- Current Supported Commands
- Authentication
- Getting Help
- 1. CSP - Cloud Service Portal related commands
- 2. SDDC - Software Defined Datacenter related commands
- 3. TKG - Tanzu Kubernetes Service related commands
- 4. VTC - VMware Transit Connect related commands
- 5. NSX related commands
- 5.1 Segment - Virtual Machine network segment related commands
- 5.2 VPN - Virtual private network related commands
- 5.3 NAT - Network Address Translation related commands
- 5.4 T1 - T1 gateways related commands
- 5.5 GWFW - NSX Gateway Firewall related commands
- 5.6 DFW - NSX Distributed Firewall related commands
- 5.7 NSXAF - NSX Advanced Firewall related commands
- 5.8 Inventory - NSX Inventory related commands
- 5.9 System - NSX-T System related commands
- 5.10 serach-nsx - NSX Manager inventory related commands
- 6. VCDR - VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery related commands
- 7. Flexcomp - VMware Cloud Flex Compute related commands
Here are the currently supported 'super' commands:
csp Commands related to the Cloud Service Portal itself.
sddc Commands related to the Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC) itself.
tkg Commands related to the Tanzu Kubernetes Service (TKG).
segment Create, delete, update, and show Virtual Machine network segments.
vpn Create, delete, update, and show virtual private network (VPN) settings.
nat Show and update Network Address Translation (NAT) rules.
t1 Create, delete, update, and show secondary T1 gateways.
vtc Commands related to VMware Transit Connect (VTC).
gwfw Show and update policies and rules associated with NSX Gateway Firewall (mgw, cgw, etc.).
dfw Show and update policies and rules associated with NSX Distributed Firewall.
nsxaf Commands related to the NSX Advanced Firewall - e.g. IDS.
inventory Show and update objects in the NSX Inventory (groups, services, etc).
system Show and update configuration data associated with the NSX-T System (DNS, public IP, etc).
search-nsx Search the NSX Manager inventory.
vcdr Create, delete, update, and show information about VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery.
flexcomp Commands related to the Cloud Flex Compute itself.
pyVMC supports both refresh_token and OAuth AppId/Secret way to authenticate. Values for it needs to be specified in config.ini file. Default auth method is to use refresh_token.
If one wants to use OAuth, then --oauth switch needs to be provided when running the command.
Using default 'refresh_token'
./pyVMC.py sddc show-sddcs
Using OAuth
./pyVMC.py sddc show-sddcs --oauth
To see the supported commands for any given category / super-command, simply use '-h'... for example:
./pyVMC.py vcdr -h
usage: vcdr [-h] {scfs,pg,snaps,rsddc,psite,vms} ...
positional arguments:
vcdr sub-command help
scfs VCDR cloud file system - use '-h' for help.
pg VCDR Protection Groups - use '-h' for help.
snaps VCDR Snapshots - use '-h' for help.
rsddc VCDR Recovery SDDC - use '-h' for help.
psite VCDR Protected Site - use '-h' for help.
vms VCDR cloud file system - use '-h' for help.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Similarly, to see the options for any given command, run the individual command with the -h option:
./pyVMC.py vcdr scfs -h
usage: vcdr scfs [-h] {show} ...
positional arguments:
{show} vcdr scfs sub-command help
show Show information about the VCDR Scale-out file System(s).
optional arguments:
--oauth [OAUTH] Used to specify use of OAuth app ID and secret in config.ini instead of 'refresh_token' (default)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: csp [-h]
positional arguments:
csp sub-command help
show-csp-services Show the entitled services in the
VMware Cloud Service Console.
show-csp-service-roles Show the entitled service roles in the
VMware Cloud Service Console.
get-access-token show your access token
add-users-to-csp-group CSP user to a group
show-csp-group-diff this compares the roles in the
specified group with every user in the
org and prints out a user-by-user diff
show-csp-group-members show CSP group members
show-csp-groups To show CSP groups which contain
search-csp-org-users Search for users in the CSP or org.
find-csp-user-by-service-role Search for CSP users with a specific
service role. First use show-csp-
service-roles to see entitled roles
show-org-users Show all organization users
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: sddc [-h]
positional arguments:
sddc sub-command help
show-compatible-subnets show compatible native AWS subnets
connected to the SDDC
show-connected-accounts show native AWS accounts connected to
the SDDC
set-sddc-connected-services change whether to use S3 over the
Internet(false) or via the ENI(true)
show-sddc-connected-vpc show the VPC connected to the SDDC
show-shadow-account show the Shadow AWS Account VMC is
deployed in
show-sddc-state get a view of your selected SDDC
show-sddc-hosts display a list of the hosts in your
show-sddcs display a list of your SDDCs
show-vms get a list of your VMs
create create an SDDC
delete delete an sddc
watch-task watch a task for a long running sddc create or delete
cancel-task cancel a long running task
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: tkg [-h] {enable-tkg,disable-tkg} ...
positional arguments:
{enable-tkg,disable-tkg} sddc sub-command help
enable-tkg Enable Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on an SDDC
disable-tkg Disable Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on an SDDC
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: vtc [-h]
positional arguments:
vtc sub-command help
connect-aws Connect an vTGW to an AWS account
disconnect-aws Disconnect a vTGW from an AWS account
attach-dxgw Attach a Direct Connect Gateway to a
detach-dxgw Detach a Direct Connect Gateway from a
get-sddc-info Display a list of all SDDCs
get-nsx-info Display NSX credentials and URLs
attach-sddc Attach an SDDC to a vTGW
detach-sddc Detach an SDDC from a vTGW
create-sddc-group Create an SDDC group
delete-sddc-group Delete an SDDC group
get-group-info Display details for an SDDC group
attach-vpc Attach a VPC to a vTGW
detach-vpc Detach VPC from a vTGW
vpc-prefixes Add or remove vTGW static routes
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: segment [-h] {create,delete,show,update} ...
positional arguments:
segment sub-command help
create Create a new virtual machine network segment.
delete Delete a virtual machine network segment.
show Show the current virtual machine network segments.
update Update the configuration of a virtual machine network
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: vpn [-h]
positional arguments:
vpn sub-command help
new-l2vpn create a new L2VPN
remove-l2VPN remove a L2VPN
remove-vpn remove a VPN
remove a VPN IKE profile
To remove a VPN IPSec Tunnel profile
show-l2vpn show l2 vpn
show l2 vpn services
show-vpn show the configured VPN
show-vpn show the VPN statistics
show the VPN IKE profiles
show the public IP used for VPN services
show the VPN tunnel profile
show the VPN IPSec endpoints
rbvpn-prefix-list Create and configure route-based VPN prefix lists.
rbvpn-neighbors Show and configure BGP Neighbors for route-based VPN.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: nat [-h] {new-nat-rule,remove-nat-rule,show-nat} ...
positional arguments:
nat sub-command help
new-nat-rule To create a new NAT rule
remove-nat-rule remove a NAT rule
show-nat show the configured NAT rules
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: t1 [-h] {create,delete,update} ...
positional arguments:
t1 sub-command help
create Create a new, secondary T1 gateway.
delete Delete a secondary T1 gateway.
update Update the configuration of a secondary T1 gateway.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: gwfw [-h]
positional arguments:
gwfw sub-command help
new-cgw-rule create a new CGW security rule
new-mgw-rule create a new MGW security rule
remove-cgw-rule delete a CGW security rule
remove-mgw-rule delete a MGW security rule
show-cgw-rule show the CGW security rules
show-mgw-rule show the MGW security rules
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: dfw [-h]
positional arguments:
dfw sub-command help
new-dfw-rule create a new DFW security rule
new-dfw-section create a new DFW section
remove-dfw-rule delete a DFW rule
remove-dfw-section delete a DFW section
show-dfw-section show the DFW sections
show the DFW security rules within a section
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: nsxaf [-h]
positional arguments:
nsxaf sub-command help
show-nsxaf-status Display the status of the NSX Advanced
Firewall Add-on
show-ids-cluster-status Show IDS status for each cluster in
the SDDC
enable-cluster-ids Enable IDS on cluster
disable-cluster-ids Disable IDS on cluster
enable-all-cluster-ids Enable IDS on all clusters
disable-all-cluster-ids Disable IDS on all clusters
enable-ids-auto-update Enable IDS signature auto update
ids-update-signatures Force update of IDS signatures
show-ids-signature-versions Show downloaded signature versions
show-ids-profiles Show all IDS profiles
search-product-affected Search through the active IDS
signature for specific product
affected. Useful when building an IDS
create-ids-profile Create an IDS profile with either
Product Affected, CVSS or both.
show-ids-policies List all IDS policies
create-ids-policy Create an IDS policy
show-ids-rules List all IDS rules
create-ids-rule Create an IDS rule using previously
created IDS profile and inventory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: inventory [-h]
positional arguments:
inventory sub-command help
new-group create a new group
remove-group remove a group
show-group show existing groups
show security rules used by a groups
new-service create a new service
remove-service remove a service
show-services show services
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: system [-h]
positional arguments:
system sub-command help
show-dns-services Show currently configured DNS services
show-dns-zones Show currently configured DNS zone services.
new-sddc-public-ip request a new public IP
remove an existing public IP
set-sddc-public-ip update the description of an existing public IP
show the public IPs
mtu Show and update configuration data associated with
Maximum Transmission Unit value for the Intranet
asn Show and update configuration data associated with
Autonomous System Number value for the Intranet
dx-admin-cost Use to view currently configured routing preference /
admin cost - VPN or DX.
show current Internet interface egress counters
show-routes Show SDDC routes
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: search-nsx [-h] [--nsxm [NSXM]]
[-ot {BgpNeighborConfig,BgpRoutingConfig,Group,IdsSignature,PrefixList,RouteBasedIPSecVPNSession,Segment,Service,StaticRoute,Tier0,Tier1,VirtualMachine,VirtualNetworkInterface}]
[-oid OBJECT_ID]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nsxm [NSXM] Used to specify NSX Manager instead of NSX proxy (Default).
-ot {BgpNeighborConfig,BgpRoutingConfig,Group,IdsSignature,PrefixList,RouteBasedIPSecVPNSession,Segment,Service,StaticRoute,Tier0,Tier1,VirtualMachine,VirtualNetworkInterface}, --object_type {BgpNeighborConfig,BgpRoutingConfig,Group,IdsSignature,PrefixList,RouteBasedIPSecVPNSession,Segment,Service,StaticRoute,Tier0,Tier1,VirtualMachine,VirtualNetworkInterface}
The type of object to search for.
-oid OBJECT_ID, --object_id OBJECT_ID
The name of the object you are searching for.
usage: vcdr [-h] {scfs,pg,snaps,rsddc,psite,vms} ...
positional arguments:
vcdr sub-command help
scfs VCDR cloud file system - use '-h' for help.
pg VCDR Protection Groups - use '-h' for help.
snaps VCDR Snapshots - use '-h' for help.
rsddc VCDR Recovery SDDC - use '-h' for help.
psite VCDR Protected Site - use '-h' for help.
vms VCDR cloud file system - use '-h' for help.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
VMware Cloud Flex Compute is currently in technical preview and any related functionality is subject to change until Cloud Flex Compute is made generally available in the future.
usage: flexcomp [-h]
positional arguments:
flexcomp sub-command help
activity-status Get activity status of long running tasks
show-all-namespaces Show all present Cloud Flex Compute Name Spaces
validate-network Validate network CIDR before creating Cloud Flex Compute Name Space
create-flexcompute Create new Cloud Flex Compute
delete-flexcomp Delete existing Cloud Flex Compute
show-flex-comp-regions Show available Cloud Flex Compute regions
show-flex-comp-templates Show available Cloud Flex Compute resource templates to create Name Space
show-all-vms Show all VMs in Cloud Flex Compute instance
show-all-images Show all images available to create VMs from
create-vm Create VM
power-operation Perform Power Operations on VM
delete-vm Delete VM. Make sure VM is in powerd OFF state.
-h, --help