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To install botpress, you need NPM version 4.2 or higher.

npm install -g botpress

For developers: Botpress needs to be installed globally on developers machine in order to create a bot and install modules.

To run a bot: botpress does not need to be installed, as botpress is installed as a local dependency in the bot.

Command line tool

The global command line tool is available as botpress and bp. For example, running bp init is the equivalent of running botpress init.

[!] Ruby users: If you have Ruby installed, bp might already be linked to the Bundle Package Command, in which case you must either use botpress or change your bp symbolic link to point to botpress instead.

Creating a bot

botpress init is the only safe and preffered way of creating a Botpress bot. This command must be run inside an empty directory as it will create some files required to run your bot. The following files will be generated:

    - botfile.js // your bot's configuration. botpress uses this
    - index.js // your bot's entry point. bot logic goes here
    - package.json // regular node package.json file
    - LICENSE // your bot license, either AGPLv3 or Botpress License
    - .gitignore // ignoring some botpress-created files by default

Installing modules

Botpress aims to be as lightweight as possible and includes only what is necessary to almost all bots. Much of the functionalities your bot will have will come from modules. Modules must be installed separately using the botpress install command.

A list of all available modules can be found in your bot's web interface. Modules are published to NPM and botpress crawls and indexes available and valid modules to make it easier for you to install them.

The following commands are all valid:

botpress install botpress-messenger
botpress install messenger
botpress i messenger
bp i messenger
bp i messenger analytics rivescript broadcast
bp i ~/john/Desktop/botpress-local-module
bp i ../local-module

You may uninstall modules with the botpress uninstall command:

botpress uninstall messenger

The bp instance

In your bot's entry point (index.js), you have access to the botpress instance bp. From now on, we will simply refer to this instance as bp.

bp is the only object you need to work with when creating a bot. It contains everything you need to process messages, send notifications, send messages, communicate with modules, setup custom HTTP routes, log stuff to the console and more.

Processing messages

bp.hear is an utility function to capture and process messages. Behind the scene, botpress simply appends an incoming middleware, but we don't need to know about these for now.


// file: index.js
module.exports = function(bp) {
    // listens for the "hello world" string
    bp.hear('hello world', function(message) {
        // do something with the message

bp.hear has much more powerful listening capabilities such as listening on regexes:

bp.hear(/hello/i, function(message) { /* do something */ })

or even platform-specific events:

bp.hear({ platform: 'facebook', text: /hello/i }, /* ... */)

You can read the Core Reference for to discover more ways of using bp.hear


Notifications appear in the bot's web interface. They are a mean for modules and your bot logic to alert the bot administrators about what is going on.


    level: 'success',
    title: 'Bot started',
    message: 'Bot successfully started!'

Read more about the Core Notification API.


Using bp.logger is the preferred way of logging things in your bot. bp.logger is an instance of the great winston library.

You can use to log messages, which will automatically show up in your bot's console and web interface.

Example:'Just logging this to the console')


Running your bot with NODE_ENV environement variable set to production will result in authentication turned on by default.


NODE_ENV=production botpress start

You can easily configure the authentication details in the botfile.