#GUI- extra changement and information related to it
Menu bar
File - ## In the file tab you can open vowel's sound
Speak - ## is used to for pronounciation of the language you use or other functions such as translating.
Voice - ##select voice variant depend in the language preference of user
Options - ##it is a major bar currently who is used for changing the langauge of the Menu, or has extra information related to punctuations, langauge in GUI.
Tools- ##In this tab you can open graph's sound,lexic
Compile- ## to compile dictonaries,phenome
Help-##e-speaker documentation
So, in GUI-interface there is a changement of order between Speak/Text, in order to make more easy and flexible for someone who use the program. Firstly, he speaks or translate as a major function ,and after that it can show us the details in graph for frequency, amplitude etc.
*Additionally, in graph it was added some new extra information such as Ampitude which is located in y-axis and time x-axis, frequency in hz sound's vowels based in different graphs background.
-in this image shows how the GUI interfaces are linked with programme, by calling this major classes.