is a CLI (command-line interface) for GEOS.
It can be used to:
- Run GEOS operations on one or many geometries
- Output geometry results in various formats (WKT, WKB and GeoJSON)
- Time the performance of operations
- Check for memory leaks in operations
- Check the semantics of GEOS operations
- Read list of geometries from a file (WKT or WKB)
- Read geometries from stdin (WKT or WKB)
- Read geometry from command-line literal (WKT or WKB)
- Input format is WKT or WKB
- Apply a limit and offset (TBD) to the input geometries
- collect input geometries into a GeometryCollection (for aggregate operations)
- Execute a GEOS operation on each geometry
- TBD: Execute a GEOS operation on each geometry for a list of different arguments
- Explode result collections into individual geometries
- Output result as text, WKT or WKB
- Time the overall and individual performance of each operation
geosop [OPTION...] opName opArg
-a arg source for A geometries (WKT, WKB, file, stdin,
-b arg source for B geometries (WKT, WKB, file, stdin,
-l, --limita arg Limit number of A geometries read
-o, --offseta arg Skip reading first N geometries of A
-c, --collect Collect input into single geometry (automatic for AGG
-e, --explode Explode results into component geometries
-f, --format arg Output format (wkt, wkb, txt or geojson)
-p, --precision arg Set number of decimal places in output coordinates
-q, --quiet Disable result output
-r, --repeat arg Repeat operation N times
-t, --time Print execution time
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-h, --help Print help
Print usage instructions
Print usage instructions and list of available operations
geosop --help
Read a file of geometries in WKT and output them as WKB
geosop -a geoms.wkt -f wkb
Compute the area of geometries in a WKT file and output them as text
geosop -a geoms.wkt area
Compute the centroids of geometries in a WKT file and output them as WKT
geosop -a geoms.wkt centroid
Compute an operation on a list of geometries and output only geometry metrics and timing
geosop -a geoms.wkt -v -q isValid
Validate geometries from a WKT file, reading only 5 and skipping the first 10
geosop -a geoms.wkt --limita 5 --offseta 10 isValid
Compute the buffer with distance 10 of WKB geometries and output as WKT
geosop -a geoms.wkb -f wkt buffer 10
Compute the unary union of a set of WKT geometries and output as WKB
is an aggregate operation, so automatically collects all input geometriesgeosop -a geoms.wkt -f wkb unaryUnion
Compute the buffer of a WKB literal and output as GeoJSON
geosop -a 000000000140240000000000004024000000000000 -f geojson buffer 10
Polygonize lines and output the individual result polygons as WKT
geosop -a "MULTILINESTRING ((200 100, 100 100, 200 200), (200 200, 200 100), (200 200, 300 100, 200 100))" -v -e polygonize
Read geometries from a WKT file on stdin and output as WKB
geosop -a - -f wkb
Read geometries from a WKB file on stdin and output as WKT
geosop -a stdin.wkb
Run a sequence of operations using a pipe
geosop -a "LINESTRING (10 10, 20 20)" buffer 10 | geosop -a - envelope
Compute the union of two geometries in WKT and WKB and output as WKT
geosop -a some-geom.wkt -b some-other-geom.wkb union
TBD: Compute the buffer of a WKT literal for multiple distances
geosop -a "MULTIPOINT ( (0 0), (10 10) )" buffer 1,2,3,4
TBD: Compute the buffer of a WKT literal and output as WKB, with SRID set to 4326
geosop -a "POINT (10 10)" --srid=4326 -f wkb buffer 10
--sort [ asc | desc ]
sorts output geometries by value of operation--where [eq | gt |ge | lt | le ]:val
filters result geometries by value of operation--limit N
applies limit to output (used with sorting)--srid s
sets SRID to s, for WKB output