Vandad Nahavandipoor
Email: [email protected]
Apple has thoroughly explained subscripting in their Swift manual so i'm not going to do that. instead, we will have a look at how swift actually deals with subscripting at a low level. whether it just simply grabs an item from a certain memory index from the start of the object's memory or something more complicated.
first we will check out subscripts on existing structures and classes such as arrays and dictionaries, and then we will implement custom subscripts on our own structures and classes.
i am using the fourth beta of xcode 6.2 (Version 6.2 (6C107a)) to compile these examples for release only (no debug builds to ensure that the compiler gives us its best in optimization).
xcrun xcodebuild -version
Xcode 6.2
Build version 6C107a
let's begin with a simple array of strings and integers:
let array = ["Vandad",0xabcdefa, "Julian",0xabcdefb, "Leif", 0xabcdefc]
as [AnyObject] //done to ensure no implicit NSArray conversion is happening
now let's have a look at a loop that extracts each item and then prints the results to the console. we will start with a function that can generate an index inside an array:
func randomIndexInArray(a: [AnyObject]) -> Int{
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(a.count)))
and then we will grab a random item from the array in a loop:
func example1(){
for i in 0..<array.count{
let index = randomIndexInArray(array)
let obj: AnyObject = array[index]
let's check out the assembly output for the example1()
00000001000015c0 push rbp ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController11viewDidLoadfS0_FT_T_+111, -[_TtC12swift_weekly14ViewController viewDidLoad]+119
00000001000015c1 mov rbp, rsp
00000001000015c4 push r15
00000001000015c6 push r14
00000001000015c8 push r13
00000001000015ca push r12
00000001000015cc push rbx
00000001000015cd sub rsp, 0x28
00000001000015d1 mov rax, qword [ds:__TWvdvC12swift_weekly14ViewController5arrayGSaPSs9AnyObject__] ; __TWvdvC12swift_weekly14ViewController5arrayGSaPSs9AnyObject__
00000001000015d8 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_40], rax
00000001000015dc mov rbx, qword [ds:rdi+rax]
00000001000015e0 mov r14, rdi
00000001000015e3 test rbx, rbx
00000001000015e6 je 0x100001911
00000001000015ec mov al, byte [ds:rbx+0x19]
00000001000015ef mov r15, qword [ds:rbx+0x10]
00000001000015f3 test al, al
00000001000015f5 je 0x10000163f
0000000100001607 mov r12, rax
000000010000160a test r15, r15
000000010000160d je 0x1000018ff
0000000100001623 mov rsi, qword [ds:0x100018320] ; @selector(count), argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
000000010000162a mov rdi, r15 ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
000000010000162d call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
0000000100001632 mov rbx, rax
000000010000163d jmp 0x100001665
000000010000164f mov r12, rax
0000000100001652 xor ebx, ebx
0000000100001654 test r15, r15
0000000100001657 je 0x100001665
0000000100001659 mov rbx, qword [ds:r15+0x10]
000000010000166d mov qword [ss:rbp+var_48], rbx
0000000100001671 test rbx, rbx
0000000100001674 js 0x100001911
000000010000167a mov rbx, r14
000000010000167d je 0x1000018e9
0000000100001683 nop qword [cs:rax+rax+0x0]
0000000100001690 mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_40] ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+803
0000000100001694 mov r13, qword [ds:rbx+rax]
0000000100001698 mov rax, qword [ds:imp___got__swift_isaMask] ; imp___got__swift_isaMask
000000010000169f mov rax, qword [ds:rax]
00000001000016a2 and rax, qword [ds:rbx]
00000001000016a5 lea rcx, qword [ds:_OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC12swift_weekly14ViewController] ; _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC12swift_weekly14ViewController
00000001000016ac cmp rax, rcx
00000001000016af mov edi, 0x0
00000001000016b4 cmove rdi, rbx
00000001000016b8 test rdi, rdi
00000001000016bb je 0x100001730
00000001000016cd mov r15, rax
00000001000016d0 test r13, r13
00000001000016d3 je 0x100001911
00000001000016d9 mov al, byte [ds:r13+0x19]
00000001000016dd mov r12, qword [ds:r13+0x10]
00000001000016e1 test al, al
00000001000016e3 je 0x100001760
00000001000016ed mov r15, rax
00000001000016f0 test r12, r12
00000001000016f3 je 0x1000018ff
0000000100001709 mov rsi, qword [ds:0x100018320] ; @selector(count), argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
0000000100001710 mov rdi, r12 ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
0000000100001713 call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
0000000100001718 mov rbx, rax
0000000100001723 jmp 0x100001780
0000000100001725 nop qword [cs:rax+rax+0x0]
0000000100001730 mov r14, qword [ds:rax+0x48] ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+251
000000010000174c mov rdi, r13
000000010000174f mov rsi, rbx
0000000100001752 call r14
0000000100001755 mov r12, rax
0000000100001758 jmp 0x1000017a2
000000010000175a nop qword [ds:rax+rax+0x0]
0000000100001768 test r12, r12
000000010000176b je 0x10000177c
000000010000176d mov rbx, qword [ds:r12+0x10]
000000010000177a jmp 0x100001780
000000010000177c xor ebx, ebx ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+427
000000010000177e nop
0000000100001780 mov eax, ebx ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+355, __TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+442
0000000100001782 cmp rbx, rax
0000000100001785 jne 0x100001911
000000010000178b mov edi, ebx ; argument "upper_bound" for method imp___stubs__arc4random_uniform
000000010000178d call imp___stubs__arc4random_uniform
0000000100001792 mov ebx, eax
000000010000179c mov r12d, ebx
000000010000179f mov rbx, r14
00000001000017a2 mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_40] ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+408
00000001000017a6 mov r15, qword [ds:rbx+rax]
00000001000017aa mov r13, rbx
00000001000017ad test r15, r15
00000001000017b0 je 0x100001911
00000001000017b6 mov al, byte [ds:r15+0x19]
00000001000017ba test al, al
00000001000017bc je 0x100001810
00000001000017d6 mov rbx, rax
00000001000017d9 test r12, r12
00000001000017dc js 0x100001901
00000001000017ea mov rbx, rax
00000001000017ed mov rdi, r15
00000001000017f0 call __TTSPSs9AnyObject____TFVSs12_ArrayBufferg5countSi
00000001000017f5 mov r14, rax
0000000100001808 jmp 0x100001852
000000010000180a nop qword [ds:rax+rax+0x0]
0000000100001810 mov rbx, qword [ds:r15+0x10] ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+508
000000010000182c test rbx, rbx
000000010000182f je 0x100001911
0000000100001835 mov r14, qword [ds:rbx+0x10]
0000000100001849 test r12, r12
000000010000184c js 0x100001911
0000000100001852 cmp r12, r14 ; XREF=__TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example1fS0_FT_T_+584
0000000100001855 jge 0x100001911
000000010000185b lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_30]
000000010000185f mov rsi, r12
0000000100001862 mov rdx, r15
0000000100001865 call __TTSPSs9AnyObject____TFVSs12_ArrayBufferg9subscriptFSiQ_
000000010000186a mov rbx, r13
0000000100001875 mov r14, qword [ss:rbp+var_30]
0000000100001879 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_38], r14
0000000100001885 lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_38]
0000000100001889 call __TTSPSs9AnyObject__VSs7_StdoutS0_Ss16OutputStreamType___TFSs5printU_Ss16OutputStreamType__FTQ_RQ0__T_
00000001000018c6 mov edi, 0xa ; argument "c" for method imp___stubs__putchar
00000001000018cb call imp___stubs__putchar
00000001000018df dec qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
00000001000018e3 jne 0x100001690
00000001000018ec add rsp, 0x28
00000001000018f0 pop rbx
00000001000018f1 pop r12
00000001000018f3 pop r13
00000001000018f5 pop r14
00000001000018f7 pop r15
00000001000018f9 pop rbp
Note: I've removed tons of calls to retain and release functions as they aren't really relevant to what we are trying to achieve here, which is finding out how subscripts work in Swift.
so here is what the code is doing:
first we find our array in the data segment (
) and then load it into therbx
register. Swift then, cleverly, checks if the array is actually nil before executing any of our code and if it isnil
, then it jumps to the end of our function:00000001000015d1 mov rax, qword [ds:__TWvdvC12swift_weekly14ViewController5arrayGSaPSs9AnyObject__] ; __TWvdvC12swift_weekly14ViewController5arrayGSaPSs9AnyObject__ 00000001000015d8 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_40], rax 00000001000015dc mov rbx, qword [ds:rdi+rax] 00000001000015e0 mov r14, rdi 00000001000015e3 test rbx, rbx 00000001000015e6 je 0x100001911
instruction is important there since the array is now in theebx
register and ifebx
is zero/nil
, then the zero flag (zf
) will be set to 1 and theje
instruction checks the zero flag and then jumps tocs: 0x100001911
if it is set. it just so happens thatcs:0x100001911
is the end of our function right before the stack is put back to its original form. -
then swift calls the
function on the array to find out how many items there are in it. it is interesting that Swift cannot find the elements in the array without callingcount()
considering the fact that our array is constructed during compile time and we don't modify it on the way:0000000100001623 mov rsi, qword [ds:0x100018320] ; @selector(count), argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 000000010000162a mov rdi, r15 ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 000000010000162d call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 0000000100001632 mov rbx, rax 000000010000163d jmp 0x100001665
so here according to the System V AMD64 ABI calling convention, we know that the
register is the first parameter to thecount()
function so it must be our array's instance. great. how about thersi
register though? it seems like we are reading theqword
value atds:0x100018320
and placing it inside thersi
register, dictating to the runtime that we want to call thecount()
function on our array. so theSEL
for thecount()
is inside the data segment somewhere. interesting. if i follow thatqword
value in the data segment, i will see this:0000000100018320 dq 0x1000158fd
so in this case, the
register's value will be set to0x1000158fd
. theimp___stubs__objc_msgSend
function then gets called with those values. i am guessing that the value of0x1000158fd
is then picked by the aforementioned function and will be understood to be thecount()
function somehow. do you know how? send a pull request to inform others. -
at this point, the
register contains our array's count:0000000100001632 mov rbx, rax
and then the counter gets stored in the stack (so that we won't occupy a general purpose register for this) like so:
mov qword [ss:rbp+var_48], rbx
obviously then we check the count to make sure it is not zero:
00000001000019d6 test rbx, rbx 00000001000019d9 js 0x100001c71
because if it is, then there is no point going through the loop.
then we get our index:
0000000100001aeb mov edi, ebx ; argument "upper_bound" for method imp___stubs__arc4random_uniform 0000000100001aed call imp___stubs__arc4random_uniform
and this index will then be used to retrieve an object out of our array using its
subscript:0000000100001bbb lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_30] 0000000100001bbf mov rsi, r12 0000000100001bc2 mov rdx, r15 0000000100001bc5 call __TTSPSs9AnyObject____TFVSs12_ArrayBufferg9subscriptFSiQ_
okay so it seems like an internal function called
is responsible for retrieving a value out of our array with a subscript. -
since the value that we grab out of the array is of type
, an internal function with a very very, veeeeery long name gets called to print its value to the console:0000000100001be5 lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_38] 0000000100001be9 call __TTSPSs9AnyObject__VSs7_StdoutS0_Ss16OutputStreamType___TFSs5printU_Ss16OutputStreamType__FTQ_RQ0__T_
at the end of the loop, our index variable is decreased with the
instruction:0000000100001c3f dec qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
alright, we get it now. so the __TTSPSs9AnyObject____TFVSs12_ArrayBufferg9subscriptFSiQ_
function is retrieving our items from the [AnyObject]
I started this article about a week and a half ago and now I have time to write this part of the article. Now, Xcode 6.3 Beta 1 is released so I am going to switch to building with that version
xcrun xcodebuild -version
Xcode 6.3
Build version 6D520o
Let's now have a look at how subscripting works in dictionaries. first the dictionary itself:
let dict = [
0xabcdefa : 0xabcdefa,
0xabcdefb : 0xabcdefb,
0xabcdefc : 0xabcdefc
and then a method that can grab a random index out of this dictionary for us:
func randomIndexInDictionary(a: [Int : Int]) -> Int{
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(a.count)))
and then the example code which we will soon analyze:
func example2(){
let value2 = dict[randomIndexInDictionary(dict)]!
this just grabs a random Int
out of the dictionary using its key which itself is an Int
. let's see how the output assembly for this looks like:
0000000100002380 push rbp ; Objective C Implementation defined at 0x100008418 (instance)
0000000100002381 mov rbp, rsp
0000000100002384 push r15
0000000100002386 push r14
0000000100002388 push r13
000000010000238a push r12
000000010000238c push rbx
000000010000238d sub rsp, 0x38
0000000100002391 mov r15, rdi
0000000100002394 mov r13, 0x7fffffffffffffff
000000010000239e mov rax, qword [ds:__TWvdvC12swift_weekly14ViewController4dictGVSs10DictionarySiSi_] ; __TWvdvC12swift_weekly14ViewController4dictGVSs10DictionarySiSi_
00000001000023a5 mov rbx, qword [ds:r15+rax]
00000001000023a9 mov rax, qword [ds:imp___got__swift_isaMask] ; imp___got__swift_isaMask
00000001000023b0 mov rax, qword [ds:rax]
00000001000023b3 and rax, qword [ds:r15]
00000001000023b6 lea rcx, qword [ds:_OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC12swift_weekly14ViewController] ; _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC12swift_weekly14ViewController
00000001000023bd xor edx, edx
00000001000023bf cmp rax, rcx
00000001000023c2 cmove rdx, r15
00000001000023c6 test rdx, rdx
00000001000023c9 je 0x100002403
00000001000023db test rbx, rbx
00000001000023de js 0x10000243b
00000001000023e0 mov r14, qword [ds:rbx+0x18]
00000001000023f4 test r14, r14
00000001000023f7 je 0x10000274f
00000001000023fd mov rdi, qword [ds:r14+0x18]
0000000100002401 jmp 0x100002466
0000000100002403 mov r12, qword [ds:rax+0x50] ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+73
0000000100002417 test rbx, rbx
000000010000241a jns 0x1000024a8
0000000100002420 mov r14, rbx
0000000100002423 and r14, r13
0000000100002436 jmp 0x1000024c3
000000010000243b mov r14, rbx ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+94
000000010000243e and r14, r13
0000000100002441 mov r12, qword [ds:0x100009080] ; @selector(count)
0000000100002458 mov rdi, r14 ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
000000010000245b mov rsi, r12 ; argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
000000010000245e call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
0000000100002463 mov rdi, rax
0000000100002466 mov eax, edi ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+129
0000000100002468 cmp rdi, rax
000000010000246b jne 0x10000274f
0000000100002471 call imp___stubs__arc4random_uniform
0000000100002476 test rbx, rbx
0000000100002479 mov r12d, eax
000000010000247c jns 0x10000248b
000000010000247e mov rdi, rbx
0000000100002489 jmp 0x10000249e
000000010000248b mov rax, rbx ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+252
000000010000248e shr rax, 0x3f
0000000100002492 test al, al
0000000100002494 jne 0x10000249e
00000001000024a6 jmp 0x1000024cf
00000001000024a8 mov rax, rbx ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+154
00000001000024ab shr rax, 0x3f
00000001000024af test al, al
00000001000024b1 jne 0x1000024c3
00000001000024c3 mov rdi, rbx ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+182, __TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+305
00000001000024c6 mov rsi, r15
00000001000024c9 call r12
00000001000024cc mov r12, rax
00000001000024cf test rbx, rbx ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+294
00000001000024d2 js 0x100002590
00000001000024d8 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_58], r15
00000001000024dc mov r15, qword [ds:rbx+0x18]
00000001000024e0 test r15, r15
00000001000024e3 je 0x10000274f
00000001000024e9 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_50], rbx
00000001000024ed mov r13, qword [ds:r15+0x10]
00000001000024f1 test r13, r13
00000001000024f4 js 0x10000274f
00000001000024fa mov rax, qword [ds:imp___got___swift_stdlib_HashingDetail_fixedSeedOverride] ; imp___got___swift_stdlib_HashingDetail_fixedSeedOverride
0000000100002501 mov rax, qword [ds:rax]
0000000100002504 test rax, rax
0000000100002507 mov r14, 0xff51afd7ed558ccd
0000000100002511 cmovne r14, rax
0000000100002515 mov ebx, r12d
0000000100002528 mov rdi, rax
000000010000252b test r13, r13
000000010000252e je 0x10000274f
0000000100002534 mov rax, r12
0000000100002537 shr rax, 0x20
000000010000253b lea rcx, qword [ds:r14+rbx*8]
000000010000253f xor rcx, rax
0000000100002542 mov rdx, 0x9ddfea08eb382d69
000000010000254c imul rcx, rdx
0000000100002550 mov rsi, rcx
0000000100002553 shr rsi, 0x2f
0000000100002557 xor rcx, rax
000000010000255a xor rcx, rsi
000000010000255d imul rcx, rdx
0000000100002561 mov rax, rcx
0000000100002564 shr rax, 0x2f
0000000100002568 xor rax, rcx
000000010000256b imul rax, rdx
000000010000256f mov rdx, r13
0000000100002572 sub rdx, 0x1
0000000100002576 setb cl
0000000100002579 test r13, rdx
000000010000257c je 0x10000267e
0000000100002582 xor edx, edx
0000000100002584 div r13
0000000100002587 mov r14, qword [ss:rbp+var_50]
000000010000258b jmp 0x100002689
0000000100002590 and rbx, r13 ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+338
0000000100002593 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_30], r12
000000010000259f mov r13, qword [ds:imp___got___TMdSi] ; imp___got___TMdSi
00000001000025a6 add r13, 0x8
00000001000025aa lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_30]
00000001000025ae mov rsi, r13
00000001000025b1 call imp___stubs__swift_bridgeNonVerbatimToObjectiveC
00000001000025b6 mov r12, rax
00000001000025b9 test r12, r12
00000001000025bc je 0x10000274f
00000001000025c2 mov r14, qword [ds:0x100009090] ; @selector(objectForKey:)
00000001000025d9 mov rdi, rbx ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
00000001000025dc mov rsi, r14 ; argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
00000001000025df mov rdx, r12
00000001000025e2 call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
0000000100002606 test r12, r12
0000000100002609 je 0x100002753
000000010000260f mov qword [ss:rbp+var_48], 0x0
0000000100002617 mov byte [ss:rbp+var_40], 0x1
0000000100002623 lea rdx, qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
0000000100002627 mov rdi, r12
000000010000262a mov rsi, r13
000000010000262d mov rcx, r13
0000000100002630 call imp___stubs__swift_bridgeNonVerbatimFromObjectiveC
0000000100002635 mov r13, qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
0000000100002639 mov r14b, byte [ss:rbp+var_40]
0000000100002645 movzx eax, r14b
0000000100002649 cmp eax, 0x1
000000010000264c jne 0x100002657
000000010000264e test r13, r13
0000000100002651 je 0x10000274f
0000000100002670 test r14b, r14b
0000000100002673 je 0x100002720
0000000100002679 jmp 0x100002751
000000010000267e test cl, cl ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+508
0000000100002680 mov r14, qword [ss:rbp+var_50]
0000000100002684 jne 0x1000026d7
0000000100002686 and rdx, rax
0000000100002689 test rdx, rdx ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+523
000000010000268c js 0x1000026d7
000000010000268e nop
0000000100002690 cmp rdx, r13 ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+853
0000000100002693 jge 0x10000274f
0000000100002699 lea rax, qword [ds:0x0+rdx*8]
00000001000026a1 lea rsi, qword [ds:rax+rax*2]
00000001000026a5 mov rcx, qword [ds:r15+rsi+0x28]
00000001000026aa mov rax, qword [ds:r15+rsi+0x30]
00000001000026af mov bl, byte [ds:r15+rsi+0x38]
00000001000026b4 test bl, bl
00000001000026b6 jne 0x1000026d9
00000001000026b8 cmp rcx, r12
00000001000026bb je 0x1000026d9
00000001000026bd inc rdx
00000001000026c0 jo 0x10000274f
00000001000026c6 mov r13, qword [ds:r15+0x10]
00000001000026ca mov rax, r13
00000001000026cd dec rax
00000001000026d0 jo 0x10000274f
00000001000026d2 and rdx, rax
00000001000026d5 jns 0x100002690
00000001000026d7 ud2 ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+772, __TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+780
00000001000026d9 mov r12b, 0x1 ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+822, __TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+827
00000001000026dc xor r13d, r13d
00000001000026df test bl, bl
00000001000026e1 jne 0x1000026ff
00000001000026e3 cmp rdx, qword [ds:r15+0x10]
00000001000026e7 jge 0x10000274f
00000001000026e9 movzx edx, byte [ds:r15+rsi+0x38]
00000001000026ef cmp edx, 0x1
00000001000026f2 jne 0x1000026f9
00000001000026f4 or rcx, rax
00000001000026f7 je 0x10000274f
00000001000026f9 xor r12d, r12d ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+882
00000001000026fc mov r13, rax
00000001000026ff mov rbx, rdi ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+865
0000000100002717 test r12b, r12b
000000010000271a mov r15, qword [ss:rbp+var_58]
000000010000271e jne 0x100002751
0000000100002720 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_38], r13 ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+755
0000000100002724 mov rsi, qword [ds:imp___got___TMdSi] ; imp___got___TMdSi
000000010000272b add rsi, 0x8
000000010000272f lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_38]
0000000100002733 call imp___stubs___TFSs7printlnU__FQ_T_
0000000100002740 add rsp, 0x38
0000000100002744 pop rbx
0000000100002745 pop r12
0000000100002747 pop r13
0000000100002749 pop r14
000000010000274b pop r15
000000010000274d pop rbp
000000010000274e ret
let's see what is happening here:
we are first getting the count of our dictionary's keys in order to generate a random integer from 0 to that count:
0000000100005153 mov rbx, r14 ; XREF=__TTSf4g___TFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+78 0000000100005156 and rbx, r12 0000000100005159 mov r15, qword [ds:0x100009080] ; @selector(count) 0000000100005170 mov rdi, rbx ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 0000000100005173 mov rsi, r15 ; argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 0000000100005176 call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 000000010000517b mov rdi, rax
in this case, according to System V AMD64 ABI calling convention,
is thedict
is the selector forcount
which was previously inside ther15
register. this register is set up like so:0000000100005159 mov r15, qword [ds:0x100009080] ; @selector(count)
what 64-bit value is in
? let's see:0000000100009080 dq 0x10000757d
so let's also follow that value to end pu here:
000000010000757d db "count", 0 ; XREF=0x100000260, 0x100009080
so it seems like
is basically a pointer to thecount
method on our dictionary. the count is now inside therdi
register after themov
instruction atcs:000000010000517b
. -
after we have the count of the keys in the dictionary, we want to generate a random number and that code is written like so in our output assembly:
0000000100002471 call imp___stubs__arc4random_uniform 0000000100002476 test rbx, rbx 0000000100002479 mov r12d, eax 000000010000247c jns 0x10000248b
note that the
function that we wrote has now been inlined. Swift optimized this out and did not make it a function. You have probably already read the previous Swift Weekly articles and by now noticed that this is a fairly common pattern in Swift. -
after we have the random index, we get our object out of the dictionary using its key like so:
00000001000025c2 mov r14, qword [ds:0x100009090] ; @selector(objectForKey:) 00000001000025d9 mov rdi, rbx ; argument "instance" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 00000001000025dc mov rsi, r14 ; argument "selector" for method imp___stubs__objc_msgSend 00000001000025df mov rdx, r12 00000001000025e2 call imp___stubs__objc_msgSend
and as you can see, the method that we are calling is at
and our instance is the dictionary which we have in therbx
and now in therdi
register. let's have a look at[ds:0x100009090]
:0000000100009090 dq 0x100007592
and then dig further:
0000000100007592 db "objectForKey:", 0 ; XREF=0x100009090
okay so if you look closely, it seems like the selector is really
and it is written asobjectForKey:
which is very similar to how selectors in ObjC were written. Do you know why? send a pull request and inform others. -
once the value is found, we print it to the console:
0000000100002720 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_38], r13 ; XREF=__TToFC12swift_weekly14ViewController8example2fS0_FT_T_+755 0000000100002724 mov rsi, qword [ds:imp___got___TMdSi] ; imp___got___TMdSi 000000010000272b add rsi, 0x8 000000010000272f lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_38] 0000000100002733 call imp___stubs___TFSs7printlnU__FQ_T_
Let's see a simple code:
func example3(){
let s = "Hello, World!"
let c = s[advance(s.startIndex, 4)]
and this is how it is assembled:
0000000100003070 push rbp ; Objective C Implementation defined at 0x10000d518 (instance)
0000000100003071 mov rbp, rsp
0000000100003074 push r15
0000000100003076 push r14
0000000100003078 push r12
000000010000307a push rbx
000000010000307b sub rsp, 0x90
000000010000308a lea rbx, qword [ds:0x10000bb52] ; "Hello, World!"
0000000100003091 lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_48] ; argument #1 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
0000000100003095 mov edx, 0xd ; argument #3 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
000000010000309a xor ecx, ecx ; argument #4 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
000000010000309c mov rsi, rbx ; argument #2 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
000000010000309f call __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
00000001000030a4 mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
00000001000030a8 mov rcx, qword [ss:rbp+var_40]
00000001000030ac movups xmm0, xmmword [ss:rbp+var_38]
00000001000030b0 mov rdx, qword [ss:rbp+var_28]
00000001000030b4 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_70], rax
00000001000030b8 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_68], rcx
00000001000030bc movups xmmword [ss:rbp+var_60], xmm0
00000001000030c0 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_50], rdx
00000001000030c4 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_A0], 0x4
00000001000030cf mov rcx, qword [ds:imp___got___TMdVSS5Index] ; imp___got___TMdVSS5Index
00000001000030d6 add rcx, 0x8
00000001000030da lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_98] ; argument #1 for method __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_
00000001000030e1 lea rsi, qword [ss:rbp+var_70] ; argument #2 for method __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_
00000001000030e5 lea rdx, qword [ss:rbp+var_A0] ; argument #3 for method __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_
00000001000030ec mov r8, rcx
00000001000030ef call __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_
00000001000030f4 mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_98]
00000001000030fb mov rsi, qword [ss:rbp+var_78]
00000001000030ff add rsi, rax
0000000100003102 jo 0x10000317b
0000000100003104 cmp rsi, rax
0000000100003107 jl 0x10000317b
0000000100003109 test rax, rax
000000010000310c js 0x10000317b
000000010000310e cmp rsi, 0xd
0000000100003112 jg 0x10000317b
0000000100003114 sub rsi, rax
0000000100003117 jo 0x10000317b
0000000100003119 test rsi, rsi
000000010000311c js 0x10000317b
000000010000311e mov r15, qword [ss:rbp+var_80]
0000000100003122 add rbx, rax
0000000100003125 xor edx, edx ; argument #3 for method __TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_
0000000100003127 mov rdi, rbx ; argument #1 for method __TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_
000000010000312a call __TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_
000000010000312f mov r12, rax
0000000100003132 mov bl, dl
000000010000313c mov qword [ss:rbp+var_B0], r12
0000000100003143 and bl, 0x1
0000000100003146 mov byte [ss:rbp+var_A8], bl
000000010000314c mov rsi, qword [ds:imp___got___TMdVSs9Character] ; imp___got___TMdVSs9Character
0000000100003153 add rsi, 0x8
0000000100003157 lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_B0]
000000010000315e call imp___stubs___TFSs7printlnU__FQ_T_
000000010000316b add rsp, 0x90
0000000100003172 pop rbx
0000000100003173 pop r12
0000000100003175 pop r14
0000000100003177 pop r15
0000000100003179 pop rbp
000000010000317a ret
the first thing is loading the string into a gpr:
000000010000308a lea rbx, qword [ds:0x10000bb52]
let's follow that address in the data segment:
000000010000bb52 db "Hello, World!", 0
while looking at this string, i saw some other strings:
000000010000bb60 db "Vandad", 0 000000010000bb67 db "Julian", 0 000000010000bb6e db "Leif", 0
wait a minute! those strings are part of the previous exercises and they aren't even being used or called in any way. it seems like the string optimization and stripping in the latest Swift compiler is not doing a very good job in getting rid of unused strings in the data segment.
What we then need to resolve is this codeÖ
and that is translated to this asm code:
0000000100003091 lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_48] ; argument #1 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 0000000100003095 mov edx, 0xd ; argument #3 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 000000010000309a xor ecx, ecx ; argument #4 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 000000010000309c mov rsi, rbx ; argument #2 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 000000010000309f call __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
if you remember,
in the previous stage pointed to our string. so nowrsi
(param #2) of the__TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
function is our string. -
after this,
should contain the result of thestartIndex
property on ourString
. what has to be resolved next isadvance(s.startIndex, 4)
and the call to theadvance()
function:00000001000030a4 mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_48] 00000001000030a8 mov rcx, qword [ss:rbp+var_40] 00000001000030ac movups xmm0, xmmword [ss:rbp+var_38] 00000001000030b0 mov rdx, qword [ss:rbp+var_28] 00000001000030b4 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_70], rax 00000001000030b8 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_68], rcx 00000001000030bc movups xmmword [ss:rbp+var_60], xmm0 00000001000030c0 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_50], rdx 00000001000030c4 mov qword [ss:rbp+var_A0], 0x4 00000001000030cf mov rcx, qword [ds:imp___got___TMdVSS5Index] ; imp___got___TMdVSS5Index 00000001000030d6 add rcx, 0x8 00000001000030da lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_98] ; argument #1 for method __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_ 00000001000030e1 lea rsi, qword [ss:rbp+var_70] ; argument #2 for method __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_ 00000001000030e5 lea rdx, qword [ss:rbp+var_A0] ; argument #3 for method __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_ 00000001000030ec mov r8, rcx 00000001000030ef call __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_
what I am confused about is the first instruction which is
mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
. This instruction effectively changes the value ofrax
64-bit gpr but at the same time, it's the instruction right after the call to the__TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
function. According to the System V AMD64 ABI calling convention, return values are stored inrax
so how is it that Swift is discarding the value ofrax
as soon as that function has come back to the caller? could it be that__TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
stored the value of thestartIndex
property into the stack? if yes, where and why? I don't get this. could it be that themov
instruction that is reading the value from stack is reading the return value? let's resolvemov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_48]
to its real address:mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+0xffffffffffffffb8]
in decimal is 184 and 184/8 (to get the bytes, if this is in bits) would be 23 so this makes no sense. the instruction ismov
and is clearly reading a 64-bit (8 bytes) value from that location. so there must be a value from0xffffffffffffffb8
but what value? if you know, send a pull request. this is quite vague.I have now moved this same Swift code into a Mac app, then attached a debugger to the disassembled code and let 'er rip. So after the
function, our general purpose registers are set to the following values:General purpose register Value RAX 0x00007FFF5DFCFE30 RBX 0x0000000101C36180 RCX 0x0000000000000090 RDX 0x0000000101C36180 RSI 0x0000000101E21D70 RDI 0x0000000000000000 RBP 0x00007FFF5DFCFE80 RSP 0x00007FFF5DFCFDC0 RIP 0x0000000101C304A4 abd we know that the result of the
property ofString
is of typeString.Index
which is defined in this way:/// A character position in a `String` struct Index : BidirectionalIndexType, Comparable, Reflectable { /// Returns the next consecutive value after `self`. /// /// Requires: the next value is representable. func successor() -> String.Index /// Returns the previous consecutive value before `self`. /// /// Requires: the previous value is representable. func predecessor() -> String.Index /// Returns a mirror that reflects `self`. func getMirror() -> MirrorType }
so we expect the
function to return this index to us but where is it returning it? all those thatIndex
conforms to are protocols, not classes. soString.Index
is a simple structure that conforms to three protocols. should we expect the value of an item of this type to be stored in a general purpose register? if we assume yes, and knowing that the start index of our string is 0, the only gpr that is 0 after the execution ofTFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
is done is therdi
register. but could it be thatrdi
was set to 0 before the__TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
function? if we look closely:0000000100001491 lea rdi, qword [ss:rbp+var_50] ; argument #1 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 0000000100001495 mov edx, 0xd ; argument #3 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 000000010000149a xor ecx, ecx ; argument #4 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 000000010000149c mov rsi, rbx ; argument #2 for method __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index 000000010000149f call __TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
is pointing to the value atss:rbp+var_50
. Having a debugger in hand, I can debug that line and see that after that specific line,rdi
gets set to0x00007FFF5E479E30
which is a memory address since the instruction used waslea
, load effective address. You can find information about it in Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Combined Volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, and 3C. I then used the debugger to read the qword value at0x00007FFF5E479E30
and I found a quad-word value of all-zeros there. So the memory for that address contains a good 8 bytes of zeroes. Could the__TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
function freely change therdx
register under our feet? Referring to System V AMD64 ABI calling convention, it turns out yes:Registers RBP, RBX, and R12-R15 are callee-save registers; all others must be saved by the caller if they wish to preserve their values.[15]
but there is no sign yet as to whether or not this function actually stored its value in the
register or not. If you know for sure if this is true or not, send a pull request and correct this article.before the call to the
function, therbx
register contains the pointer to our stringHello, World!"
will point to0x00007FFF5E479DD8
whose memory contains0x0000000000000004
that is the 4 characters which we are hopping over the original index with. Sorbx
is our first andrdx
is the second parameter to theadvance
function. -
last but not least, we get down to the bottom of what we wanted to find out initially and that is subscripting on strings and that happens here:
000000010000311e mov r15, qword [ss:rbp+var_80] 0000000100003122 add rbx, rax 0000000100003125 xor edx, edx ; argument #3 for method __TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_ 0000000100003127 mov rdi, rbx ; argument #1 for method __TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_ 000000010000312a call __TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_
at this point, you can see that
is set to the value ofrbx
and the value ofrdi
is currently0x000000010178C184
. this is a memory address so let's see what it contains:o, World!
. Oh hello hello. what do we have here? it seems like Swift has already prepared our string, from the 4th index, just like we wanted. How did this happen?Pay attention to these:
00000001000030ef call __TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_ 00000001000030f4 mov rax, qword [ss:rbp+var_98] ... some code 0000000100003122 add rbx, rax ... some code
Oh wait a minute! Holy moly! After the call to the
function, Swift is setting therax
register toqword [ss:rbp+var_98]
which turns out to be the4
index which we hopped over. So this proves something. The value inside[ss:rbp+var_98]
which is our final index to read from inside the string. That function put its return value inside the stack? But why? Could it be becauseString.Index
is astruct
s are stack based in Swift. It could well be. If you know, send a pull request and add to this article.great, so with
pointing to our string exactly at index 4,rdi
then gets set torbx
according to System V AMD64 ABI calling convention as the first parameter to the__TTSf4gs_d___TFVSs9CharacterCfMS_FSSS_
function. great, mystery solved!
I know there is a lot left to be discussed, for instance, custom subscripts, how do they work? since this article has already grown very long, I think it's best that I move the other discussions out to another article. For now, enjoy coding and have fun!
- On arrays of type
, an internal Swift function called__TTSPSs9AnyObject____TFVSs12_ArrayBufferg9subscriptFSiQ_
is responsible for the subscripting for an integer value. - Swift saves a table with information to methods for internal data structures such as dictionaries of type
[Int : Int]
inside the data segment. The method location is read fromds
and called using a simplecall
function. Having the method names and their locations inside binaries means that those locations will probably not ever be changed since if Apple changes those locations, old apps will not work. So those are already set and will probably never change. Which makes you think why they are being read dynamically fromds
anyways. If you know why, please send a pull request. - Unused
objects keep hanging in the data segment in Xcode 6.3 Beta 1 with Swift 1.2. This is, well, not very good. Make sure that you remove unused strings from your code manually for now. - The
function onString
types is called__TFSSg10startIndexVSS5Index
in Swift output binaries. - The internal and private name of the function that we all know as
in Swift 1.2 is called__TTWVSS5IndexSs16ForwardIndexTypeSsFS0_oi2tgUS0__USs18_SignedIntegerType_Ss33_BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible___fMQPS0_FTS3_TVSs8_AdvanceQS3_8Distance__S3_
. If this is not the longest function name, I don't know what is. - The
function is essentially responsible for reading aCharacter
from aString
as anString.Index
subscript onString
- The Swift Programming Language - Type Casting
- Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Combined Volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, and 3C
file, a part of LLVM compiler's open source code- System V AMD64 ABI calling convention