Here's a guide to install and use Podman on macOS:
- Installation using Homebrew:
brew install podman
- Initialize and start the Podman service:
podman machine init # Create a new VM
podman machine start # Start the VM
- Basic Commands:
# Pull an image
podman pull nginx
# List images
podman images
# Run a container
podman run -d -p 8080:80 nginx
# List running containers
podman ps
# Stop a container
podman stop <container_id>
# Remove a container
podman rm <container_id>
# Remove an image
podman rmi <image_name>
# Clean up unused resources
podman system prune
- Docker Compatibility:
Podman is designed to be compatible with Docker, allowing you to use most Docker commands with Podman.
Create an alias in your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile:
alias docker=podman
- Using Podman Compose:
brew install podman-compose
# Run docker-compose files
podman-compose up -d
- Managing the Podman Machine:
# Check machine status
podman machine list
# Stop the machine
podman machine stop
# Remove the machine
podman machine rm
# View machine logs
podman machine logs
# Check machine status
podman machine status
# Access machine via SSH
podman machine ssh
- Configure Resources:
podman machine set --cpus 4 --memory 4096
- Connect to Podman:
# Get connection info
podman info
# Connect to container shell
podman exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
- Podman Desktop:
Podman Desktop provides a GUI alternative to Docker Desktop with lower resource consumption.
# Install Podman Desktop
brew install --cask podman-desktop
# Or download from:
Key benefits of Podman Desktop:
- Lower memory footprint than Docker Desktop
- Native support for rootless containers
- Compatible with Docker Compose files
- Built-in container and image management
- Integration with multiple container engines