User Facing
- Added ability to pull and push private images
- Changed login method from using GitHub Actions to using Python
- Added cleanup step after each image test in CI to ensure that CI VM does not run out of disk space
User Facing
- Added template-relations.yaml for better setup instructions
- Fixed skipping over image testing after build
- Fixed print of relationships.yaml to not print multiple hierchies, flattenting file representation
- Fixed issue where it would be pushing nested arrays to parent and child images.
- Cleaned up testing paths and the tests directory.
User Facing
- Fixed CI to expect list of changed files instead of string of a single file
User Facing
- Split testing categories into tests for images and tests for auto-docker
- Fixed recursion bug when adding image
User Facing
- Migrated from bash to python for building and testing
- Added in wiki for updated instructions
- Added unit test for auto-docker functionality
Intial beta release of auto-docker code.
This is the prototype version written in bash and using github actions.