Já estamos usando o nosso Broker Kafka mas não criamos nenhum tópico. Isso só é possível porque na configuração do broker o valor de auto.create.topics.enable
é true
, caso fosse false
não teria sido possível publica e consumir mensagens.
É importante sempre criar o tópico antes de o usar por dois motivos:
- Garantir as configurações do tópici
- Em alguns casos (principalmente em Streams) ele não é criado automaticamente
Nessa sessão vamos passar por alguns comando que vão nos auxiliar a gerenciar tópicos em um cluster Kafka.
A ferramenta que vamos usar para gerenciar os tópicos é o script ./bin/kafka-topics.sh
já disponível em qualquer instalação Kafka. Para se utilizar esse script é preciso so definir o parâmetro --bootstrap-server
se não houver nenhuma configuração de segurança, caso contrário deverá ser usado também o parâmetro --command-config
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --help
This tool helps to create, delete, describe, or change a topic.
Option Description
------ -----------
--alter Alter the number of partitions,
replica assignment, and/or
configuration for the topic.
--at-min-isr-partitions if set when describing topics, only
show partitions whose isr count is
equal to the configured minimum.
--bootstrap-server <String: server to REQUIRED: The Kafka server to connect
connect to> to.
--command-config <String: command Property file containing configs to be
config property file> passed to Admin Client. This is used
only with --bootstrap-server option
for describing and altering broker
--config <String: name=value> A topic configuration override for the
topic being created or altered. The
following is a list of valid
See the Kafka documentation for full
details on the topic configs. It is
supported only in combination with --
create if --bootstrap-server option
is used (the kafka-configs CLI
supports altering topic configs with
a --bootstrap-server option).
--create Create a new topic.
--delete Delete a topic
--delete-config <String: name> A topic configuration override to be
removed for an existing topic (see
the list of configurations under the
--config option). Not supported with
the --bootstrap-server option.
--describe List details for the given topics.
--disable-rack-aware Disable rack aware replica assignment
--exclude-internal exclude internal topics when running
list or describe command. The
internal topics will be listed by
--help Print usage information.
--if-exists if set when altering or deleting or
describing topics, the action will
only execute if the topic exists.
--if-not-exists if set when creating topics, the
action will only execute if the
topic does not already exist.
--list List all available topics.
--partitions <Integer: # of partitions> The number of partitions for the topic
being created or altered (WARNING:
If partitions are increased for a
topic that has a key, the partition
logic or ordering of the messages
will be affected). If not supplied
for create, defaults to the cluster
--replica-assignment <String: A list of manual partition-to-broker
broker_id_for_part1_replica1 : assignments for the topic being
broker_id_for_part1_replica2 , created or altered.
broker_id_for_part2_replica1 :
broker_id_for_part2_replica2 , ...>
--replication-factor <Integer: The replication factor for each
replication factor> partition in the topic being
created. If not supplied, defaults
to the cluster default.
--topic <String: topic> The topic to create, alter, describe
or delete. It also accepts a regular
expression, except for --create
option. Put topic name in double
quotes and use the '\' prefix to
escape regular expression symbols; e.
g. "test\.topic".
--topic-id <String: topic-id> The topic-id to describe.This is used
only with --bootstrap-server option
for describing topics.
--topics-with-overrides if set when describing topics, only
show topics that have overridden
--unavailable-partitions if set when describing topics, only
show partitions whose leader is not
--under-min-isr-partitions if set when describing topics, only
show partitions whose isr count is
less than the configured minimum.
--under-replicated-partitions if set when describing topics, only
show under replicated partitions
--version Display Kafka version.
Nossa primeira operação será exploratória e vamos listar todos os tópicos existentes no cluster Kafka. Para isso vamos usar o parâmetro --list
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
Vemos que existem só 2 tópicos criados, o weather
que é o tópico que publicamos mensagens e o __consumer_offsets
que é o tópico usado pelo Kafka para controlar a posição de leitura dos consumidores. Todo tópico iniciado por __
é um tópico interno do Kafka.
Para descrever um tópico podemos usar o parâmetro --describe
. Com ele é possível descrever um ou todos os tópicos. Se usarmos o parâmetro --topic
vamos descrever somente um tópico, mas se ele for omitido todos os tópicos do cluster serão descritos.
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic weather
Topic: weather TopicId: QeT5dwWnSVy9JEpsvPW0xg PartitionCount: 1 ReplicationFactor: 1 Configs: segment.bytes=1073741824
Topic: weather Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Com as informações acima podemos descobrir que o tópico tem somente 1 partição que está alocada no broker 1 que é o líder e está como ISR (In Sync Replica). Esse tópico só tem uma configuração que é o tamanho máximo do segmento definido como 1GiB.
Podemos também perdir para se descrever todos os tópicos.
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe
Topic: weather TopicId: QeT5dwWnSVy9JEpsvPW0xg PartitionCount: 1 ReplicationFactor: 1 Configs: segment.bytes=1073741824
Topic: weather Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets TopicId: H9HQ6o54Slyzcw5B1F9IuA PartitionCount: 50 ReplicationFactor: 1 Configs: compression.type=producer,cleanup.policy=compact,segment.bytes=104857600
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 1 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 2 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 3 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 4 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 5 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 6 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 7 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 8 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 9 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 10 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 11 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 12 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 13 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 14 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 15 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 16 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 17 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 18 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 19 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 20 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 21 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 22 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 23 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 24 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 25 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 26 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 27 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 28 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 29 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 30 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 31 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 32 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 33 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 34 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 35 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 36 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 37 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 38 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 39 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 40 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 41 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 42 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 43 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 44 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 45 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 46 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 47 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 48 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 49 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Vemos que o tópico __consumer_offsets
tem 50 partições, todas alocadas no broker 1 que está em ISR.
Agora vamos supor que temos 3 brokers com valor padrão para o número de partições 10 e para o fator de replicação 2, como poderia ser o resultado?
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic weather
Topic: weather TopicId: QeT5dwWnSVy9JEpsvPW0xg PartitionCount: 10 ReplicationFactor: 2 Configs: segment.bytes=1073741824
Topic: weather Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,2 Isr: 1,2
Topic: weather Partition: 1 Leader: 2 Replicas: 2,3 Isr: 2,3
Topic: weather Partition: 2 Leader: 3 Replicas: 3,1 Isr: 3
Topic: weather Partition: 3 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,2 Isr: 1,2
Topic: weather Partition: 4 Leader: 2 Replicas: 2,1 Isr: 2
Topic: weather Partition: 5 Leader: 3 Replicas: 3,1 Isr: 3,1
Topic: weather Partition: 6 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,2 Isr: 1,2
Topic: weather Partition: 7 Leader: 2 Replicas: 2,3 Isr: 2,3
Topic: weather Partition: 8 Leader: 3 Replicas: 3,1 Isr: 3
Topic: weather Partition: 9 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,2 Isr: 1,2
Vemos aqui que cada partição e sua réplica estão distribuídas nos brokers disponíveis. O valor de ISR depende da atividade dos produtores, um broker só é considerado ISR se a replica está sincronizada.
Agora vamos tentar criar um tópico para armazenar as informações de clima do último mês. Esse tópico irá conter todas as informações de cada localização nos últimos 30 dia, como podemos configurar?
Fonte: https://excalidraw.com/#json=2048OZnxrG-3Zyconc5rW,45ZtfJQ6R3Sk1mac2xQoGA
Primeiro vamos definir que ele terá 10 partições e, por só termos um broker, fator de replicação 1. Depois vamos definir que a retenção será de 2592000000ms
(ou 30 dias) e por fim a politica de limpeza será compact e delete.
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic weather-by-day --partitions 10 --replication-factor 1 --config retention.ms=2592000000 --config cleanup.policy=compact,delete
Created topic weather-by-day.
O que significa isso? Vamos ver mais a frente o que significa a politica de limpeza, mas ela evita que o nosso tópico cresça indefinitamente descartando (ou compactando) segmentos antigos.
Vamos ver o resultado?
./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic weather-by-day
Topic: weather-by-day TopicId: UfyvyRmaQ7iJJeBAe-EW7A PartitionCount: 10 ReplicationFactor: 1 Configs: cleanup.policy=compact,delete,segment.bytes=1073741824,retention.ms=2592000000
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 1 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 2 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 3 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 4 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 5 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 6 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 7 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 8 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 9 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Todas as configurações do tópico também podem ser configuradas como padrão no broker usando o prefixo log.
Fonte: https://excalidraw.com/#json=mxnGsMUpzLKgE4FXM8mtW,3MHCfygRgkXlQjxJTdDNrg
Usando esse comando é possivel alterar o número de partições e o fator de replicação, mas há limitações para se alterar as configurações do tópico. O número de partições não pode reduzido, só aumentado, assim vamos aumentar para 15.
./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --topic weather-by-day --partitions 15
Agora vamos ver o resultado.
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic weather-by-day
Topic: weather-by-day TopicId: UfyvyRmaQ7iJJeBAe-EW7A PartitionCount: 15 ReplicationFactor: 1 Configs: cleanup.policy=compact,delete,segment.bytes=1073741824,retention.ms=2592000000
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 1 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 2 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 3 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 4 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 5 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 6 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 7 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 8 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 9 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 10 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 11 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 12 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 13 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Topic: weather-by-day Partition: 14 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1 Isr: 1
Caso seja preciso apagar um tópico podemos fazer isso, mas use com cautela porque em poucos minutos os arquivos serão eliminados do disco.
$ ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic weather-by-day
$ ls /tmp/kraft-combined-logs/
__cluster_metadata-0 __consumer_offsets-18 __consumer_offsets-28 __consumer_offsets-38 __consumer_offsets-48 recovery-point-offset-checkpoint weather-by-day-3.5fee323add4842e5b8e1733769ac2894-delete
__consumer_offsets-0 __consumer_offsets-19 __consumer_offsets-29 __consumer_offsets-39 __consumer_offsets-49 replication-offset-checkpoint weather-by-day-4.e8988b8206cf4a02bc7feeda842f295a-delete
__consumer_offsets-1 __consumer_offsets-2 __consumer_offsets-3 __consumer_offsets-4 __consumer_offsets-5 weather-0 weather-by-day-5.7abffa30dd0a436e974fb9b571bcd815-delete
__consumer_offsets-10 __consumer_offsets-20 __consumer_offsets-30 __consumer_offsets-40 __consumer_offsets-6 weather-by-day-0.cff35b6ee9cd4a4ca8f943a0d2164554-delete weather-by-day-6.a62bbfe0fd604f3398bdb2fa161da3cc-delete
__consumer_offsets-11 __consumer_offsets-21 __consumer_offsets-31 __consumer_offsets-41 __consumer_offsets-7 weather-by-day-1.a7e1a6e8a2c946eb8ddf1548b168d843-delete weather-by-day-7.7abf61dd5de24524a2a56c1a25ec6ffb-delete
__consumer_offsets-12 __consumer_offsets-22 __consumer_offsets-32 __consumer_offsets-42 __consumer_offsets-8 weather-by-day-10.36d5806cbcb8458fb90976dbf378c49e-delete weather-by-day-8.48b6462530bb4a0f8f04ae4a44ce1e9a-delete
__consumer_offsets-13 __consumer_offsets-23 __consumer_offsets-33 __consumer_offsets-43 __consumer_offsets-9 weather-by-day-11.8b266272570a45008fbbbc899891ac74-delete weather-by-day-9.529875000e514cc39c52e745db83ee2d-delete
__consumer_offsets-14 __consumer_offsets-24 __consumer_offsets-34 __consumer_offsets-44 bootstrap.checkpoint weather-by-day-12.6c36b6093ff940a3bf4606be156178e6-delete
__consumer_offsets-15 __consumer_offsets-25 __consumer_offsets-35 __consumer_offsets-45 cleaner-offset-checkpoint weather-by-day-13.00cdc95c412047298d8e8ce99df7a00d-delete
__consumer_offsets-16 __consumer_offsets-26 __consumer_offsets-36 __consumer_offsets-46 log-start-offset-checkpoint weather-by-day-14.cba39f5554694a5b91ae40f32f8fbbf7-delete
__consumer_offsets-17 __consumer_offsets-27 __consumer_offsets-37 __consumer_offsets-47 meta.properties weather-by-day-2.6a398e1ae400460db26d3d755ff69c63-delete
Se você já usou um Kafka em produção e não se atentou para politica de limpeza deve ter perdido dados. Isso acontece porque os valores padrão para retention.ms
é 604800000
(7 days) e cleanup.policy
é delete
Um segmento é elegível para a politica de limpeza se ele tem idade maior que retention.ms
ou a partição tem tamanho maior que retention.bytes
e ele não é mais o segmento ativo. As politica de limpeza existente são delete
. Em delete
qualquer segmento elegível é deletado e as mensagens não estarão mais disponíveis para novos consumidores. Em compact
apenas a última mensagem de cada chave estará disponível. É possível também criar uma politica mista em que segmentos elegíveis são removidos, mas segmentos não ativos são compactados.