description |
Overview of the Verida Private Data Data Bridge |
{% hint style="warning" %} The Verida Private Data Bridge is currently in private alpha to early builders. {% endhint %}
The Verida Private Data Bridge is a collection of technologies and infrastructure that enable end users to extract their data from existing centralized platforms (ie: Google, Apple, Telegram, Discord), store it encrypted on the Verida Network and then authorize their data to be used with AI and other third party applications.
Verida Data Bridge: Flow of user data from existing platforms to users to third party applications
The Verida Private Data Bridge consists of:
- Web interface for end users to connect and extract their data from centralized platforms
- A collection of APIs for developers to authorize, authenticate, query and run AI prompts against private user data.
- A framework for writing standardized code, with unit tests, for each connector. These data connectors are responsible for authenticating, authorizing and syncronizing user data from centralized platforms.
- Backend server, running on Verida's Confidential Compute infrastructure, that facilitates data connections and syncronization of data for end users
- A set of smart contracts and client side libraries that enable user data to be submitted on-chain and verified.