- hover + click = tap + 2 tap
- how do you show the data in a hover elsewhere?
- hold + find nearest point + show hover then
- Show only one dimension (drag left to right?)
- touchup/touchdown overwrite mouseevents
- platform differences
- mobile-first, how does it apply to data vis
- simpler on mobile?
- what if they don't come back to a desktop version?
- browse vs explore
- generate invitation
- if they aren't hooked already, there's nothing you can do.
- continuitiy between mobile and desktop
- First look should be valuable (nyt interactives.)
- How does context affect your interface?
- More context is better
- what is more important? the text or the chart?
- contraints: mobile, tablet, web (and maybe orientation)
- mobile-separate, build desktop one first, design and build mobile.
- build independend
- infinite configurability will be costlier
- extract common shared components
- on mobile give the answer, explore on desktop
- natural interactions on mobile on phone
- pan and zoom, adjust scale, zoom in your data
- what about filters?
- using scroll to reveal information instead of using click, reveal on scroll
- lean on native interfaces (dropdowns, calendar selection)
- barcharts vertical vs horizontal
- screenshot of fully functional thing, offer a simplified representation but alert to the existance of more complex interface
- Use the text as interface to modify/highlight the visualization
- Victor Powell's Pythagorian theorem setosa.io/pythagorian
- precompute things if you can on your server etc. don't do it on mobile.
- have links to certain states of a visualization, points you want to show people that are significant.
- tab regions need to be large
- graphprism (aggregating stats, filtering based on authority)