Practice Projects
- Basic Contact Manager in Angular.js
- geotweets - displays a stream of tweets from your location
Practice files
- lessons-from_the-book-of-javascript
- lessons-from_applied-jquery
- lessons-from_jquery-mobile
- lessons-from_ios-sdk-development
- lessons-from_teach-yourself-objective-c
- lessons-from_objective-c-programming
Practice Projects
- phonegap/determining-whether-the-device-is-ready - Sample PhoneGap (now Cordova) project that sets a global variable called isPhoneGapReady in order to make PhoneGap-specific API calls.
- phonegap/persistent-navigation-tutorial - Template of a PhoneGap app with a persistent footer for navigation.
- phonegap/callback-function-tutorial - Phone gap app with callback functions.
- phonegap/using-gps-and-displaying-a-position-on-a-map - template of a geolocation app that consumes the Google Maps API to display the users location.
- phonegap/contacts-tutorial - Template for a contact management app.
- alienhunter (tutorial in progress)
Practice files
- phonegap/retrieve.js - JavaScript file to retrieve device information if you want to add functionality that is available only on a certain device platform.
- phonegap/network-detection.js - File in JavaScript to detect the network connection.
- phonegap/network-status-change.js - File in JavaScript to detect changes in a network connection.
- phonegap/background-foreground-dection.js - Functions to detect if the app moved to foreground or background.
Practice Projects
- hipster-coffeeshop - sample app built with Refinery CMS
Practice files
- changedFiles.rb - Script to Validate a file's integrity
- encrypt.rb - Script to encrypt a file
- decrypt.rb - Script to decrypt a file
- fileSplit.rb - Script to split a file
- fileJoin.rb - Script to join files
- listWinProcesses.rb - Script to list windows processes
- compress.rb - Script to compress a file
- decompress.rb - Script to decompress a file
- mortgageCalc.rb - Script to calculate mortgage payments
- linkValidator.rb - Script that to validate links on a web page
- orphanCheck.rb - Script that checks for orphan files on a server
- formGenerator.rb - Script to generate a form
- rssparser.rb - Script that allows you to retrieve information from a blog
- stockGrep.rb - Script that pulls information from Yahoo finance
- ipAdderGen.rb - Script that generates a range of IP addresses
- subnetCalc.rb - Script to segment a network with the use of subnet masks
- fixFilename.rb - Script to rename files if they contain certain symbols
- addUser.rb - Script to automare the addition of user accounts to a system
- modUser.rb - Script to modify user information
- killProcess.rb - Script to identify and kill stuck processes
- symlinkCheck.rb - Script to validate a symbolic link
- massEdit.rb - Script to automate the renaming of multiple files
- imageInfo.rb - Script to extract information from an image file
- thumbnail.rb - Script to create thumbnails from images
- resizePhoto.rb - Script to resize images
- watermark.rb - Script to watermark images
- bwPhoto.rb - Script converts images to black and white
- createGallery.rb - Script that creates a gallery for a set of images
- sudoku.rb - Script for sudoku