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hash-to-curve proof-of-concept implementations in Sage

This directory contains a Sage implementation of the BLS signatures draft.


You will need SageMath (tested with 8.7) and Make to run this code.


There are four utilities: bls_sig_g1.sage, bls_sig_g2.sage, opt_sswu_g1.sage, and opt_sswu_g2.sage.

To get started, you must precompile the .sage files:

make pyfiles

after which you can execute any of the four programs.

opt_sswu_g1.sage and opt_sswu_g2.sage hash messages to G1 and G2, respectively.

sage opt_sswu_g1.sage [-d] [-T test_input_file] [msg ...]

bls_sig_g1.sage and bls_sig_g2.sage sign messages in G1 and G2, respectively.

sage bls_sig_g1.sage [-d] [-T test_input_file] [-k secret_key] [msg ...]
  • -d enables verbose debug output.

  • -T can be used multiple times to specify test input files (see ../test_vectors).

  • -k sets the secret key to be used when signing messages from the commandline.

  • All other arguments are interpreted as messages to be hashed or signed.

You can also use the sig_g1, sig_g2, hash_g1, and hash_g2 Makefile targets, e.g.,

make hash_g2
make sig_g1 TEST_INPUTS=fips_186_3_P256 DEBUG=1

These targets invoke the appropriate script and save the results to a log file. There are two relevant commandline flags for these targets:

  • TEST_INPUTS= defaults to rfc6979. No supplied path is necessary.

  • DEBUG= defaults to 0; 1 enables the -d switch.


(C) 2019 Riad S. Wahby [email protected]

See the license in the toplevel directory of this repository.