diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index aeaea77..d5a2593 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ Firefox, execute the following command in a terminal:
$ node aria-at-automation-harness/bin/host.js run-plan \
--plan-workingdir aria-at/build/tests/horizontal-slider \
'{reference/**,test-*-nvda.*}' \
- --agent-web-driver-url= \
- --agent-at-driver-url=ws:// \
+ --web-driver-url= \
+ --at-driver-url=ws:// \
--reference-hostname= \
- --agent-web-driver-browser=firefox
+ --web-driver-browser=firefox
## [aria-at-automation](https://github.com/w3c/aria-at-automation)
diff --git a/bin/agent.js b/bin/agent.js
deleted file mode 100755
index e448461..0000000
--- a/bin/agent.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-import { runCli } from '../src/agent/index.js';
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3bceac3..b0fbd90 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
"test": "npm run test:types && npm run test:unit",
"test:types": "tsc",
"test:unit": "ava",
+ "test:update": "ava --update-snapshots",
"postinstall": "husky install"
"lint-staged": {
diff --git a/src/agent/README.md b/src/agent/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a4de10..0000000
--- a/src/agent/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# `src/agent`
-This directory implements the systems used by the `bin/agent.js` command line tool.
-At this time invoking this command must be done from a nodejs process with child_process.fork. A developer tool may be provided soon to read a single test file run `agent` and write the result to console output.
-$ bin/agent.js
-Run tests from input
-Error: Currently, this command may only be used when launched by a nodejs child_process.fork call.
-Developing with `bin/agent.js` you may want to use the mock test runner. Calling `agent.js` with `--mock` will enable the mock test runner. The mock test runner will be removed in the near future and replaced with the ability to create a mock server that can be more tailored to individual mock use cases.
-## main command
-$ bin/agent.js --help --show-hidden
-Run tests from input
- --help Show help [boolean]
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- --quiet Disable all logging
- --debug Enable all logging
- --verbose Enable a subset of logging messages
- --reference-base-url Url to append reference page listed in tests to
- [string] [default: "http://localhost:8000"]
- --web-driver-url [default: "http://localhost:4444"]
- --web-driver-browser [choices: "chrome", "firefox"] [default: "firefox"]
- --at-driver-url [default: "ws://localhost:4382"]
- --mock [boolean]
- --mock-open-page [choices: "request", "skip"]
-Currently this command must be executed by a parent node process as a node fork child process.
-### `--verbose` options
-The main command's verbose level can be set with `--debug`, `--quiet`, or `--verbose`. `--verbose` takes a comma separate list of the following logging message types.
-- `start`
-- `uncaughtError`
-- `willStop`
-- `startTest`
-- `openPage`
-- `invalidKeys`
-- `pressKeys`
-- `speechEvent`
-- `noRunTestSetup`
diff --git a/src/agent/cli.js b/src/agent/cli.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 66f116e..0000000
--- a/src/agent/cli.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
- * @module agent
- */
-import yargs from 'yargs';
-import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';
-import { iterateEmitter } from '../shared/iterate-emitter.js';
-import { createRunner } from './create-test-runner.js';
-import { agentMain } from './main.js';
-import { AgentMessage, createAgentLogger } from './messages.js';
-import { getTimesOption, timesArgs, timesOptionsConfig } from '../shared/times-option.js';
-/** @param {yargs} args */
-export function buildAgentCliOptions(args = yargs) {
- return args
- .options({
- quiet: {
- conflicts: ['debug', 'verbose'],
- describe: 'Disable all logging',
- },
- debug: {
- conflicts: ['quiet', 'verbose'],
- describe: 'Enable all logging',
- },
- verbose: {
- coerce(arg) {
- if (!arg) {
- return;
- }
- const messageValues = Object.values(AgentMessage);
- const verbosity = arg.split(',');
- for (const name of verbosity) {
- if (!messageValues.includes(name)) {
- throw new Error(
- `--verbose must be a comma separated list including: ${messageValues.join(', ')}`
- );
- }
- }
- return verbosity;
- },
- conflicts: ['debug', 'quiet'],
- describe: 'Enable a subset of logging messages',
- nargs: 1,
- },
- 'reference-base-url': {
- description: 'Url to append reference page listed in tests to',
- coerce(arg) {
- return new URL(arg);
- },
- default: 'http://localhost:8000',
- },
- 'web-driver-url': {
- coerce(arg) {
- return new URL(arg);
- },
- default: 'http://localhost:4444',
- },
- 'web-driver-browser': {
- choices: ['chrome', 'firefox', 'safari'],
- default: 'firefox',
- },
- 'at-driver-url': {
- coerce(arg) {
- return new URL(arg);
- },
- default: 'ws://localhost:4382',
- },
- mock: {
- type: 'boolean',
- hidden: true,
- },
- 'mock-open-page': {
- choices: ['request', 'skip'],
- hidden: true,
- },
- ...timesOptionsConfig,
- })
- .showHidden('show-hidden');
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} options
- * @returns {string[]}
- */
-export function agentCliArgsFromOptionsMap(options) {
- const args = [];
- for (const key of Object.keys(options)) {
- const value = options[key];
- switch (key) {
- case 'debug':
- if (value) {
- args.push('--debug');
- } else if (value === false) {
- args.push('--debug=false');
- }
- break;
- case 'quiet':
- if (value) {
- args.push('--quiet');
- } else if (value === false) {
- args.push('--quiet=false');
- }
- break;
- case 'verbose':
- args.push('--verbose', value.join(','));
- break;
- case 'referenceBaseUrl':
- args.push('--reference-base-url', value.toString());
- break;
- case 'webDriverUrl':
- args.push('--web-driver-url', value.toString());
- break;
- case 'webDriverBrowser':
- args.push('--web-driver-browser', value.toString());
- break;
- case 'atDriverUrl':
- args.push('--at-driver-url', value.toString());
- break;
- case 'mock':
- if (value) {
- args.push('--mock');
- } else if (value === false) {
- args.push('--mock=false');
- }
- break;
- case 'mockOpenPage':
- args.push(`--mock-open-page=${value}`);
- break;
- case 'timesOption':
- args.push(...timesArgs(value));
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`unknown agent cli argument ${key}`);
- }
- }
- return args;
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} options
- * @returns {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions}
- */
-export function pickAgentCliOptions({
- debug,
- quiet,
- verbose,
- referenceBaseUrl,
- webDriverUrl,
- webDriverBrowser,
- atDriverUrl,
- mock,
- mockOpenPage,
- timesOption,
-}) {
- return {
- ...(debug === undefined ? {} : { debug }),
- ...(quiet === undefined ? {} : { quiet }),
- ...(verbose === undefined ? {} : { verbose }),
- ...(referenceBaseUrl === undefined ? {} : { referenceBaseUrl }),
- ...(webDriverUrl === undefined ? {} : { webDriverUrl }),
- ...(webDriverBrowser === undefined ? {} : { webDriverBrowser }),
- ...(atDriverUrl === undefined ? {} : { atDriverUrl }),
- ...(mock === undefined ? {} : { mock }),
- ...(mockOpenPage === undefined ? {} : { mockOpenPage }),
- timesOption,
- };
- * @param {object} options
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.signals
- * @param {function(*): void} [options.send]
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.stdin
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.stdout
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.stderr
- */
-export async function createAgentCliParser({ signals, send, stdin, stdout, stderr }) {
- return /** @type {yargs} */ (await yargs())
- .middleware(argv => {
- argv.signals = signals;
- argv.send = send;
- argv.stdin = stdin;
- argv.stdout = stdout;
- argv.stderr = stderr;
- })
- .command('$0', 'Run tests from input', buildAgentCliOptions, stopAfterMain, [
- agentVerboseMiddleware,
- agentAbortMiddleware,
- agentLoggerMiddleware,
- agentTestsMiddleware,
- agentReportMiddleware,
- agentRunnerMiddleware,
- ]);
- * @param {object} options
- * @param {object} options.argv
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.signals
- * @param {function(*): void} [options.send]
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.stdin
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.stdout
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} options.stderr
- */
-export async function parseAgentCli({ argv, ...parserConfiguration }) {
- return await (await createAgentCliParser(parserConfiguration)).parse(hideBin(argv));
- * Summarize cli options as mock options for creating a test runner.
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} cliOptions
- * @returns {AriaATCIAgent.MockOptions}
- */
-export function agentMockOptions(cliOptions) {
- let { mock, mockOpenPage } = pickAgentCliOptions(cliOptions);
- if (mock === undefined && mockOpenPage) {
- mock = true;
- }
- if (mock) {
- return { openPage: mockOpenPage ? mockOpenPage : 'request' };
- }
- return undefined;
-async function stopAfterMain(argv) {
- await agentMain(argv);
- await argv.stop();
- * Build and assign a test runner based on passed arguments.
- * @param {object} argv
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} argv.log
- * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} argv.referenceBaseUrl
- * @param {boolean} [argv.mock]
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.TestRunner} argv.runner
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Browser} [argv.webDriverBrowser]
- * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} argv.webDriverUrl
- * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} argv.atDriverUrl
- * @param {Promise} argv.abortSignal
- */
-async function agentRunnerMiddleware(argv) {
- argv.runner = await createRunner({
- log: argv.log,
- baseUrl: argv.referenceBaseUrl,
- mock: agentMockOptions(argv),
- webDriverUrl: argv.webDriverUrl,
- webDriverBrowser: argv.webDriverBrowser,
- atDriverUrl: argv.atDriverUrl,
- abortSignal: argv.abortSignal,
- timesOption: getTimesOption(argv),
- });
- * Build and assign a test runner based on passed arguments.
- * @param {object} argv
- * @param {boolean} argv.debug
- * @param {boolean} argv.quiet
- * @param {string[]} argv.verbose
- * @param {string[]} argv.verbosity
- */
-async function agentVerboseMiddleware(argv) {
- if (argv.debug) {
- argv.verbosity = Object.values(AgentMessage);
- } else if (argv.quiet) {
- argv.verbosity = [];
- } else {
- argv.verbosity =
- argv.verbose && argv.verbose.length
- ? argv.verbose
- : [AgentMessage.START, AgentMessage.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, AgentMessage.WILL_STOP];
- }
-async function agentAbortMiddleware(argv) {
- argv.abortSignal = new Promise(resolve => {
- argv.stop = resolve;
- argv.signals.once('SIGINT', () => resolve());
- process.once('beforeExit', () => resolve());
- });
- * Build and assign main loop arguments based on passed protocol and other arguments.
- * @param {object} argv
- * @param {function(*): void} argv.send
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} argv.log
- * @param {string[]} argv.verbosity
- */
-export function agentLoggerMiddleware(argv) {
- if (typeof argv.send !== 'function') {
- throw new Error(
- `Currently, this command may only be used when launched by a nodejs child_process.fork call.`
- );
- }
- const logger = createAgentLogger();
- argv.log = logger.log;
- const { send, verbosity } = argv;
- logger.emitter.on('message', message => {
- if (verbosity.includes(message.data.type)) {
- send({
- type: 'log',
- data: message,
- });
- }
- });
- * Build and assign main loop arguments based on passed protocol and other arguments.
- * @param {object} argv
- * @param {import("events").EventEmitter} argv.signals
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.TestIterable} argv.tests
- */
-export function agentTestsMiddleware(argv) {
- const { signals } = argv;
- argv.tests = (async function* () {
- for await (const message of iterateEmitter(signals, 'message', 'SIGINT')) {
- if (message.type === 'task') {
- yield message.data;
- } else if (message.type === 'stop') {
- break;
- }
- }
- })();
- * Build and assign main loop arguments based on passed protocol and other arguments.
- * @param {object} argv
- * @param {function(*): void} argv.send
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.ReportResult} argv.reportResult
- */
-export function agentReportMiddleware(argv) {
- if (typeof argv.send !== 'function') {
- throw new Error(
- `Currently, this command may only be used when launched by a nodejs child_process.fork call.`
- );
- }
- const { send } = argv;
- argv.reportResult = async function (result) {
- send({ type: 'result', data: result });
- };
diff --git a/src/agent/index.js b/src/agent/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 32145dc..0000000
--- a/src/agent/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * @module agent
- */
-import { parseAgentCli } from './cli.js';
-export async function runCli(argv = process.argv) {
- const { stdin, stdout, stderr } = process;
- return await parseAgentCli({
- argv,
- signals: process,
- send: process.send ? process.send.bind(process) : null,
- stdin,
- stdout,
- stderr,
- });
diff --git a/src/agent/main.js b/src/agent/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ff3085..0000000
--- a/src/agent/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * @module agent
- */
-import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
- * Run agent's main application loop, waiting for tests, running them, and reporting results.
- * @param {object} args
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.TestRunner} args.runner
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} args.log
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.TestIterable} args.tests
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.ReportResult} args.reportResult
- */
-export async function agentMain({ runner, log, tests, reportResult }) {
- try {
- log(AgentMessage.START);
- // Wait for a test.
- for await (const test of tests) {
- // Perform the test and report result.
- await reportResult(await runner.run(test));
- }
- } catch (error) {
- log(AgentMessage.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, { error });
- } finally {
- log(AgentMessage.WILL_STOP);
- }
diff --git a/src/agent/messages.js b/src/agent/messages.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8a417..0000000
--- a/src/agent/messages.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * @module agent
- */
-import { createSharedLogger } from '../shared/messages.js';
-/** @enum {AriaATCIAgent.Message} */
-export const AgentMessage = {
- /** @type {'start'} */
- START: 'start',
- /** @type {'uncaughtError'} */
- UNCAUGHT_ERROR: 'uncaughtError',
- /** @type {'willStop'} */
- WILL_STOP: 'willStop',
- /** @type {'startTest'} */
- START_TEST: 'startTest',
- /** @type {'openPage'} */
- OPEN_PAGE: 'openPage',
- /** @type {'invalidKeys'} */
- INVALID_KEYS: 'invalidKeys',
- /** @type {'pressKeys'} */
- PRESS_KEYS: 'pressKeys',
- /** @type {'speechEvent'} */
- SPEECH_EVENT: 'speechEvent',
- /** @type {'noRunTestSetup'} */
- NO_RUN_TEST_SETUP: 'noRunTestSetup',
- /** @type {'atDriverComms'} */
- AT_DRIVER_COMMS: 'atDriverComms',
- /** @type {'capabilities'} */
- CAPABILITIES: 'capabilities',
-export const AGENT_TEMPLATES = {
- [AgentMessage.START]: () => `Starting...`,
- [AgentMessage.UNCAUGHT_ERROR]: ({ error }) => `Uncaught error: ${error.stack || error.message}`,
- [AgentMessage.WILL_STOP]: () => `Stopping...`,
- [AgentMessage.START_TEST]: ({ id, title }) => `Starting test #${id} '${title}'.`,
- [AgentMessage.OPEN_PAGE]: ({ url }) => `Open page: '${url}'.`,
- [AgentMessage.INVALID_KEYS]: ({ command, errors }) =>
- `Keys in '${command.id}' have issues:\n${errors.map(error => `- ${error}`).join('\n')}`,
- [AgentMessage.PRESS_KEYS]: ({ keys }) => `Press keys: '${keys.toString()}'.`,
- [AgentMessage.SPEECH_EVENT]: ({ spokenText }) => `Speech event: '${spokenText}'.`,
- [AgentMessage.NO_RUN_TEST_SETUP]: ({ referencePage }) =>
- `Test reference, ${referencePage}, does not have a Run Test Setup button.`,
- [AgentMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS]: ({ direction, message }) => `AT-Driver: ${direction}: ${message}`,
- [AgentMessage.CAPABILITIES]: ({ capabilities }) =>
- `Capabilities: ${JSON.stringify(capabilities)}`,
-export function createAgentLogger(messages = AGENT_TEMPLATES) {
- return createSharedLogger(messages);
diff --git a/src/host/README.md b/src/host/README.md
index 868787f..d80e2ff 100644
--- a/src/host/README.md
+++ b/src/host/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This directory implements the systems used by the `bin/host.js` command line tool.
-The `bin/host.js` tool has two commands. The `run-plan` command operates a server and `bin/agent.js` instance to run test plans and the `read-plan` command reads files from disk and packages them for the `run-plan` command.
+The `bin/host.js` tool has two commands. The `run-plan` command operates a server to run test plans and the `read-plan` command reads files from disk and packages them for the `run-plan` command.
A short invocation of the `run-plan` command can be made with a list of files or file globs that make up a test plan. A test plan should contain tests for a single assistive technology to be tested. If for example all the reference files and test files are in two directories this command could be executed.
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ Removing reference from 'http://localhost:52147/gtmoyv'.
-Developing `bin/host.js` you may want to use the mock test runner in `bin/agent.js`. Calling `host.js` with `--agent-mock` will enable the mock test runner.
+Developing `bin/host.js` you may want to use the mock test runner. Calling `host.js` with `--runner-mock` will enable the mock test runner.
-$ bin/host.js run-plan --agent-mock reference/** at/** >result.json
+$ bin/host.js run-plan --runner-mock reference/** at/** >result.json
@@ -26,54 +26,17 @@ The mock test runner will be removed in the near future and replaced with the ab
## "main" command
-The `host` loads test plans, serves their files from a http server, runs each test through an `agent` instance, and reports the collected results for each test plan.
+The `host` loads test plans, serves their files from a http server, runs each test, and reports the collected results for each test plan.
1. Start a server listening on a port
1. Read a test plan from disk or input stream
1. Add test plan files to a subdirectory on the server
-1. Start an `agent` instance
-1. Run each test in the test plan through the `agent` instance
-1. Stop the `agent` instance
+1. Run each test in the test plan
1. Emit the results of the test in a json format
1. If reading plans from stream, repeat from step 2
1. Stop the server
1. Gracefully exit
-$ bin/host.js run-plan --help --show-hidden
-host.js run-plan [plan-files..]
-Run test plans
- plan-files Files in a test plan [array] [default: []]
- --help Show help [boolean]
- --version Show version number [boolean]
- --quiet Disable all logging
- --debug Enable all logging
- --verbose Enable a subset of logging messages
- --tests-match Files matching pattern in a test plan will be test
- ed [string] [default: "{,**/}test*.json"]
- --reference-hostname [default: "localhost"]
- --plan-workingdir Directory "plan-files" are relative to
- [default: "."]
- --plan-protocol [choices: "fork", "developer"] [default: "fork"]
- --agent-web-driver-url [default: "http://localhost:4444"]
- --agent-web-driver-browser [choices: "chrome", "firefox"] [default: "firefox"]
- --agent-at-driver-url [default: "http://localhost:4382"]
- --agent-protocol [choices: "fork", "developer"] [default: "fork"]
- --agent-quiet Disable all logging
- --agent-debug Enable all logging
- --agent-verbose Enable a subset of logging messages
- --agent-mock [boolean]
- --agent-mock-open-page [choices: "request", "skip"]
- --callback-url URL to POST test results to as they complete
- --callback-header Header to send with callback request
- --show-hidden Show hidden options [boolean]
### Loading a test plan
`bin/host.js` can load a test plan through the `read-plan` command (or developer
@@ -81,10 +44,6 @@ interface) with `src/host/plan-from.js`. For convenience the `run-plan` command
takes arguments prefixed with `plan` that map to arguments that can be passed to
`read-plan`, to read a plan.
-### `bin/agent.js` communication
-The host while managing an agent instance can operate it through the `bin/agent.js` tool or `src/agent/main.js` developer interface.
### `--verbose` options
The main command's verbose level can be set with `--debug`, `--quiet`, or `--verbose`. `--verbose` takes a comma separate list of the following logging message types.
@@ -116,5 +75,3 @@ Options:
--version Show version number [boolean]
--workingdir Directory to read files from [string] [default: "."]
-Currently this command must be executed by a parent node process as a node fork child process.
diff --git a/src/host/agent.js b/src/host/agent.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ec12d..0000000
--- a/src/host/agent.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
- * @module host
- */
-import * as child_process from 'child_process';
-import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
-import { constants as osConstants } from 'os';
-import * as path from 'path';
-import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url';
-import { iterateEmitter } from '../shared/iterate-emitter.js';
-import { processExited, collectProcessPipe } from '../shared/process-util.js';
-import { agentCliArgsFromOptionsMap, agentMockOptions } from '../agent/cli.js';
-import { createRunner } from '../agent/create-test-runner.js';
-import { agentMain } from '../agent/main.js';
-import { AgentMessage, createAgentLogger } from '../agent/messages.js';
-import { HostMessage } from './messages.js';
-const {
- signals: { SIGINT },
-} = osConstants;
-export class AgentController {
- /**
- * @param {object} options
- * @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} options.log
- * @param {'fork' | 'developer'} [options.protocol]
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} [options.config]
- */
- constructor({ config = {}, ...otherOptions }) {
- this._options = {
- ...this._defaultOptions(),
- ...otherOptions,
- config: this._modifyConfig(config),
- };
- /** @type {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} */
- this._activeConfig = null;
- /** @type {AgentProtocol} */
- this._activeProtocol = null;
- this._logEmitter = new EventEmitter();
- }
- _defaultOptions() {
- return { protocol: 'fork' };
- }
- /**
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} config
- * @returns {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions}
- */
- _modifyConfig(config) {
- return {
- debug: config.quiet === undefined && config.verbose === undefined ? true : undefined,
- ...config,
- };
- }
- /**
- * @param {AriaATCIData.Test} test
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
- async run(test) {
- return await this._activeProtocol.run(test);
- }
- /**
- * @returns {AsyncGenerator}
- */
- async *logs() {
- if (this._activeProtocol) {
- yield* this._activeProtocol.logs();
- }
- for await (const instance of iterateEmitter(this._logEmitter, 'log')) {
- yield* instance.logs();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} [cliOptions]
- */
- async start(cliOptions) {
- try {
- const { log, protocol, config } = this._options;
- const mergedOptions = { ...config, ...cliOptions };
- this._activeConfig = mergedOptions;
- const Protocol = AGENT_PROTOCOL[protocol];
- this._activeProtocol = new Protocol();
- const ready = this._activeProtocol.start(mergedOptions);
- this._logEmitter.emit('log', this._activeProtocol);
- await ready;
- log(HostMessage.AGENT_PROTOCOL, { protocol: Protocol.protocolName });
- } catch (error) {
- this._activeProtocol = null;
- throw new Error(`Agent failed to start.\n${error.stack ? error.stack : error.toString()}`);
- }
- }
- async stop() {
- await this._activeProtocol.stop();
- this._activeProtocol = null;
- }
-class AgentProtocol {
- static get protocolName() {
- return 'unknown';
- }
- /**
- * Start a copy of src/agent and run tests in it.
- */
- constructor() {
- /** @type {Promise<{code: number, signal: number}> | null} */
- this.exited = null;
- /** @type {Promise | null} */
- this.ready = null;
- }
- /**
- * @param {AriaATCIData.Test} test
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
- async run(test) {
- const { testId } = test.info;
- this._sendTest(test);
- for await (const result of this._results()) {
- if (result.testId === testId) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- throw new Error('test result not received');
- }
- /**
- * Iterate process log messages as they are received.
- * @returns {AsyncGenerator}
- */
- async *logs() {
- throw new Error(`${this.constructor.name}.logs() not implemented`);
- }
- /**
- * Start the agent process.
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} options
- */
- async start(options) {
- throw new Error(`${this.constructor.name}.start() not implemented`);
- }
- /**
- * Stop the agent process.
- */
- async stop() {
- throw new Error(`${this.constructor.name}.stop() not implemented`);
- }
- /**
- * Send a test to the process.
- * @param {AriaATCIData.Test} test
- */
- async _sendTest(test) {
- throw new Error(`${this.constructor.name}._sendTest() not implemented`);
- }
- /**
- * Iterate results from the agent process as they are received.
- * @returns {AsyncGenerator}
- */
- async *_results() {
- throw new Error(`${this.constructor.name}._results() not implemented`);
- }
-class AgentForkProtocol extends AgentProtocol {
- static get protocolName() {
- return 'fork';
- }
- /**
- * Start a copy of src/agent with child_process.fork and run tests in it.
- */
- constructor() {
- super();
- /** @type {child_process.ChildProcess | null} */
- this._processFork = null;
- }
- async *logs() {
- for await (const message of this._messages()) {
- if (message.type === 'log') {
- yield message.data;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} options
- */
- async start(options) {
- const agentPath = path.resolve(
- path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)),
- '../../bin/agent.js'
- );
- const agentProcess = (this._processFork = child_process.fork(
- agentPath,
- agentCliArgsFromOptionsMap(options),
- { stdio: 'pipe', serialization: 'advanced' }
- ));
- const stderrJob = collectProcessPipe(agentProcess.stderr);
- this.exited = processExited(agentProcess);
- this.ready = (async () => {
- for await (const log of this.logs()) {
- if (log.data.type === AgentMessage.START) {
- await stderrJob.cancel();
- return;
- }
- }
- const stderrOutput = await stderrJob.cancel();
- throw new Error(`Agent fork exited before it was ready.\n${stderrOutput}`);
- })();
- await this.ready;
- }
- async stop() {
- if (this._processFork) {
- this._processFork.send({ type: 'stop' });
- try {
- await Promise.race([
- this.exited,
- new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)).then(() => {
- throw new Error('AgentProtocol: graceful stop timeout');
- }),
- ]);
- } catch (_) {
- this._processFork.kill(SIGINT);
- }
- }
- await this.exited;
- this._processFork = null;
- this.exited = null;
- this.ready = null;
- }
- async _sendTest(test) {
- this._processFork.send({ type: 'task', data: test });
- }
- async *_messages() {
- yield* iterateEmitter(this._processFork, 'message', 'exit');
- }
- async *_results() {
- for await (const message of this._messages()) {
- if (message.type === 'result') {
- yield message.data;
- }
- }
- }
-class AgentDeveloperProtocol extends AgentProtocol {
- static get protocolName() {
- return 'developer';
- }
- /**
- * Start a copy of src/agent with the js api and run tests in it.
- */
- constructor() {
- super();
- this._testEmitter = null;
- this._logEmitter = null;
- this._resultEmitter = null;
- }
- async _sendTest(test) {
- this._testEmitter.emit('message', test);
- }
- _results() {
- return iterateEmitter(this._resultEmitter, 'result', 'stop');
- }
- async *logs() {
- yield* iterateEmitter(this._logEmitter, 'message', 'stop');
- }
- /**
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions} options
- */
- async start(options) {
- const { log, emitter: logEmitter } = createAgentLogger();
- this._testEmitter = new EventEmitter();
- this._logEmitter = logEmitter;
- this._resultEmitter = new EventEmitter();
- const abortSignal = new Promise(resolve => {
- this._testEmitter.once('stop', () => resolve());
- });
- this.exited = agentMain({
- runner: await createRunner({
- abortSignal,
- baseUrl: options.referenceBaseUrl || new URL('http://localhost:4400'),
- log,
- mock: agentMockOptions(options),
- atDriverUrl: options.atDriverUrl,
- webDriverBrowser: options.webDriverBrowser,
- webDriverUrl: options.webDriverUrl,
- timesOption: options.timesOption,
- }),
- log,
- tests: iterateEmitter(this._testEmitter, 'message', 'stop'),
- reportResult: async result => {
- this._resultEmitter.emit('result', result);
- },
- })
- .then(() => {
- this.stop();
- })
- .then(() => ({ code: 0, signal: null }));
- this.ready = Promise.resolve();
- await this.ready;
- }
- async stop() {
- this._testEmitter.emit('stop');
- this._logEmitter.emit('stop');
- this._resultEmitter.emit('stop');
- await this.exited;
- this.exited = null;
- this.ready = null;
- }
- fork: AgentForkProtocol,
- developer: AgentDeveloperProtocol,
diff --git a/src/host/cli-run-plan.js b/src/host/cli-run-plan.js
index 9e26a1a..095f65b 100644
--- a/src/host/cli-run-plan.js
+++ b/src/host/cli-run-plan.js
@@ -7,15 +7,13 @@ import { Readable } from 'stream';
import fetch, { Response } from 'node-fetch';
import yargs from 'yargs';
-import { pickAgentCliOptions } from '../agent/cli.js';
-import { AgentMessage } from '../agent/messages.js';
+import { RunnerMessage } from '../runner/messages.js';
-import { AgentController as Agent } from './agent.js';
import { hostMain } from './main.js';
import { HostMessage, createHostLogger } from './messages.js';
import { plansFrom } from './plan-from.js';
import { HostServer } from './server.js';
-import { getTimesOption, timesOptionsConfig } from '../shared/times-option.js';
+import { timesOptionsConfig } from '../shared/times-option.js';
export const command = 'run-plan [plan-files..]';
@@ -77,68 +75,26 @@ export const builder = (args = yargs) =>
default: 'fork',
hidden: true,
- 'agent-web-driver-url': {
+ 'web-driver-url': {
coerce(arg) {
return new URL(arg);
default: 'http://localhost:4444',
- 'agent-web-driver-browser': {
+ 'web-driver-browser': {
choices: ['chrome', 'firefox', 'safari'],
default: 'firefox',
- 'agent-at-driver-url': {
+ 'at-driver-url': {
coerce(arg) {
return new URL(arg);
default: 'http://localhost:4382',
- 'agent-protocol': {
- choices: ['fork', 'developer'],
- default: 'fork',
- hidden: true,
- },
- 'agent-quiet': {
- conflicts: ['agent-debug', 'agent-verbose'],
- describe: 'Disable all logging',
- hidden: true,
- },
- 'agent-debug': {
- conflicts: ['agent-quiet', 'agent-verbose'],
- describe: 'Enable all logging',
- hidden: true,
- },
- 'agent-verbose': {
- coerce(arg) {
- if (!arg) {
- return;
- }
- const messageValues = Object.values(AgentMessage);
- const verbosity = arg.split(',');
- for (const name of verbosity) {
- if (!messageValues.includes(name)) {
- throw new Error(
- `--verbose must be a comma separated list including: ${Object.values(
- AgentMessage
- ).join(', ')}`
- );
- }
- }
- return verbosity;
- },
- conflicts: ['agent-debug', 'agent-quiet'],
- describe: 'Enable a subset of logging messages',
- nargs: 1,
- hidden: true,
- },
- 'agent-mock': {
+ 'runner-mock': {
type: 'boolean',
hidden: true,
- 'agent-mock-open-page': {
- choices: ['request', 'skip'],
- hidden: true,
- },
'callback-url': {
describe: 'URL to POST test results to as they complete',
@@ -170,7 +126,7 @@ async function verboseMiddleware(argv) {
let verbosity;
if (debug) {
- verbosity = Object.values(HostMessage);
+ verbosity = Object.values({ ...HostMessage, ...RunnerMessage });
} else if (quiet) {
verbosity = [];
} else {
@@ -183,6 +139,8 @@ async function verboseMiddleware(argv) {
+ RunnerMessage.OPEN_PAGE,
@@ -195,13 +153,12 @@ function mainMiddleware(argv) {
- mainAgentMiddleware(argv);
function mainFetchMiddleware(argv) {
if (!argv.fetch) {
- if (!argv.agentMock) {
+ if (!argv.runnerMock) {
argv.fetch = fetch;
} else {
argv.fetch = (url, ...params) =>
@@ -228,6 +185,7 @@ function mainLoggerMiddleware(argv) {
const logger = createHostLogger();
argv.log = logger.log;
+ argv.logger = logger;
logger.emitter.on('message', ({ data: { type }, text }) => {
if (verbosity.includes(type)) {
@@ -260,39 +218,6 @@ function mainServerMiddleware(argv) {
argv.server = new HostServer({ log, baseUrl: { hostname: argv.referenceHostname } });
-function mainAgentMiddleware(argv) {
- const {
- log,
- agentProtocol: protocol,
- agentDebug,
- agentQuiet,
- agentVerbose,
- agentWebDriverUrl,
- agentWebDriverBrowser,
- agentAtDriverUrl,
- agentMock,
- agentMockOpenPage,
- } = argv;
- const timesOption = getTimesOption(argv);
- argv.agent = new Agent({
- log,
- protocol,
- config: pickAgentCliOptions({
- debug: agentDebug,
- quiet: agentQuiet,
- verbose: agentVerbose,
- webDriverUrl: agentWebDriverUrl,
- webDriverBrowser: agentWebDriverBrowser,
- atDriverUrl: agentAtDriverUrl,
- mock: agentMock,
- mockOpenPage: agentMockOpenPage,
- timesOption: timesOption,
- }),
- });
function mainResultMiddleware(argv) {
const { stdout } = argv;
diff --git a/src/host/main.js b/src/host/main.js
index 7dfb9d9..e541640 100644
--- a/src/host/main.js
+++ b/src/host/main.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @module host
-import { startJob } from '../shared/job.js';
+import { createRunner } from '../runner/create-test-runner.js';
import { HostMessage } from './messages.js';
import {
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import {
} from './plan-object.js';
+import { getTimesOption } from '../shared/times-option.js';
+import { RUNNER_TEMPLATES } from '../runner/messages.js';
* @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} log
@@ -29,33 +31,35 @@ const logUnsuccessfulHTTP = async (log, response) => {
* @param {object} options
- * @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} options.log
+ * @param {AriaATCIHost.Logger} options.logger
* @param {AsyncIterable} options.plans
* @param {AriaATCIHost.ReferenceFileServer} options.server
- * @param {AriaATCIHost.Agent} options.agent
+ * @param {AriaATCIRunner.TestRunner} options.runner
* @param {AriaATCIHost.EmitPlanResults} options.emitPlanResults
* @param {string} [options.callbackUrl]
* @param {Record} [options.callbackHeader]
* @param {typeof fetch} options.fetch
+ * @param {boolean} options.runnerMock
+ * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} options.webDriverUrl
+ * @param {AriaATCIRunner.Browser} options.webDriverBrowser
+ * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} options.atDriverUrl
-export async function hostMain({
- log,
- plans,
- server,
- agent,
- emitPlanResults,
- callbackUrl,
- callbackHeader,
- fetch,
-}) {
+export async function hostMain(options) {
+ const {
+ logger,
+ plans,
+ server,
+ emitPlanResults,
+ callbackUrl,
+ callbackHeader,
+ runnerMock,
+ webDriverUrl,
+ webDriverBrowser,
+ atDriverUrl,
+ } = options;
+ const { log } = logger;
- const hostLogJob = startJob(async function (signal) {
- for await (const agentLog of signal.cancelable(agent.logs())) {
- log(HostMessage.AGENT_LOG, agentLog);
- }
- });
await server.ready;
log(HostMessage.SERVER_LISTENING, { url: server.baseUrl });
@@ -65,8 +69,26 @@ export async function hostMain({
log(HostMessage.ADD_SERVER_DIRECTORY, { url: serverDirectory.baseUrl });
setServerOptionsInTestPlan(plan, { baseUrl: serverDirectory.baseUrl });
- log(HostMessage.START_AGENT);
- await agent.start({ referenceBaseUrl: serverDirectory.baseUrl });
+ const timesOption = getTimesOption(options);
+ let stopDrivers = any => {};
+ const abortSignal = new Promise(resolve => {
+ stopDrivers = () => {
+ log(HostMessage.STOP_DRIVERS);
+ resolve();
+ };
+ });
+ const runner = await createRunner({
+ log,
+ abortSignal,
+ timesOption,
+ baseUrl: new URL(serverDirectory.baseUrl.toString()),
+ mock: runnerMock,
+ webDriverUrl,
+ webDriverBrowser,
+ atDriverUrl,
+ });
let lastCallbackRequest = Promise.resolve();
@@ -82,23 +104,17 @@ export async function hostMain({
body.presentationNumber ?? body.testCsvRow
lastCallbackRequest = lastCallbackRequest.then(() =>
- fetch(perTestUrl, {
- method: 'post',
- body: JSON.stringify(body),
- headers,
- }).then(logUnsuccessfulHTTP.bind(null, log))
+ options
+ .fetch(perTestUrl, {
+ method: 'post',
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ headers,
+ })
+ .then(logUnsuccessfulHTTP.bind(null, log))
for (const test of plan.tests) {
- log(HostMessage.START_TEST);
- const testLogJob = startJob(async function (signal) {
- for await (const testLog of signal.cancelable(agent.logs())) {
- plan = addLogToTestPlan(plan, testLog);
- plan = addTestLogToTestPlan(plan, test);
- }
- });
const file = plan.files.find(({ name }) => name === test.filepath);
const testSource = JSON.parse(textDecoder.decode(file.bufferData));
@@ -106,10 +122,19 @@ export async function hostMain({
const callbackBody = presentationNumber ? { presentationNumber } : { testCsvRow };
+ log(HostMessage.START_TEST, { id: testSource.info.testId, title: testSource.info.title });
+ const addLogtoPlan = message => {
+ if (Object.keys(RUNNER_TEMPLATES).includes(message.data.type)) {
+ plan = addLogToTestPlan(plan, message);
+ plan = addTestLogToTestPlan(plan, test);
+ }
+ };
+ logger.emitter.on('message', addLogtoPlan);
try {
postCallbackWhenEnabled({ ...callbackBody, status: 'RUNNING' });
- const result = await agent.run(testSource);
+ const result = await runner.run(testSource);
const { capabilities, commands } = result;
@@ -128,21 +153,20 @@ export async function hostMain({
await lastCallbackRequest;
throw exception;
} finally {
- await testLogJob.cancel();
+ logger.emitter.off('message', addLogtoPlan);
log(HostMessage.REMOVE_SERVER_DIRECTORY, { url: serverDirectory.baseUrl });
- log(HostMessage.STOP_AGENT);
await lastCallbackRequest;
- await agent.stop();
+ stopDrivers();
await emitPlanResults(plan);
- await hostLogJob.cancel();
await server.close();
diff --git a/src/host/messages.js b/src/host/messages.js
index b8e40af..3baa2fd 100644
--- a/src/host/messages.js
+++ b/src/host/messages.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* @module host
+import { RUNNER_TEMPLATES } from '../runner/messages.js';
import { createSharedLogger } from '../shared/messages.js';
/** @enum {AriaATCIHost.HostLogType} */
@@ -22,22 +23,14 @@ export const HostMessage = {
SERVER_LISTENING: 'serverListening',
/** @type {'stopServer'} */
STOP_SERVER: 'stopServer',
+ /** @type {'stopDrivers'} */
+ STOP_DRIVERS: 'stopDrivers',
/** @type {'addServerDirectory'} */
ADD_SERVER_DIRECTORY: 'addServerDirectory',
/** @type {'removeServerDirectory'} */
REMOVE_SERVER_DIRECTORY: 'removeServerDirectory',
/** @type {'serverLog'} */
SERVER_LOG: 'serverLog',
- /** @type {'startAgent'} */
- START_AGENT: 'startAgent',
- /** @type {'agentProtocol'} */
- AGENT_PROTOCOL: 'agentProtocol',
- /** @type {'stopAgent'} */
- STOP_AGENT: 'stopAgent',
- /** @type {'agentLog'} */
- AGENT_LOG: 'agentLog',
- /** @type {'agentCrashed'} */
- AGENT_CRASHED: 'agentCrashed',
/** @type {'startTest'} */
START_TEST: 'startTest',
/** @type {'reportingError'} */
@@ -55,14 +48,10 @@ export const HOST_TEMPLATES = {
[HostMessage.START_SERVER]: () => `Starting reference server.`,
[HostMessage.SERVER_LISTENING]: ({ url }) => `Reference server listening on '${url}'.`,
[HostMessage.STOP_SERVER]: () => `Stopping reference server.`,
+ [HostMessage.STOP_DRIVERS]: () => `Stopping drivers.`,
[HostMessage.ADD_SERVER_DIRECTORY]: ({ url }) => `Reference available on '${url}'.`,
[HostMessage.REMOVE_SERVER_DIRECTORY]: ({ url }) => `Removing reference from '${url}'.`,
[HostMessage.SERVER_LOG]: ({ text }) => `[Server]: ${text}`,
- [HostMessage.START_AGENT]: () => `Starting test agent.`,
- [HostMessage.AGENT_PROTOCOL]: ({ protocol }) => `Agent running with protocol '${protocol}'.`,
- [HostMessage.STOP_AGENT]: () => `Stopping test agent.`,
- [HostMessage.AGENT_LOG]: ({ text }) => `[Agent]: ${text}`,
- [HostMessage.AGENT_CRASHED]: () => `Agent crashed.`,
[HostMessage.START_TEST]: () => `Starting test.`,
[HostMessage.TEST_ERROR]: ({ error }) => `Test Error ${error}`,
[HostMessage.REPORTING_ERROR]: ({ status, body }) =>
@@ -73,6 +62,6 @@ export const HOST_TEMPLATES = {
* @param {*} messages
* @returns {{log: AriaATCIHost.Log, emitter: import("events").EventEmitter}}
-export function createHostLogger(messages = HOST_TEMPLATES) {
+export function createHostLogger(messages = { ...HOST_TEMPLATES, ...RUNNER_TEMPLATES }) {
return createSharedLogger(messages);
diff --git a/src/host/tests/agent.js b/src/host/tests/agent.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c61fdb..0000000
--- a/src/host/tests/agent.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-import test from 'ava';
-import { iterateEmitter } from '../../shared/iterate-emitter.js';
-import { startJob } from '../../shared/job.js';
-import { AgentMessage } from '../../agent/messages.js';
-import { AgentController } from '../agent.js';
-import { createHostLogger, HostMessage } from '../messages.js';
-test('new AgentController(options)', async t => {
- t.timeout(60000);
- const TEST_DEFINITIONS = [];
- for (const tests of createTests()) {
- for (const protocol of /**@type {('fork'|'developer')[]}*/ ([undefined, 'fork', 'developer'])) {
- for (const config of [
- {},
- { debug: true },
- { verbose: [AgentMessage.START] },
- {
- referenceBaseUrl: {
- protocol: 'http:',
- hostname: 'localhost',
- port: 1234,
- pathname: '/path',
- toString() {
- return `${this.protocol}//${this.hostname}:${this.port}${this.pathname}`;
- },
- },
- },
- ]) {
- tests,
- options: { protocol, config },
- });
- }
- }
- }
- t.log(`${TEST_DEFINITIONS.length} definitions`);
- t.is(TEST_DEFINITIONS.length, 36);
- for (const testDefinition of TEST_DEFINITIONS) {
- const { log, emitter } = createHostLogger();
- const logJob = startJob(async ({ cancelable }) => {
- const logs = [];
- for await (const log of cancelable(iterateEmitter(emitter, 'message', 'exit', 'error'))) {
- logs.push(omitDates(log));
- }
- return logs;
- });
- const controller = new AgentController({
- log,
- ...(testDefinition.options.protocol && {
- protocol: testDefinition.options.protocol,
- }),
- config: {
- ...testDefinition.options.config,
- mock: true,
- mockOpenPage: 'skip',
- },
- });
- const agentLogJob = startJob(async ({ cancelable }) => {
- for await (const message of cancelable(controller.logs())) {
- log(HostMessage.AGENT_LOG, message);
- }
- });
- await controller.start();
- for (const test of testDefinition.tests) {
- t.snapshot(
- await controller.run(test),
- `${snapshotPrefix(testDefinition)}: controller.run(${test.info.title})`
- );
- }
- await controller.stop();
- await agentLogJob.cancel();
- const fullLog = await logJob.cancel();
- t.snapshot(fullLog, `${snapshotPrefix(testDefinition)}: log`);
- }
- * @returns {AriaATCIData.CollectedTest[][]}
- */
-function createTests() {
- return [
- [],
- [
- {
- info: { testId: 1, title: 'test 1', task: 'test', references: [] },
- target: {
- at: { key: 'at', name: 'At', raw: 'AT' },
- mode: 'reading',
- referencePage: 'reference/index.html',
- },
- instructions: { raw: '', user: [] },
- commands: [
- {
- id: 'UP_ARROW',
- keystroke: 'up arrow',
- keypresses: [{ id: 'UP_ARROW', keystroke: 'up arrow' }],
- },
- ],
- assertions: [{ expectation: 'role up', priority: 1 }],
- },
- ],
- [
- {
- info: { testId: 1, title: 'test 1', task: 'test', references: [] },
- target: {
- at: { key: 'at', name: 'At', raw: 'AT' },
- mode: 'reading',
- referencePage: 'reference/index.html',
- },
- instructions: { raw: '', user: [] },
- commands: [
- {
- id: 'UP_ARROW',
- keystroke: 'up arrow',
- keypresses: [{ id: 'UP_ARROW', keystroke: 'up arrow' }],
- },
- ],
- assertions: [{ expectation: 'role up', priority: 1 }],
- },
- {
- info: { testId: 2, title: 'test 2', task: 'interaction', references: [] },
- target: {
- at: { key: 'at', name: 'At', raw: 'AT' },
- mode: 'interaction',
- referencePage: 'reference/index.html',
- },
- instructions: { raw: '', user: [] },
- commands: [
- {
- keystroke: 'up arrow, then down arrow',
- keypresses: [
- { id: 'UP_ARROW', keystroke: 'up arrow' },
- { id: 'DOWN_ARROW', keystroke: 'down arrow' },
- ],
- },
- ],
- assertions: [{ expectation: 'role down', priority: 1 }],
- },
- ],
- ];
-function snapshotPrefix({ tests, options }) {
- return JSON.stringify({ tests: tests.map(test => test.info.testId), options });
-function omitDates(obj) {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- return obj.map(omitDates);
- }
- if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) {
- return Object.fromEntries(
- Object.entries(obj)
- .map(([key, value]) => (key === 'date' ? null : [key, omitDates(value)]))
- .filter(Boolean)
- );
- }
- return obj;
diff --git a/src/host/tests/cli-run-plan.js b/src/host/tests/cli-run-plan.js
index 3a870f3..01b8e30 100644
--- a/src/host/tests/cli-run-plan.js
+++ b/src/host/tests/cli-run-plan.js
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ import * as path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import test from 'ava';
-import { HostMessage } from '../messages.js';
test('plan1', async t => {
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ test('plan2', async t => {
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ test('plan3', async t => {
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ test('plan3 with callback no url param', async t => {
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ test('plan3 with callback', async t => {
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ test('plan3 with callback request which fails', async t => {
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ test('plan3 with callback request which fails with a faulty response body', asyn
await spawnRunPlan([
- '--agent-mock',
+ '--runner-mock',
diff --git a/src/host/tests/messages.js b/src/host/tests/messages.js
index 0b4c4e7..6067994 100644
--- a/src/host/tests/messages.js
+++ b/src/host/tests/messages.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import test from 'ava';
import { HostMessage, createHostLogger } from '../messages.js';
test('log', async t => {
- t.plan(16);
+ t.plan(11);
const { log, emitter } = createHostLogger();
const logAndResolveMessage = async (type, more) => {
const message = await new Promise(resolve => {
@@ -59,10 +59,5 @@ test('log', async t => {
await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.SERVER_LOG, { text: `Served file 'test.json'.` })
- t.snapshot(await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.START_AGENT));
- t.snapshot(await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.AGENT_PROTOCOL, { protocol: 'fork' }));
- t.snapshot(await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.STOP_AGENT));
- t.snapshot(await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.AGENT_LOG, { text: 'Starting test.' }));
- t.snapshot(await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.AGENT_CRASHED));
t.snapshot(await logAndResolveMessage(HostMessage.START_TEST));
diff --git a/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.md b/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.md
index 86dccb8..0ac34f4 100644
--- a/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.md
+++ b/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.md
@@ -13,22 +13,18 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 3 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
- stdout: `{"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."}]}␊
+ stdout: `{"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/index.html'."}]}␊
@@ -41,22 +37,18 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 4 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
- stdout: `{"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
+ stdout: `{"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
@@ -69,22 +61,18 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 4 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
- stdout: `{"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
+ stdout: `{"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
@@ -97,18 +85,14 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 4 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
@@ -132,7 +116,7 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
body: '{"testCsvRow":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"status":"COMPLETED","responses":["mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"]}',␊
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', test: 'header:multiple:colon' }␊
- {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
+ {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
@@ -145,18 +129,14 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 4 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
@@ -180,7 +160,7 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
body: '{"testCsvRow":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"status":"COMPLETED","responses":["mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"]}',␊
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', test: 'header:multiple:colon' }␊
- {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
+ {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
@@ -193,22 +173,18 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 4 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'a body'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'a body'.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'a body'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'a body'.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
@@ -232,7 +208,7 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
body: '{"testCsvRow":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"status":"COMPLETED","responses":["mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"]}',␊
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', x: 'y' }␊
- {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
+ {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
@@ -245,22 +221,18 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
Reference server listening on 'http://localhost:8888'.␊
Plan 'unknown' with 2 tests and 4 files read from source 'fork'.␊
Reference available on 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Starting test agent.␊
- [Agent]: Starting...␊
- Agent running with protocol 'fork'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Starting test #1 'test 1'.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'Unknown error - unable to read response body.'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- Starting test.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Starting test #2 'test 2'.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'Unknown error - unable to read response body.'.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'Unknown error - unable to read response body.'.␊
[Server]: Serving '/static/reference/index.html'.␊
- [Agent]: Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
+ Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'.␊
Removing reference from 'http://localhost:8888/static␊
- Stopping test agent.␊
HTTP 418 response received when reporting result: 'Unknown error - unable to read response body.'.␊
- [Agent]: Stopping...␊
+ Stopping drivers.␊
Stopping reference server.␊
@@ -284,6 +256,6 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
body: '{"testCsvRow":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"status":"COMPLETED","responses":["mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"]}',␊
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', x: 'y' }␊
- {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":{}},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
+ {"name":"unknown","tests":[{"filepath":"tests/test-1.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":1,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW","expectation":"role up","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role up"}]}]},{"filepath":"tests/test-2.json","log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}],"results":[{"testId":2,"capabilities":{"browserName":"mock","browserVersion":"1.0","atName":"mock","atVersion":"1.0","platformName":"mock"},"commands":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","output":"mocked output for UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW"}],"results":[{"command":"UP_ARROW,DOWN_ARROW","expectation":"role down","pass":true,"output":"mocked output for role down"}]}]}],"log":[{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."},{"data":{"type":"openPage","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z","url":"http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html"},"text":"Open page: 'http://localhost:8888/static/reference/index.html'."}]}␊
diff --git a/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.snap b/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.snap
index b1aa412..5a15f78 100644
Binary files a/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.snap and b/src/host/tests/snapshots/cli-run-plan.js.snap differ
diff --git a/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.md b/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.md
index cf344b8..9b133cd 100644
--- a/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.md
+++ b/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.md
@@ -115,56 +115,9 @@ Generated by [AVA](https://avajs.dev).
> Snapshot 11
- {
- data: {
- type: 'startAgent',
- },
- text: 'Starting test agent.',
- }
-> Snapshot 12
- {
- data: {
- protocol: 'fork',
- type: 'agentProtocol',
- },
- text: 'Agent running with protocol \'fork\'.',
- }
-> Snapshot 13
- {
- data: {
- type: 'stopAgent',
- },
- text: 'Stopping test agent.',
- }
-> Snapshot 14
- {
- data: {
- text: 'Starting test.',
- type: 'agentLog',
- },
- text: '[Agent]: Starting test.',
- }
-> Snapshot 15
- {
- data: {
- type: 'agentCrashed',
- },
- text: 'Agent crashed.',
- }
-> Snapshot 16
data: {
type: 'startTest',
- text: 'Starting test.',
+ text: 'Starting test #undefined \'undefined\'.',
diff --git a/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.snap b/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.snap
index 7a44d39..ac32f57 100644
Binary files a/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.snap and b/src/host/tests/snapshots/messages.js.snap differ
diff --git a/src/host/types.js b/src/host/types.js
index da80b73..0b8fba3 100644
--- a/src/host/types.js
+++ b/src/host/types.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* @namespace AriaATCIHost
@@ -15,17 +15,20 @@
* | 'planRead'
* | 'serverListening'
* | 'stopServer'
+ * | 'stopDrivers'
* | 'addServerDirectory'
* | 'removeServerDirectory'
* | 'serverLog'
- * | 'startAgent'
- * | 'agentProtocol'
- * | 'stopAgent'
- * | 'agentLog'
- * | 'agentCrashed'
* | 'startTest'
* | 'reportingError'
* | 'testError'
+ * | 'atDriverComms'
+ * | 'openPage'
+ * | 'pressKeys'
+ * | 'speechEvent'
+ * | 'invalidKeys'
+ * | 'noRunTestSetup'
+ * | 'capabilities'
* } AriaATCIHost.HostLogType
@@ -34,7 +37,9 @@
- * @typedef {AriaATCIAgent.Log} AriaATCIHost.AgentLog
+ * @typedef AriaATCIHost.Logger
+ * @property {AriaATCIHost.Log} log
+ * @property {import("events").EventEmitter} emitter
@@ -71,14 +76,6 @@
* @property {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} baseUrl
- * @typedef AriaATCIHost.Agent
- * @property {function(AriaATCIData.Test): Promise} run
- * @property {function(): AsyncGenerator} logs
- * @property {function(AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions): Promise} start
- * @property {function(): Promise} stop
- */
* @callback AriaATCIHost.EmitPlanResults
* @param {AriaATCIHost.TestPlan} plan
diff --git a/src/agent/at-driver.js b/src/runner/at-driver.js
similarity index 93%
rename from src/agent/at-driver.js
rename to src/runner/at-driver.js
index 51cc518..7e5161c 100644
--- a/src/agent/at-driver.js
+++ b/src/runner/at-driver.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import ws from 'ws';
import { iterateEmitter } from '../shared/iterate-emitter.js';
-import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
+import { RunnerMessage } from './messages.js';
* @param {object} options
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
* @param {string} [options.url.pathname]
* @param {number | string} [options.url.port]
* @param {Promise} [options.abortSignal]
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} [options.log]
+ * @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} [options.log]
* @returns {Promise}
export async function createATDriver({
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export async function createATDriver({
} = {}) {
if (!abortSignal) process.exit(1);
const url = `ws://${hostname}:${port}${pathname}`;
- log(AgentMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'connect', message: url });
+ log(RunnerMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'connect', message: url });
const socket = new ws(url);
const driver = new ATDriver({ socket, log });
await driver.ready;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export class ATDriver {
this.closed = new Promise(resolve =>
socket.once('close', () => {
this.hasClosed = true;
- this.log(AgentMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'closed' });
+ this.log(RunnerMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'closed' });
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ export class ATDriver {
async quit() {
- this.log(AgentMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'close' });
+ this.log(RunnerMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'close' });
await this.closed;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export class ATDriver {
if (this.hasClosed) throw new Error('AT-Driver connection unexpectedly closed');
for await (const rawMessage of iterateEmitter(this.socket, 'message', 'close', 'error')) {
const message = rawMessage.toString();
- this.log(AgentMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'inbound', message });
+ this.log(RunnerMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'inbound', message });
yield JSON.parse(message);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export class ATDriver {
async _send(command) {
const id = this._nextId++;
const rawMessage = JSON.stringify({ id, ...command });
- this.log(AgentMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'outbound', message: rawMessage });
+ this.log(RunnerMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS, { direction: 'outbound', message: rawMessage });
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.socket.send(rawMessage, error => {
if (error) reject(error);
diff --git a/src/agent/browser-driver/create-safari-apple-script-driver.js b/src/runner/browser-driver/create-safari-apple-script-driver.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/agent/browser-driver/create-safari-apple-script-driver.js
rename to src/runner/browser-driver/create-safari-apple-script-driver.js
diff --git a/src/agent/browser-driver/create-web-driver.js b/src/runner/browser-driver/create-web-driver.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/agent/browser-driver/create-web-driver.js
rename to src/runner/browser-driver/create-web-driver.js
diff --git a/src/agent/browser-driver/create.js b/src/runner/browser-driver/create.js
similarity index 92%
rename from src/agent/browser-driver/create.js
rename to src/runner/browser-driver/create.js
index 0192a55..28944c6 100644
--- a/src/agent/browser-driver/create.js
+++ b/src/runner/browser-driver/create.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import createSafariAppleScriptDriver from './create-safari-apple-script-driver.j
* @param {object} options
* @param {{toString: function(): string}} options.url
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Browser} [options.browser]
+ * @param {AriaATCIRunner.Browser} [options.browser]
* @param {Promise} options.abortSignal
* @param {AriaATCIShared.timesOption} options.timesOption
diff --git a/src/agent/create-test-runner.js b/src/runner/create-test-runner.js
similarity index 63%
rename from src/agent/create-test-runner.js
rename to src/runner/create-test-runner.js
index 4c89984..6c07b7a 100644
--- a/src/agent/create-test-runner.js
+++ b/src/runner/create-test-runner.js
@@ -9,45 +9,43 @@ import { MockTestRunner } from './mock-test-runner.js';
import { DriverTestRunner } from './driver-test-runner.js';
import { createBrowserDriver } from './browser-driver/create.js';
import { createATDriver } from './at-driver.js';
-import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
* @param {object} options
- * @param {Promise} options.abortSignal resolves when runner should stop
* @param {{hostname: string, port: number | string, pathname: string}} options.atDriverUrl
- * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} options.baseUrl
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} options.log
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.MockOptions} [options.mock]
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Browser} [options.webDriverBrowser]
+ * @param {URL} options.baseUrl
+ * @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} options.log
+ * @param {Promise} options.abortSignal
+ * @param {boolean} [options.mock]
+ * @param {AriaATCIRunner.Browser} [options.webDriverBrowser]
* @param {AriaATCIShared.timesOption} options.timesOption
* @param {{toString: function(): string}} options.webDriverUrl
- * @returns {Promise}
+ * @returns {Promise}
export async function createRunner(options) {
- if (!options.abortSignal) {
- throw new Error('createRunner requires abortSignal option.');
- }
+ const { abortSignal, log, timesOption } = options;
if (options.mock) {
- return new MockTestRunner({ mock: options.mock, ...options });
+ return new MockTestRunner(options);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
- const { timesOption } = options;
const [browserDriver, atDriver] = await Promise.all([
url: options.webDriverUrl,
browser: options.webDriverBrowser,
- abortSignal: options.abortSignal,
+ abortSignal,
}).catch(cause => {
throw new Error('Error initializing browser driver', { cause });
url: options.atDriverUrl,
- abortSignal: options.abortSignal,
- log: options.log,
+ abortSignal,
+ log,
}).catch(cause => {
throw new Error('Error connecting to at-driver', { cause });
- return new DriverTestRunner({ ...options, browserDriver, atDriver, timesOption });
+ return new DriverTestRunner({ ...options, browserDriver, atDriver });
diff --git a/src/agent/driver-test-runner.js b/src/runner/driver-test-runner.js
similarity index 91%
rename from src/agent/driver-test-runner.js
rename to src/runner/driver-test-runner.js
index 2489f34..c438a1d 100644
--- a/src/agent/driver-test-runner.js
+++ b/src/runner/driver-test-runner.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import { startJob } from '../shared/job.js';
import { ATDriver, ATKey, webDriverCodePoints } from './at-driver.js';
-import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
+import { RunnerMessage } from './messages.js';
* @module agent
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
export class DriverTestRunner {
* @param {object} options
- * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} options.baseUrl
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} options.log
+ * @param {URL} options.baseUrl
+ * @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} options.log
* @param {BrowserDriver} options.browserDriver
* @param {ATDriver} options.atDriver
* @param {AriaATCIShared.timesOption} options.timesOption
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
* @param {string} options.referencePage
async openPage({ url, referencePage }) {
- await this.log(AgentMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url });
await this.browserDriver.navigate(url.toString());
await this.browserDriver.documentReady();
@@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
} catch ({}) {
- await this.log(AgentMessage.NO_RUN_TEST_SETUP, { referencePage });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.NO_RUN_TEST_SETUP, { referencePage });
- * @param {import('./at-driver').ATKeySequence} sequence
+ * @param {import('./at-driver.js').ATKeySequence} sequence
async sendKeys(sequence) {
- await this.log(AgentMessage.PRESS_KEYS, { keys: sequence });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.PRESS_KEYS, { keys: sequence });
await this.atDriver.sendKeys(sequence);
- * @param {import('./at-driver').ATKeySequence} sequence
+ * @param {import('./at-driver.js').ATKeySequence} sequence
* @param {string} desiredResponse
async pressKeysToToggleSetting(sequence, desiredResponse) {
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
async run(test) {
const capabilities = await this.collectedCapabilities;
- await this.log(AgentMessage.CAPABILITIES, { capabilities });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.CAPABILITIES, { capabilities });
- await this.log(AgentMessage.START_TEST, { id: test.info.testId, title: test.info.task });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.START_TEST, { id: test.info.testId, title: test.info.task });
- await this.log(AgentMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url: 'about:blank' });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url: 'about:blank' });
await this.browserDriver.navigate('about:blank');
const commandsOutput = [];
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
await this._collectSpeech(this.timesOption.afterNav, async () => {
- await this.log(AgentMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url: 'about:blank' });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url: 'about:blank' });
await this.browserDriver.navigate('about:blank');
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
} else {
- await this.log(AgentMessage.INVALID_KEYS, { command, errors });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.INVALID_KEYS, { command, errors });
command: command.id,
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
const speechJob = startJob(async signal => {
for await (const speech of signal.cancelable(this.atDriver.speeches())) {
- this.log(AgentMessage.SPEECH_EVENT, { spokenText: speech });
+ this.log(RunnerMessage.SPEECH_EVENT, { spokenText: speech });
@@ -288,10 +288,8 @@ export class DriverTestRunner {
_appendBaseUrl(pathname) {
- // protocol ends with a ':' and pathname starts with a '/'
- const base = `${this.baseUrl.protocol}//${this.baseUrl.hostname}:${this.baseUrl.port}${this.baseUrl.pathname}`;
const newPath = `${this.baseUrl.pathname ? `${this.baseUrl.pathname}/` : ''}${pathname}`;
- return new URL(newPath, base);
+ return new URL(newPath, this.baseUrl.toString());
diff --git a/src/runner/messages.js b/src/runner/messages.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a015664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runner/messages.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * @module runner
+ */
+import { createSharedLogger } from '../shared/messages.js';
+/** @enum {AriaATCIRunner.Message} */
+export const RunnerMessage = {
+ /** @type {'startTest'} */
+ START_TEST: 'startTest',
+ /** @type {'openPage'} */
+ OPEN_PAGE: 'openPage',
+ /** @type {'invalidKeys'} */
+ INVALID_KEYS: 'invalidKeys',
+ /** @type {'pressKeys'} */
+ PRESS_KEYS: 'pressKeys',
+ /** @type {'speechEvent'} */
+ SPEECH_EVENT: 'speechEvent',
+ /** @type {'noRunTestSetup'} */
+ NO_RUN_TEST_SETUP: 'noRunTestSetup',
+ /** @type {'atDriverComms'} */
+ AT_DRIVER_COMMS: 'atDriverComms',
+ /** @type {'capabilities'} */
+ CAPABILITIES: 'capabilities',
+export const RUNNER_TEMPLATES = {
+ [RunnerMessage.START_TEST]: ({ id, title }) => `Starting test #${id} '${title}'.`,
+ [RunnerMessage.OPEN_PAGE]: ({ url }) => `Open page: '${url}'.`,
+ [RunnerMessage.INVALID_KEYS]: ({ command, errors }) =>
+ `Keys in '${command.id}' have issues:\n${errors.map(error => `- ${error}`).join('\n')}`,
+ [RunnerMessage.PRESS_KEYS]: ({ keys }) => `Press keys: '${keys.toString()}'.`,
+ [RunnerMessage.SPEECH_EVENT]: ({ spokenText }) => `Speech event: '${spokenText}'.`,
+ [RunnerMessage.NO_RUN_TEST_SETUP]: ({ referencePage }) =>
+ `Test reference, ${referencePage}, does not have a Run Test Setup button.`,
+ [RunnerMessage.AT_DRIVER_COMMS]: ({ direction, message }) =>
+ `AT-Driver: ${direction}: ${message}`,
+ [RunnerMessage.CAPABILITIES]: ({ capabilities }) =>
+ `Capabilities: ${JSON.stringify(capabilities)}`,
+export function createRunnerLogger(messages = RUNNER_TEMPLATES) {
+ return createSharedLogger(messages);
diff --git a/src/agent/mock-test-runner.js b/src/runner/mock-test-runner.js
similarity index 67%
rename from src/agent/mock-test-runner.js
rename to src/runner/mock-test-runner.js
index e13ccb8..35af8cb 100644
--- a/src/agent/mock-test-runner.js
+++ b/src/runner/mock-test-runner.js
@@ -7,49 +7,45 @@
import { request } from 'http';
-import { AgentMessage } from './messages.js';
+import { RunnerMessage } from './messages.js';
import { validateKeysFromCommand } from './driver-test-runner.js';
- * @implements {AriaATCIAgent.TestRunner}
+ * @implements {AriaATCIRunner.TestRunner}
export class MockTestRunner {
* @param {object} options
- * @param {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} options.baseUrl
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.Log} options.log
- * @param {AriaATCIAgent.MockOptions} options.mock
+ * @param {URL} options.baseUrl
+ * @param {AriaATCIHost.Log} options.log
- constructor({ baseUrl, log, mock: config }) {
+ constructor({ baseUrl, log }) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.log = log;
- this.config = config;
async openPage(url) {
- if (this.config.openPage === 'request') {
- await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- request(url.toString(), res => {
- try {
- res
- .on('data', () => {})
- .on('error', reject)
- .setEncoding('utf8')
- .on('end', () => {
- res.statusCode < 400
- ? resolve()
- : reject(new Error(`request returned ${res.statusCode}`));
- });
- } catch (e) {
- reject(e);
- }
- })
- .on('error', reject)
- .end()
- );
- }
+ await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
+ request(url.toString(), res => {
+ try {
+ res
+ .on('data', () => {})
+ .on('error', reject)
+ .setEncoding('utf8')
+ .on('end', () => {
+ res.statusCode < 400
+ ? resolve()
+ : reject(new Error(`request returned ${res.statusCode}`));
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ })
+ .on('error', reject)
+ .end()
+ );
- this.log(AgentMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url });
+ this.log(RunnerMessage.OPEN_PAGE, { url });
@@ -64,11 +60,10 @@ export class MockTestRunner {
* @param {AriaATCIData.CollectedTest} task
async run(task) {
- const base = `${this.baseUrl.protocol}//${this.baseUrl.hostname}:${this.baseUrl.port}${this.baseUrl.pathname}`;
await this.openPage(
new URL(
`${this.baseUrl.pathname ? `${this.baseUrl.pathname}/` : ''}${task.target.referencePage}`,
- base
+ this.baseUrl.toString()
@@ -95,7 +90,7 @@ export class MockTestRunner {
} else {
- await this.log(AgentMessage.INVALID_KEYS, { command, errors });
+ await this.log(RunnerMessage.INVALID_KEYS, { command, errors });
command: command.id,
diff --git a/src/agent/types.js b/src/runner/types.js
similarity index 67%
rename from src/agent/types.js
rename to src/runner/types.js
index d9c36ef..07e0ebc 100644
--- a/src/agent/types.js
+++ b/src/runner/types.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-/** @namespace AriaATCIAgent */
+/** @namespace AriaATCIRunner */
* @typedef {'start'
@@ -15,47 +15,41 @@
* | 'noRunTestSetup'
* | 'atDriverComms'
* | 'capabilities'
- * } AriaATCIAgent.Message
+ * } AriaATCIRunner.Message
- * @typedef {AriaATCIShared.Log} AriaATCIAgent.Log
+ * @typedef {AriaATCIShared.Log} AriaATCIRunner.Log
- * @typedef {AsyncIterable} AriaATCIAgent.TestIterable
+ * @typedef {AsyncIterable} AriaATCIRunner.TestIterable
- * @typedef AriaATCIAgent.TestRunner
+ * @typedef AriaATCIRunner.TestRunner
* @property {function(AriaATCIData.Test): Promise} run run a test
- * @callback AriaATCIAgent.ReportResult
+ * @callback AriaATCIRunner.ReportResult
* @param {AriaATCIData.TestResult} result
* @returns {Promise}
- * @typedef AriaATCIAgent.MockOptions
- * @property {'request' | 'skip'} [openPage]
+ * @typedef {'chrome' | 'firefox' | 'safari'} AriaATCIRunner.Browser
- * @typedef {'chrome' | 'firefox' | 'safari'} AriaATCIAgent.Browser
- */
- * @typedef AriaATCIAgent.CliOptions
+ * @typedef AriaATCIRunner.CliOptions
* @property {boolean} [debug]
* @property {boolean} [quiet]
- * @property {AriaATCIAgent.Message[]} [verbose]
+ * @property {AriaATCIRunner.Message[]} [verbose]
* @property {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} [referenceBaseUrl]
* @property {boolean} [mock]
- * @property {'request' | 'skip'} [mockOpenPage]
* @property {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} [webDriverUrl]
- * @property {AriaATCIAgent.Browser} [webDriverBrowser]
+ * @property {AriaATCIRunner.Browser} [webDriverBrowser]
* @property {AriaATCIShared.BaseURL} [atDriverUrl]
* @property {AriaATCIShared.timesOption} [timesOption]