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June 5 , 2013 : The majority of carers say they are extremely , very or quite satisfied with the support and services they and the person they care for receive , according to a survey published today . Of the 57 , 800 carers who took part in the survey , 36 per cent reported that they were either extremely or very satisfied with the support and services they and the person they care for received , with 29 per cent said they were quite satisfied . However , 5 per cent reported they were quite dissatisfied and 4 per cent stated they were either very or extremely dissatisfied . 11 per cent reported that they were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied , and 16 per cent reported that they hadn ' t received any support or services from Social Services in the last 12 months . These provisional findings are contained in the Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England 2012 - 13 published today by the Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) . The survey is of carers aged 18 and caring for someone aged 18 or over who receives services funded wholly or in part by social services . The biennial survey examines how far carers are able to have a balanced life alongside their caring role and whether services provided by local authorities and other organisations are supporting carers well .
July 9 , 2013 : The HSCIC has extended the consultation period on a draft list of conditions to be included in a proposed ' Present on Admission flag ' . There are a number of conditions that , whilst preventable , can be acquired in hospitals and have an adverse effect on a patients morbidity and / or involve substantial financial cost to the hospital . Analysis of these conditions is currently difficult as it is not always known whether a condition has been acquired during the patients stay or was present at the time of admission to the hospital . If introduced a Present on admission flag could enable identification of conditions that were acquired by patients during their stay and those that existed prior to admission . This would enable better analysis of these conditions , helping to attribute the condition to the appropriate timeframe and in turn identify good practice . The Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) is working with key stakeholders , including the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges ( AoMRC ) , Royal College of Nursing ( RCN ) and Care Quality Commission ( CQC ) to define a candidate list of Present on Admission conditions and associated guidance . We are keen to hear from stakeholders , particularly clinicians and healthcare specialists . The consultation has now been extended until Sunday 28 July to enable as wide a range of stakeholders to respond as possible .
June 19 , 2013 : New figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) show in 2012 - 13 ( 2 ) almost two million patients were treated at the scene ( 3 ) by ambulance services without needing onward transportation , a 10 per cent rise on last year ' s figure ( 1 . 81 million ) . Of these patients more than one in three ( 34 . 2 per cent ) had been assessed by the call handler as falling into Category A , which meant their condition was potentially life threatening . Today ' s Ambulance Services , England : 2012 - 13 report shows control rooms received 9 . 08 million emergency calls in 2012 - 132 , a rise of more than half a million ( 6 . 9 per cent ) on 2011 - 12 and one in three of these was recorded as Category A ( 32 . 5 per cent , or 2 . 95 million ) .
June 13 , 2013 : Almost one in five women who gave birth in the North East in 2012 - 13 classed themselves as a smoker when they had their baby , new figures show . Nearly 5 , 700 women ( 19 . 7 per cent of 28 , 920 ) said they still smoked according to today ' s Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) report , which also shows this prevalence has been highest in the North East for the last six years . London had the lowest prevalence in 2012 - 13 at about one in 17 ( 5 . 7 per cent , or 7 , 000 out of 122 , 320 ) and also had the lowest prevalence in each of the last six years . Blackpool Primary Care Trust ( PCT ) had the highest prevalence of all 147 PCTS who returned validated data with almost one in three women smoking during pregnancy ( 30 . 8 per cent , or 520 out of 1 , 700 ) . Westminster PCT had the lowest rate at about one in 43 ( 2 . 3 per cent , or 54 out of 2 , 380 ) .
June 5 , 2013 : The majority of carers say they are extremely , very or quite satisfied with the support and services they and the person they care for receive , according to a survey published today . Of the 57 , 800 carers who took part in the survey , 36 per cent reported that they were either extremely or very satisfied with the support and services they and the person they care for received , with 29 per cent said they were quite satisfied . However , 5 per cent reported they were quite dissatisfied and 4 per cent stated they were either very or extremely dissatisfied . 11 per cent reported that they were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied , and 16 per cent reported that they hadn ' t received any support or services from Social Services in the last 12 months3 . These provisional findings are contained in the Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England 2012 - 13 published today by the Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) . The survey is of carers aged 18 and caring for someone aged 18 or over who receives services funded wholly or in part by social services . The biennial survey examines how far carers are able to have a balanced life alongside their caring role and whether services provided by local authorities and other organisations are supporting carers well .
April 15 , 2013 Thousands of GP practices around the country that have benefited from having their clinical IT systems provided under GP Systems of Choice ( GPSoC ) will now enjoy continuity of provision as a result of an extension to the current GPSoC arrangements . GPSoC has successfully delivered a flexible mechanism for contracting for GP clinical IT systems in GP practices since 2007 and 81 per cent of practices currently use a system provided through the framework . GP clinical IT systems are key to collecting and sharing patient data to support clinical care . They also provide access to national services including Choose and Book , the Electronic Prescription Service , Summary Care Records and GP2GP electronic transfer of patient records . The extension was arranged by the GPSoC team , now part of the Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) . As well as being the trusted source of data and information relating to health and care , HSCIC supports the delivery of IT infrastructure , information systems and standards to ensure information flows efficiently and securely across the health and social care system to improve patient outcomes . The HSCIC was established as an Executive Non - Departmental Public Body on 1st April . In addition to working on the extension , the GPSoC team has also been consulting widely with both GP representatives and the supplier community on new contracting arrangements to support the delivery of GP clinical IT systems in the future . NHS England is also heavily involved in this work , as the new sponsor of GPSoC .
February 19 , 2013 : Mortality among mental health service users aged 19 and over in England was 3 . 6 times the rate of the general population in 2010 / 11 , new Health and Social Care Information Centre ( HSCIC ) figures show . People in contact with specialist mental health services had a higher death rate for most causes of death , especially mental and behavioural disorders and diseases of the nervous system such as Alzheimer ' s disease , according to new analysis about cause of death released for the first time today . However a much higher level of mortality ( considering people between the ages of 19 and 74 ) also occurred for lifestyle - related diseases , including : Nearly four times the general population rate of deaths from diseases of the respiratory system ( at 142 . 2 per 100 , 000 service users , compared with 37 . 3 per 100 , 000 in the general population ) . Just over four times the general population rate of deaths from diseases of the digestive system ( at 126 . 1 per 100 , 000 , compared with 28 . 5 per 100 , 000 in the general population ) . 2 . 5 times the general population rate of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system ( at 254 . 0 per 100 , 000 compared with 101 . 1 per 100 , 000 in the general population ) .
January 23 , 2013 : English A and E departments see the most attendances on a Monday morning - dealing with double the hourly average - new figures suggest . Departments across England collectively deal with about 4 , 000 cases per hour between 10am and 12 noon on a Monday compared to the typical hourly average of 2 , 000; according to new analysis for 2011 - 12 . The Monday peak also occurred in 2010 - 11 ( 3 , 700 arrivals per hour , compared to the typical hourly average of 1 , 900 ) , according to today ' s report : Accident and Emergency Attendances in England ( experimental statistics ) 2011 / 12 . While more attendances occur during the Monday peak , the attendee pattern within this period ( such as by age , gender and region ) is broadly the same as the pattern at other times . Today ' s report shows 17 . 6 million attendances were recorded in 2011 - 12 ( compared to 16 . 2 million in 2010 - 11 . ) by major A and E departments , single specialty A and E departments , walk - in centres and minor injury units in England . This is is based on Hospital Episode Statistics ( HES ) A and E data , which while rich in detail , is incomplete when compared to A and E situation reports3 . This means today ' s 2011 - 12 analysis represents an estimated 80 . 5 per cent of all attendances ( a larger proportion than the 74 . 0 per cent captured in 2010 - 11 , which should be considered when interpreting the figures ) . Based on this data , the report shows that in 2011 - 12 :
December 12 , 2012 : The proportion of final year primary school children who were overweight or obese increased last year and continued to exceed one in three , new figures show today . The percentage of final year - Year 6 - primary school children ( generally aged ten to 11 ) who were overweight or obese increased to 33 . 9 per cent in 2011 / 12 , up from 33 . 4 per cent in the previous year . However , the percentage of Reception Year children who were overweight or obese in 2011 / 12 remained at 22 . 6 per cent - the same as in 2010 / 11 . The National Child Measurement Programme ( NCMP ) measures the height and weight of children in Reception Year ( generally four to five - year - olds ) and Year 6 - the final year of primary school . By doing this it establishes the prevalence of pupils who are ' underweight ' , ' healthy weight ' , ' overweight ' and ' obese '
September 26 , 2012 : Income before tax for UK contract holding GPs fell slightly in 2010 / 11 to GBP 104 , 100 - bringing the total decrease since its peak in 2005 / 06 to almost GBP 6 , 000 . Note : This press notice refers to 720 contractor GPs with income before tax of more than GBP 200 , 000 . This figure is rounded to the nearest 10 . It differs from the figure obtained by adding together the ( rounded ) numbers of contractor GPs earning between GBP 200 , 000 and GBP 250 , 000 and the number of contractor GPs earning more than GBP 250 , 000 , as seen in the Executive Summary . This is because results in each earnings band are also rounded to the nearest 10 . This scenario may also occur when looking at other combinations of earnings bands . New figures show average income for contractor GPs , who form the majority ( around 80 per cent ) of the GP workforce , fell 1 . 5 per cent in 2010 / 11 from GBP 105 , 700 the previous year . However , their income for 2010 / 11 was still up on 2004 / 05 - the year new contracting arrangements for GPs were introduced - when their income was GBP 100 , 170 . GP Earnings and Expenses 2010 / 11 considers the earnings and expenses of full and part - time GPs and covers both their NHS and private income . It shows the average gross earnings for contractor GPs rose to GBP 266 , 500 - a 1 . 5 per cent increase on 2009 / 10 . However , the rise in their gross earnings was more than offset by their expenses , which rose 3 . 5 per cent from 2009 / 10 to GBP 162 , 400 in 2010 / 11 . The report shows :