allows you to use |
like in the Unix shell.
Look at that (really dumb) example:
from pypelines import pypeline
def mul_two(x):
return x * 2
def hard_computations(x):
return x | mul_two
hard_computations(210) # => 420
It's also possible to call anonymous functions:
from pypelines import pypeline
def hard_computations(x):
return x | (lambda x: x * 2)
In case you want to make interesting, functional stuff, partial
is on your command:
from functools import partial
from pypelines import pypeline
def even_more_interesting_computations(x: int) -> list:
return x | range | partial(map, lambda x: x * 2) | list
even_more_interesting_computations(10) # => [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
Also there is more interesting examples in usage file.
This bytecode play is heavily inspired by the: borzunov's plusplus package.