yarn install
yarn start
The menu content is in menu.json
. Tweak that file, stop the app and run it
again to test your changes.
Setup your .env
[email protected]
Use your Apple ID and generate an app-specific password to go along with it (so don’t use your regular password!). You can generate one at appleid.apple.com. https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-notarizeOThis is your Apple ID, but you need to generate an app-specific password to go along with it (so don’t use your regular password!) You can generate one at appleid.apple.com.#safety-when-using-appleidpassword https://kilianvalkhof.com/2019/electron/notarizing-your-electron-application/
yarn build
To release it:
cd dist
mkdir now
cp your-higher-power-*-mac.dmg now/your-higher-power-mac.dmg
cd now
now --name your-higher-power --prod
cd ../..
rm -rf dist