Target board:
STM32F407 Discovery
Target board:
Adafruit STM32F405 Express
As of 20 December, the turnkey code seems to be working well - displays the eForth logo on the Lumex 96x8 RGB display (it uses TTL serial to talk, and a Hayes-like 'AT' command set, similar (roughly) to an older modem.
The STM32F407 Discovery was received in the post, from DigiKey, earlier in the year, and became the primary target for the program, as a result (needed to have the extra GPIO pins not available on the Adafruit target, which is otherwise suitable).
The Lumex display uses Hayes style 'AT' commands.
The trick to messaging to the display is to do so continuously; if there's much of a delay, then the display will not accumulate the message - it will start over again at the left margin, after blanking the entire display.
The Lumex display support was written entirely in Forth. ;)
Including the setup for the second USART pin pair.
from: doc/notes.txt
Tue Dec 17 22:55:21 UTC 2019
Dr. C.H. Ting's eForth for the STM32F407 Discovery board:
STM32 eForth - 2014
Target board: Adafruit STM32F405 Express
Dr. Ting's eForth runs (unmodified) on the Adafruit board. GPIO support is on four unavailable pins, however.
TX/RX (for USART1) is brought out on (STM32F405 Express) SCL/SDA.
rename repository:
eforth-stm4x-a > eforth-stm32f4x-a