Simple application which stores in database each request from client, client IP address is recognized in Geo-IP service and recognized location is stored in Azure SQL database. Each request is also serialized to JSON send to Service Bus topic.
- Create simple project
- One page with table retrieved from DB
- Take into account asynchronous programing technique:
- Build, prepare to deploy (github sources)
- Azure infrastructure
- Create "Web App + SQL"
- Create DB
- Create web app
- Deploy
- Create deployment profile
- Deploy to azure
- Automatic deployment - bat file for deployment ...
- Create "Web App + SQL"
echo ####### START
set buildconfig=Release
set deployconfig=xxxx
set deploypwd=xxxxxxxxxxx
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\msbuild.exe" ASS\ASS.csproj /T:Clean;Rebuild;Publish /p:Configuration=%%buildconfig%% /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=%%deployconfig%% /p:Password=%%deploypwd%%
echo ####### DONE
- Create VNET for web app
- Select web app
- Networking -> create VNET … (setup)
- Networking -> setup -> add vnet - 40 minutes deployment!!! (Web App has to have Standard or Premium plan - plan can be changed directly by link)
- after deployment of VLAN once again check Network setting in Web App "Networking" - probably you have to run Setup again and select created VLAN in previous step
- Create GeoIP Service host
- Create linux VM in VNET
Ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt update --yes &sudo apt dist-upgrade --yes
(dont forgot to run addgroup command)- Docker:
wget -qO- | sh
mkdir geoip
cd geoip
- Download geoip DB:
- Unzip:
gzip -d GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz
- Pull image:
docker pull klauspost/geoip-service
- Run geoip server:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /home/valda/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb:/data/geodb.mmdb klauspost/geoip-service
- Create linux VM in VNET
- Update
file- Setting key
has to be updated to internal IP address of linux VM
- Setting key
- Resources:
- Tools: service bus explorer:
- Deploy "Service Bus" to resource group
- Create Topic (default values)
- Create Subscription for
messages - Optionally define additional subscription named
- Define via "Service-Bus-Explorer" app
- New Subscription with condition:
Category = '???'
- New Subscription with condition:
- Define via "Service-Bus-Explorer" app
- Update connection information for Service Bus Topic
- Update connection in web.config - Change parameter in connection to valid Service Bus URI.
- Create Function app service
- Create new function and process messages from service bus