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94 lines (67 loc) · 3.46 KB Validator Monitoring

This is a helper tool for monitoring the uptime of bridge validators. It checks whether validators are relaying events and signing messages, and it runs a local webserver for querying the current status of a validator. This allows it to be added to any monitoring or alert service, such as Alertmanager or BetterStack.

Note: This tool only compares events between validators by connecting to each validators relay. It does not follow the blockchain and does not know if a validator is actually part of the bridge. Thus, it will not detect if all validators fail.

Getting Started

Docker from source

git clone -b main
cd monitoring

# (for testnet) cp config.testnet.json config.json

docker build . -t monitoring
touch events.db
docker run -it \
  -e "AGENT=your agent here" \
  -e "HOST=" \
  -v "$(pwd)"/config.json:/app/config.json \
  -v "$(pwd)"/events.db:/app/events.db \
  -p  3030:3030 \

Build from source

  1. Clone the repository: git clone -b main; cd monitoring
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Build: npm run build
  4. Run server: npm start

Don't build from source

For each commit on main, a Docker container is automatically built by GitHub Actions and published to:


The status page on is based on this tool (using a BetterStack frontend).

Query Validator Status

Query the status of a validator by sending a GET request to /check/{validators_nostr_pubkey}. The response will be either 204 on success, or 500 on failure with a JSON containing the error.

Prometheus / Alertmanager

Assuming you have followed these guides to monitor your Ethereum node, monitoring your overall validator status is trivial. Note that we're using localhost:3030 here, but you have probably received an external monitoring URL.

First, in /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml, add the job below. Make sure to replace {your-nostr-pubkey} with your Nostr public key (no leading 0x), and change the target accordingly.

  - job_name: 'validator_outside_status'
    metrics_path: '/metrics/{your-nostr-pubkey}'
      - targets: ['localhost:3030']

If you're using SSL, you'll also have to add scheme: https. Example value:

  - job_name: 'validator_outside_status'
    metrics_path: '/metrics/cd5fd0859c3a27c13dd9734b7cdc6f2c25646e45821dcecaa089808803d01706'
      - targets: ['']
    scheme: https

To create an alert when your validator is down, add the following to your /etc/prometheus/alert_rules.yml:

  - alert: ValidatorDown
    expr: validator_status == 0
    for: 1m
      severity: critical
      summary: "Validator is down"
      description: "The Nostr server is unreachable or the validator is no longer signing messages."

Lastly, make sure to restart your services so the new rules are in effect:

service prometheus restart
service alertmanager restart

You can check the rule's existence in the 'Alert rules' section of the Grafa Dashboard.