Today's Progress: I'll check all the neccesary tools are going to use to start the challenge and search a user case with focus in social resposability to apply.
Thoughts: Hope will help me in learning Machine Learning in a more fun and effective way .
Today's Progress: Starting with a Introduction to Linear Algebra and to Mathematics for ML.
Thoughts: Review a basics math topics, for example linear equations.
Link of Work: Linear_Equations
Today's Progress: Samples of elimination with matrices
Thoughts: It's Ok to refresh concepts and practice with more dimensions.
Link of Work: Matrices elimination
Today's Progress: Linear algebra, multiplication and inverse matrices
Thoughts: Not difficult, using Jupyter Notebook to reply same exercises.
Link of Work: Samples
Today's Progress: Factorization and Transposes
Link of Work: Samples
Today's Progress: Column space and nullspace
Link of Work: Samples
Today's Progress: Using Spicy with vectors and matrices
Link of Work: Samples
Today's Progress: Descriptive Statistics with Python
Link of Work: Samples