As part of a case process, some tasks need to be manually completed by a person. These tasks are called user tasks and often require some input of data or approval.
Valtimo only shows tasks to a user that have not been completed yet.
They can be accessed via the case the task belongs to, or Tasks
in the main menu.
The Tasks
menu item brings the user to a task list view, which combines tasks from different cases.
The available categories are:
- My tasks: These are tasks that have been assigned to the current user.
- Unassigned tasks: These tasks have not been assigned to any user.
- All tasks This view shows all tasks regardless of assignment.
When clicking on a task from the list, it will open the form that the user can fill in to complete it. After completion, the task will no longer be visible to the user.
A user can filter the tasks by case via the top dropdown:
- When no case is selected: tasks from all cases is shown. This view uses the task columns as configured in code. These columns cannot be changed via the UI.
- When a case is selected: the tasks are filtered by that case, and the columns as configured for that case are shown. For more information on configuring task list columns for a case, click here
Task filters enable users to search tasks that meet one or more of the configured criteria. These filters can be configured by an admin.
Since task filters are configured on a case, they will only be available when the user selects a case from the dropdown. For 'All cases', the additional filters will not be available.
With these filters, a user can filter on data from the document or case the task relates to.
Just like the case search filters, these filters will behave differently depending on how the admin configured the fields.
Note: The current search criteria can be shared with another user by copying the url from the address bar. The same filter criteria will be applied, but results may vary depending on access control for the other user.
Task filters can be configured via the Admin
-> Tasks
menu on the left.
To continue, a case needs to be selected on which the search fields need to be configured. These search fields will only be available for that case.
At the Search fields
tab, search fields can be added, edited or removed.
When adding or editing a search field, the available options are similar to the case search fields:
The documentation on case search fields can be found here.
For task list filters the following path prefixes are available:
Task search fields can be autodeployed by creating json files on the classpath following this pattern: classpath*:**/*.task-search-field.json
The name of the file does not matter, but it is advised to keep it in line with the object title.
You can find an example of the JSON below:
"changesetId": "my-case.TaskListSearchColumns.1721390529320",
"collection": [
"ownerId": "my-case",
"searchFields": [
"key": "caseAssignee",
"title": "Case assignee",
"path": "case:assigneeFullName",
"dataType": "TEXT",
"fieldType": "SINGLE",
"matchType": "LIKE"
"key": "createdBy",
"title": "Case created by",
"path": "case:createdBy",
"dataType": "TEXT",
"fieldType": "SINGLE",
"matchType": "LIKE"
More information on the available fields and values can be found here.
Task search fields are included in the case import- and export functionality. Instructions can be found here