image optimization.
- Update node.js module:async,blessed,grunt-eslint,iconv.
- Add sort by
feature to sort stocks by(s.price - s.cheap)/s.price
. - Add sort by
feature to sort stocks by(s.price - s.expensive)/s.price
. - Add
param to remove the symbols from result with the specified keywords in name or comment. - Update node modules: moment to 2.10.6.
- Add
--lteb [pct]
support to query symbols that make 100*(s.price - s.cheap)/s.price <= pct. - Add
--gtes [pct]
support to query symbols that make 100*(s.price - s.expensive)/s.price >= pct. - Update node modules:blessed,blessed-contrib,moment,request.
- Make
star -wo
orstar -w -o
to watch held stocks. - Use moment 'zh-cn' locale instead of const days to format dayOfWeek output in finance cal.
- Update node.js modules:async@~1.4.0,blessed@~0.1.14,blessed-contrib@~2.3.1.
- Add
support to filter the stocks whose current price is lower than buy price or greater than sell price. - Fix bug of query none exist symbols.
- Fix Trailing comma bugs when run
star *
cmds. - Set conf.chunkSize from 20 to 25.
- Improve console output string padding problem.
- Add support for query latest insider tradings.
- Add latest insider trading summary limit.
- Update request timeout error msg for SZ market insider trading query.
- Update blessed-contrib to v2.2.1
- Trim inline tabs of events in finance calendar.
- Update bluebird to v2.9.34.
- Add trace symbol duplication check.
- Add finance calendar feature.
- Add day of week field for finance calendar.
- Publish star to npm and cnpm.
- Update node modules: [email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
- Add insider trading query feature.
- Add
param for insider trading query. - Fix no trading records output.
- Refactor star.js.
- Add multiple symbol insider trading query support.
- Add watch symbols fallback.
- Set max limit to be 20 for insider trading query.
- Update readme.md and publish star to npm registry.
- Add query symbol basic info by symbol's code feature.
- Update node modules: request and grunt-eslint.
- Add watch feature with automatic price update.
- Update blessed-contrib to v2.2.0
- Update bluebird to v2.9.30.
- Add
-L, --lte
,-G, --gte
,-U, --under
,-A, --above
support, check help for more details. - Fix page undefined bug.
- Add eslint for js linting, and fix some lint problems.
- Some code refactor.
- Fix paging limit bug.
- Add paging support.
- Remove unused node modules.
- Update node modules:bluebird,colors,lodash and grunt-eslint.
- Add Stock code number contain certain prefix support.
- Add '-f --file' symbol file param support and save symbol file path automatically.
- Remove market property for symbols
- Add P/E and P/B property for each symbol while using tencent data source.
- Grep keyword in comment support.
- Add multiple grepping keywords support.
- Add company name search support.
- Params could be separated by both ',' and ','.
- Update node modules:iconv, printf, request and grunt-eslint.
- Fix large size response body bug.
- Add data source parameter support.
- Show capacity info when use tencent data source.
- Add sort by capacity feature.
- Add show only holded stocks feature.
- Fix percentage calculation bug of halted stocks.
- Add exclude code with prefix such as 300,600,002 and 003 etc.
- Add sort by price and code support.
- Add display limit support.
- Add watch support.
- Add display limit param from cli.
- Add up percent display and sorting support.
- Fix character encoding bugs.
- Add sort in ascending order support.
- Add show all stock support.
- Add show only ignored symbols support.
- Add stock price query and price-targetPrice percentage calc.
- Add sort by star or price-targetPrice percentage support.
- Add yaml data format support.
- Add stock counter.