diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index 30f9f04..6d71880 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -90,11 +90,12 @@ In the *Pages* folder, each file is rendered as a page with the file name as par - *Index-page* -: (url: /) Home page for the website. Introduction writeup present in two columns. *Typewriter-effect* library has been used for the typewriter effect. The page has three roles to choose from, with descriptions mentioned. The roles can be added/modified from home_data.json file present in src folder. Similarly, domains details list and services details list can be modified in home_data.json. Swiper-library has been used for sliding view of the cards. Its attributes can be changed from the arguments passed to The library has been imported using cdn : https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/swiper@10/swiper-bundle.min.css -- *Members-page* -: To navigate here, use the Our Team option on the navbar. This page has the profiles of all members of the VLEAD, Vlabs Team. The cards are an external component imported from "yatharth-super-lemon" in components/people_card.jsx. The team member details, and testimonials are fetched from the same sheet api: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyvD_OVuhxgdgxTxoFMV4Jes40VtmH4SWRradzivUhknlPr-BepBeGp1IzrPcd9G-CftA/exec - For fetching current team members list, add "?q=current" to the end of the url. For past members, add "?q=past". For testimonials, add "?q=testimonials" - The api will fetch 5 random testimonials from the sheet. - The fetch has been performed in people_card.jsx. The details fetched for each member entry in the sheet are passed as parameters to . The image drive link url is received as a google drive link input and is converted to api format in convert_url function. - For any modifications or queries regarding the fetched data, please refer to the README provided in the latest version of the Team Details VLEAD google sheet. - The testimonials are rendered through testimonials.jsx component. In the mobile screen mode, testimonials are added as a tab in the page along with Current and Past. The quotes symbols for testimonials have been taken from fontawesome library, imported in components/testimonials.jsx - faQuoteLeft, faQuoteRight. +- *Members-page* -: To navigate here, use the Our Team option on the navbar. This page has the profiles of all members of the VLEAD, Vlabs Team. The cards are an external component imported from "yatharth-super-lemon" in components/people_card.jsx. The team member details, and testimonials are fetched from the same sheet api: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyvD_OVuhxgdgxTxoFMV4Jes40VtmH4SWRradzivUhknlPr-BepBeGp1IzrPcd9G-CftA/exec + - The member details are extracted by performing join operations between several sheets in a single Google Sheets workbook, which makes this process time consuming. In order to improve the performance of the web page, we cache the member details every time the spreadsheet gets updated or when the cache gets expired. This was required since without caching the API took approximately 15-20 seconds to get data and caching brought it down to 4-5 seconds. + - For fetching current team members list, add "?q=current" to the end of the url. For past members, add "?q=past". For testimonials, add "?q=testimonials" - The api will fetch 5 random testimonials from the sheet. + - The fetch has been performed in people_card.jsx. The details fetched for each member entry in the sheet are passed as parameters to . The image drive link url is received as a google drive link input and is converted to api format in convert_url function. + - For any modifications or queries regarding the fetched data, please refer to the README provided in the latest version of the Team Details VLEAD google sheet. + - The testimonials are rendered through testimonials.jsx component. In the mobile screen mode, testimonials are added as a tab in the page along with Current and Past. The quotes symbols for testimonials have been taken from fontawesome library, imported in components/testimonials.jsx - faQuoteLeft, faQuoteRight. - *Analytics-page* -: All the data for the institutes (iframe, name, img) is imported through src/analytics_data.json. All the charts are imported from "charts.jsx" present in *components*. Under the 'Base' layout first all the charts are displayed, then an iframe is displayed parallely with all the institutes image in desktop screen which changes to a dropdown in mobile screen.