(all changes without author notice are by @danzel)
- Work better with custom projections (by @andersarstrand) #74
- Add custom getBounds that works (Reported by @2803media)
- Fix singleMarkerMode when you aren't on the map (by @duncanparkes) #77
- Fix clearLayers when you aren't on the map (by @duncanparkes) #79
- Add addLayers/removeLayers bulk add and remove functions that perform better than the individual methods
- Allow customising the polygon generated for showing the area a cluster covers (by @yohanboniface) #68
- Add zoomToShowLayer method to zoom down to a marker then call a callback once it is visible
- Add animateAddingMarkers to allow disabling animations caused when adding/removing markers
- Add hasLayer
- Pass the L.MarkerCluster to iconCreateFunction to give more flexibility deciding the icon
- Make addLayers support geojson layers
- Allow disabling clustering at a given zoom level
- Allow styling markers that are added like they were clusters of size 1
- Support when leaflet is configured to use canvas rather than SVG
- Fix some potential crashes in zoom handlers
- Tidy up when we are removed from the map
Initial Release!