This action removes unnecessary tools and packages to free up disk space.
To use this action, you can create a workflow in your GitHub repository with the following content:
name: Workflow Name
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: uw-psych/apptainer-actions/make-disk-space@main
# Example: Remove Android tools, keep .NET tools, remove Chromium, keep Azure CLI
rm-android: true
rm-dotnet: false
rm-chromium: true
rm-azure-cli: false
Replace Workflow Name
with the name of your workflow. This will create a workflow that runs on every push and pull request to the repository. It will remove Android tools, keep .NET tools, remove Chromium, and keep Azure CLI.
Input | Description | Default | Required |
rm-android |
Whether to remove Android tools | true |
false |
rm-dotnet |
Whether to remove .NET tools | true |
false |
rm-hosted-tool-cache |
Whether to remove the hosted tool cache | true |
false |
rm-powershell |
Whether to remove PowerShell | true |
false |
rm-swift |
Whether to remove Swift | true |
false |
rm-chromium |
Whether to remove Chromium | true |
false |
rm-azure-cli |
Whether to remove Azure CLI | true |
false |
rm-apt-packages |
Remove apt packages | false |
false |
rm-apt-cache |
Clear apt cache | false |
false |
apt-packages-remove-default |
Packages to remove | ansible azure-cli xorriso zsync esl-erlang firefox gfortran-8 gfortran-9 google-chrome-stable google-cloud-sdk imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev libmagic-dev ant ant-optional kubectl mercurial mono-complete libmysqlclient unixodbc-dev yarn chrpath libssl-dev libxft-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1 libfontconfig1-dev snmp pollinate libpq-dev postgresql-client powershell ruby-full sphinxsearch subversion mongodb-org azure-cli microsoft-edge-stable google-cloud-sdk |
false |
apt-packages-remove-include |
Additional packages to remove | false | |
apt-packages-remove-exclude |
Packages to keep | false |