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Evaluating Technical Operations

Rakeden edited this page Nov 30, 2022 · 1 revision

Technical Operations

Professionalism on the technical operations front. Technical Operations encompasses running all required services in a secure configuration, meeting the performance demands of the network, coordinating with other guilds to test and upgrade the network, providing publicly available infrastructure, and implementing processes to minimize risk and maximize availability. If not stated otherwise all criteria applies to the WAX.

Round Availability (Node Reliability)

To keep up with the high demand, we regularly evaluate whether guilds fulfil their producing schedules and produce blocks reliably on mainnet/testnet using the contract eosmechanics.

Data is collected and human-readable exported on the Block Producer Reliability Tracker

CPU Time (Node Performance)

Also regularly OIG evaluates a signings nodes performance and how fast it produces blocks to prematurely identify weak nodes, issues and avoid slow producers decelerating the networks performance.

This BP metric is also collected using the contract eosmechanics and can be retrieved here: Block Producer Benchmarks

API Availability


Price Oracle on-chain