API Platform Core is an easy to use and powerful library to create hypermedia-driven REST APIs. It is a component of the API Platform framework. It can be used standalone or with the Symfony framework (recommended).
It embraces JSON for Linked Data (JSON-LD) and Hydra Core Vocabulary web standards.
Build a working and fully-featured CRUD API in minutes. Leverage the awesome features of the tool to develop complex and high performance API-first projects.
If you are starting a new project, the easiest way to get API Platform up is to install the API Platform Standard Edition.
Here is the fully-featured REST API you'll get in minutes:
- CRUD support through the API for Doctrine entities: list,
- Hypermedia implementing JSON-LD
- Machine-readable documentation of the API in the Hydra format, guessed from PHPDoc, Serializer, Validator and Doctrine ORM metadata
- Human-readable Swagger-like documentation including a sandbox automatically generated thanks to the integration with NelmioApiDoc
- Pagination (compliant with Hydra)
- List filters (compliant with Hydra)
- Validation using the Symfony Validator Component, with groups support
- Errors serialization (compliant with Hydra)
- Custom serialization using the Symfony Serializer Component, with groups support and the possibility to embed relations
- Automatic routes registration
- Automatic entrypoint generation giving access to all resources
serialization and deserialization- FOSUserBundle integration (user management)
- Easy installation thanks to API Platform
Everything is fully customizable through a powerful event system and strong OOP.
This bundle is extensively tested (unit and functionnal). The Fixtures/
contains a working app covering all features of the library.
- (english) Discovering API Platform v2
- (english) Create API-First Web Apps with API Platform, a PHP Framework
- (french) Tour d'horizon des changements dans API Platform v2
- (french) A la découverte de API Platform (Symfony Live Paris 2015)
- (french) API-first et Linked Data avec Symfony (sfPot Lille 2015)
- (french) Behat PHP code coverage
Previous chapter: API Platform Distribution: Testing and Specifying the API
Next chapter: Getting Started