React Native Storage Libraries and their usecases
Storing data efficienlty in mobile is one of the major problem in mobile application development. React native comes up with differently libraries to tackle this problem. here is the list
- AsynStorage by React native
- react-native-storage
- react-native-sqlite-storage
- redux-persist
- react-native-firestack
- react-native-store
- react-native-db-model
- react-native-simple-store
- realm-react-native/
- react-native-local-mongodb
Each of these has it's pros and cons and it's depend on the type of application you are building but mostly backed by AsyncStorage. so most of them work same
AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app. It is better than local storage. read more about on official sites
This library is a wrapper on AsyncStorage and provides easy to use access. read more for how to use it
Sqlite is the database most widly used in mobile application development. so react native sqlite storage provide wrapper to access sqlite database. it support both ios and android read here
Redux persist is worked with redux and it used to save data on disk permanently for more info
These are all wrapper on Asyncstorage as well, react-native-db-model is the wrapper on react-native-store. react-native-simple-store is the minimal wrapper on react native asyncstorage. read more
Realm React Native enables you to efficiently write your app’s model layer in a safe, persisted and fast way. Here’s what it looks like: See Realm React Native and Docs For Realm read more
Embedded persistent or in memory database for react-native. API is a subset of MongoDB's (NeDB) and it's plenty fast.