- Updated Dependencies.
- Updated Dependencies.
- CI/CD added.
- Dependabot configured.
- Upgraded to Dart 3 example project.
- Upgraded dependencies in example project.
- Updated dependencies in framework.
- Upgraded to Dart 3 example project.
- Upgraded dependencies in example project.
- Updated dependencies in framework.
- Upgraded to Dart 3.
- Updated dependencies.
- Upgraded flutter.
- Updated dependencies.
- Internal methods renamed.
- Private methods moved in extensions.
- Documentation improved more detailed.
- Added code examples in documentation.
- Documentation improved.
- Readme improved.
- Example project updated.
- Coverage improved.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Dependencies updated.
- deleteElement method now returns a boolean on the success of the operation.
- deleteElements method has been added to delete all elements that match the filter.
- The getElementsWhere method has been renamed to getElements with a where parameter.
- Unit Test updated.
- Example project added.
- Update dependencies.
- Optimized filters.
- Minor errors fixed.
- Coverage improved(98% lines covered).
- FilterDb added as a wrapper of a filter.
- ConditionDb added used a condition of a filter.
- When a TableDb is initialized automatically detect duplicated column names.
- ColumnDb has modified their properties as privates and improved their names.
- Simplification
- PSQLite properties can be modified after initialize.
- First release