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Root command:

Migrate data from one Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim to another

  pv-migrate [--source-namespace=<source-ns>] --source=<source-pvc> [--dest-namespace=<dest-ns>] --dest=<dest-pvc> [flags]
  pv-migrate [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate completion script
  help        Help about any command

      --compress                       compress data during migration ('-z' flag of rsync) (default true)
      --dest string                    destination PVC name
  -C, --dest-context string            context in the kubeconfig file of the destination PVC
  -d, --dest-delete-extraneous-files   delete extraneous files on the destination by using rsync's '--delete' flag
  -H, --dest-host-override string      the override for the rsync host destination when it is run over SSH, in cases when you need to target a different destination IP on rsync for some reason. By default, it is determined by used strategy and differs across strategies. Has no effect for mnt2 and local strategies
  -K, --dest-kubeconfig string         path of the kubeconfig file of the destination PVC
  -N, --dest-namespace string          namespace of the destination PVC
  -P, --dest-path string               the filesystem path to migrate in the destination PVC (default "/")
      --helm-set strings               set additional Helm values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
      --helm-set-file strings          set additional Helm values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)
      --helm-set-string strings        set additional Helm STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
  -t, --helm-timeout duration          install/uninstall timeout for helm releases (default 1m0s)
  -f, --helm-values strings            set additional Helm values by a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple)
  -h, --help                           help for pv-migrate
  -i, --ignore-mounted                 do not fail if the source or destination PVC is mounted
      --lbsvc-timeout duration         timeout for the load balancer service to receive an external IP. Only used by the lbsvc strategy (default 2m0s)
      --log-format string              log format, must be one of: text, json (default "text")
      --log-level string               log level, must be one of "DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR" or an slog-parseable level: (default "INFO")
  -o, --no-chown                       omit chown on rsync
  -b, --no-progress-bar                do not display a progress bar
  -x, --skip-cleanup                   skip cleanup of the migration
      --source string                  source PVC name
  -c, --source-context string          context in the kubeconfig file of the source PVC
  -k, --source-kubeconfig string       path of the kubeconfig file of the source PVC
  -R, --source-mount-read-only         mount the source PVC in ReadOnly mode (default true)
  -n, --source-namespace string        namespace of the source PVC
  -p, --source-path string             the filesystem path to migrate in the source PVC (default "/")
  -a, --ssh-key-algorithm string       ssh key algorithm to be used. Valid values are rsa,ed25519 (default "ed25519")
  -s, --strategies strings             the comma-separated list of strategies to be used in the given order (default [mnt2,svc,lbsvc])
  -v, --version                        version for pv-migrate

Use "pv-migrate [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The Kubernetes resources created by pv-migrate are sourced from a Helm chart.

You can pass raw values to the backing Helm chart using the --helm-* flags for further customization: container images, resources, serviceacccounts, additional annotations etc.


pv-migrate has multiple strategies implemented to carry out the migration operation. Those are the following:

Name Description
mnt2 Mount both - Mounts both PVCs in a single pod and runs a regular rsync, without using SSH or the network. Only applicable if source and destination PVCs are in the same namespace and both can be mounted from a single pod.
svc Service - Runs rsync+ssh over a Kubernetes Service (ClusterIP). Only applicable when source and destination PVCs are in the same Kubernetes cluster.
lbsvc Load Balancer Service - Runs rsync+ssh over a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer. Always applicable (will fail if LoadBalancer IP is not assigned for a long period).
local Local Transfer - Runs sshd on both source and destination, then uses a combination of kubectl port-forward logic and an SSH reverse proxy to tunnel all the traffic over the client device (the device which runs pv-migrate, e.g. your laptop). Requires ssh command to be available on the client device.

Note that this strategy is experimental (and not enabled by default), potentially can put heavy load on both apiservers and is not as resilient as others. It is recommended for small amounts of data and/or when the only access to both clusters seems to be through kubectl (e.g. for air-gapped clusters, on jump hosts etc.).


See the various examples below which copy the contents of the old-pvc into the new-pvc.

Example 1: In a single namespace (minimal example)

$ pv-migrate --source old-pvc --dest new-pvc

Example 2: Between namespaces

$ pv-migrate \
  --source-namespace source-ns --source old-pvc \
  --dest-namespace dest-ns --dest new-pvc

Example 3: Between different clusters

pv-migrate \
  --source-kubeconfig /path/to/source/kubeconfig \
  --source-context some-context \
  --source-namespace source-ns \
  --source old-pvc \
  --dest-kubeconfig /path/to/dest/kubeconfig \
  --dest-context some-other-context \
  --dest-namespace dest-ns \
  --dest-delete-extraneous-files \
  --dest new-pvc

Example 4: Using custom container images from custom repository

$ pv-migrate \
  --helm-set rsync.image.repository=mycustomrepo/rsync \
  --helm-set rsync.image.tag=v1.2.3 \
  --helm-set sshd.image.repository=mycustomrepo/sshd \
  --helm-set sshd.image.tag=v1.2.3 \
  --source old-pvc \
  --dest new-pvc

Example 5: Enabling network policies (on clusters with deny-all traffic rules)

$ pv-migrate \
  --helm-set sshd.networkPolicy.enabled=true \
  --helm-set rsync.networkPolicy.enabled=true \
  --source-namespace source-ns --source old-pvc \
  --dest-namespace dest-ns --dest new-pvc

Example 6: Passing additional rsync arguments

$ pv-migrate \
  --helm-set rsync.extraArgs="--partial --inplace" \
  --source old-pvc --dest new-pvc

For further customization on the rendered manifests (custom labels, annotations, etc.), see the Helm chart values.