- Goal: prevent escape and contraband passage
- Denial (aka prevention): Restrict inmate access to unauthorized internal areas or the outside; provide physical separation for various inmate classifications; control inmate movement using sallyports, staff supervision; eliminate contraband passage with a secure perimeter
- Detection: regular inmate counts, random cell counts, searches, guard notices inmate climbing wall, etc
- Response: triggering lights, lighting selected area, closing gates, etc
- Assessment: determining the nature, degree of a situation
- Creating an overall, 3d barrier called a security perimeter
- Prevents contraband from coming in
- Prevents unauthorized people from coming in or leaving
- This is 3d. Inside is our "security envelope".
- Internal security zones
- Control internal movement
- Maintain separation between key activities, inmate occupied areas, especially inmates who pose the highest risk
- Master control (see ch 13)
- Be able to monitor all security systems (cctv, alarms, motion detectors, etc)
- Communicate with, control and monitor, and observe people at all egress/ingress points in the main security envelope
- Communicate with, control and monitor, and observe people at internal security zones. And be able to inhibit their movement
- Communicate with facility staff, wherever they are in the facility
- Control entry into the master control space
- Facilitate efficient staff and inmate movement throughout the facility