Pytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks.
Rearrange all code of nvidia flownet2-pytorch repository for simplicity.
Let flownet be a module that can be plugged into any code easily.
Activate your python envs.
Compile testing successfully on the env settings:
linux centos-7, gcc 5.5, python 3.6, pytorch-1.6, cuda-10.2
You may need to install some required packages(e.g. python base packages, pytorch) and configure env(e.g. cuda version matches gcc version and pytorch version) correctly.
Compile src code then install on the activated env with running the following bash cmd.
sh tools/
- Download FlowNet2 pretrained weight.
- Test the installation and compile with following cmd:
python tools/
- You can plug it into your code easily.