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This is a preserved version of VecNet-CI Data Warehouse Browser


The Data Warehouse Browser is a collection of two tools, Dimensional Data Browser and Lookup Tables Browser

Dimensional Data

Data Warehouse. The topics covered there are fairly diverse. From weather for many different locations, to how many bednets were covered in the last World Malaria Report Household Survey. You can search through this information by country, date, and aggregate across these fields to do some basic analysis.

Lookup Tables

is a place where you can look at information collected by experts on topics like bionomics.

System requirements

This Django project has been tested on Windows 10 x64 and CentOS 7


  • Python 2.7
  • Django 1.11
  • cubes 0.10.2
  • jQuery 1.8 (Dimensional data) / jQuery 1.9 (Lookup tables)
  • jQuery DataTables
  • RedHat Linux 7
  • PostgreSQL 9.3
  • PostGIS 2.93

Quick Start Guide

  1. Use script to install system libraries and configure PostGIS

    sudo bash

  2. Load data. Database dump is in (private) folder and in CurateND - ./ restore_db dw.pg_dump

  3. Run migrate command ./ migrate

  4. Create an admin user ./ createsuperuser


If you want to rebuild the database from scratch, keep this in mind

  1. This project requires Postgis extension to PostgreSQL database.
  2. Make sure custom SQL in datawarehouse/sql/dimdata.sql is loaded.

Using Vagrant

  1. Create Virtualbox VM vagrant up. It may take a while when starting VM for the first time

  2. Login to VM using vagrant ssh command or your favorite ssh client. Login: vagrant, password vagrant

  3. Switch to /vagrant directory cd /vagrant

  4. Start django server python runserver Note you have to use as server address, otherwise port forwarding may not work

You can edit files in your project directory, and changes will be visible to the virtual machine (in /vagrant directory)


SSH Login: vagrant, password vagrant

PostgreSQL Database: dw, Login: dw, Password: dw

Note: To utilize the PostgreSQL database, create a file containing the following:

	'default': {
		'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
		'NAME': 'dw',
		'USER': 'dw',
		'PASSWORD': 'dw',
		'HOST': '',
		'PORT': '5432',

Production deployment checklist

  1. Set DEBUG to False in

  2. Generate new SECRET_KEY

  3. Change ALLOWED_HOSTS and ADMINS accordingly

  4. Set APP_ENV to 'production'

  5. Generate new database password and update accordingly:

sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/psql -c "ALTER ROLE dw WITH PASSWORD 'hu8jmn3'"
  1. All set!

Enable VecNet SSO

  1. Install django-auth-pubtkt package

NOTE: on RedHat/CentOS install M2Crypto using command below first env SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -I/usr/include/openssl" pip install M2Crypto

pip install django-auth-pubtkt

  1. Copy public key for validating pubtkt tickets to /etc/httpd/conf/sso/tkt_pubkey_dsa.pem

  2. Enable DjangoAuthPubtkt middleware. Note if you choose to keep standard Django authentication backends, then django_auth_pubtkt.DjangoAuthPubtkt should after them.

  1. Set configuration options below
LOGIN_URL = "/sso/"
TKT_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY = '/etc/httpd/conf/sso/tkt_pubkey_dsa.pem'
  1. Add the following lines to the file in the project for the site to redirect correctly:
from django_auth_pubtkt.views import redirect_to_sso
url(r'^sso/', redirect_to_sso),

Running project on Windows

Line below may be required in GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH = "c:\\Program Files\\GDAL\\geos_c.dll"

Path to GDAL library should be in PATH env variable: PATH=%PATH%,C:\\Program Files\GDAL


Restore the database from the dump (restore_db might not work because insufficient permissions)

sudo -u postgres pg_restore -d dw /opt/portal/

All priveledges to the access the database

sudo -u postgres psql dw -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public to dw;"
sudo -u postgres psql dw -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA topology to dw;"