⚠️ This feature is in beta and is subject to change without a compatibility version bump.
aws-sso-util console
provides functions for launching the AWS console in a web browser for a given account, role, and optional page within the console.
It contains three commands: launch
, the main command, and launch-from-config
, which takes a configuration token generated by get-config-token
These latter two commands allow for easier sharing of a given launch configuration.
Both aws-sso-util console launch
and aws-sso-util console get-config-token
require an AWS SSO instance to be specified.
This consists of a start URL and the region the AWS SSO instance is in (which is separate from whatever region you might be accessing).
If you're working with a single AWS SSO instance, and you've already got a profile configured for it, it should just work.
You should consider setting the environment variables AWS_DEFAULT_SSO_START_URL
in your environment (e.g., your .bashrc
or .profile
), which will make it explicit.
Here are the details of of how the instance is determined:
- The start URL and regions are looked for in the following CLI parameters and environment variables, stopping if either are found:
- If both the start URL and region are found, and the start URL is a full URL beginning wth
, these values are used. - If not, all the profiles containing AWS SSO config are loaded. All AWS SSO instances found in the config are then filtered:
- If a start URL was found in step 1 and it begins with
, it will ignore all other instances. - If a start URL was found in step 1 and it does not begin with
, it is treated as a regex pattern that instance start URLs must match. - If a region was found in step 1, instances must match this region.
- If a start URL was found in step 1 and it begins with
- The resulting filtered list of instances must contain exactly one entry.
This will open a URL in your browser that will log you into the specified account and role, or you can have it print the URL without opening it. You can optionally specify a console region, a page in the console to open, and a session duration. If you're not already logged in, it will pop up a browser to log you in first.
aws-sso-util console launch --sso-start-url https://example.awsapps.com/start --sso-region us-east-2 \
--account-id 123456789012 --role-name Developer --region us-west-2 \
--destination "/lambda/home#/functions"
By default or if the --open
argument is provided, the login URL will be opened in a browser.
If --print
is provided, the login URL will be printed, and if --open
is not explicitly set, it will not be opened in the browser.
: The account to log in as.--role-name
: The role to log in as.
and --sso-region
may be required if the AWS SSO instance cannot be found; see above for details.
: The AWS region to use. Note this will use the regional console site as well. This can also be set with theAWS_CONSOLE_DEFAULT_REGION
environment variable.--destination
: The URL path within the console to land at. This can be a full console URL but the domain may be replaced with a regional console domain. This can also be set with theAWS_CONSOLE_DEFAULT_DESTINATION
environment variable.--override-region-in-destination
: By default, if the destination path has a region specified in it, that will be kept in the destination even if--region
is set to something else. Use--override-region-in-destination
to replace that with the value of--region
: Control whether the console login URL is opened in the browser. By default, if--print
is not provided, the URL will be opened.--print
: Control whether the console login URL is printed to the console. If--print
is provided and--open
is not, the URL will not be opened.--logout-first
: Open a page in the browser to logout any current session first, preventing conflicts when the login page is opened. This can also be set with theAWS_CONSOLE_LOGOUT_FIRST
environment set to1
: The session duration in minutes. When this is not set, it defaults to the duration of the credentials retrieved from AWS SSO.--force-refresh
: Log in to AWS SSO again.
It may be useful to reuse or share the arguments to aws-sso-util console launch
To make this easier, aws-sso-util
can package up the arguments as a token, which can then be used in place of the individual arguments.
Note that the config token does not contain credentials.
It is purely a way to reuse and share the launch configuration; you could do the same by storing and sharing the actual command line arguments as a string, but then you run into pitfalls like quoting the role name if it's got spaces, escaping destination URLs, etc.
A config token avoids this by being an opaque URL-safe base64-encoded value.
aws-sso-util console get-config-token --sso-start-url https://example.awsapps.com/start --sso-region us-east-2 \
--account-id 123456789012 --role-name Developer \
--destination "https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home#/functions/my-function?tab=code"
aws-sso-util console launch-from-config --config-token eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjogIjEiLCAic3NvX3N0YXJ0X3VybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuYXdzYXBwcy5jb20vc3RhcnQiLCAic3NvX3JlZ2lvbiI6ICJ1cy1lYXN0LTIiLCAiZmVkZXJhdGlvbl9lbmRwb2ludCI6ICJodHRwczovL3NpZ25pbi5hd3MuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9mZWRlcmF0aW9uIiwgImRlc3RpbmF0aW9uIjogImh0dHBzOi8vY29uc29sZS5hd3MuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9sYW1iZGEvaG9tZSMvZnVuY3Rpb25zL215LWZ1bmN0aW9uP3RhYj1jb2RlIiwgImFjY291bnRfaWQiOiAiMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyIiwgInJvbGVfbmFtZSI6ICJEZXZlbG9wZXIifQ==
# browser launches
The options to aws-sso-util console get-config-token
are the same as aws-sso-util console launch
, except that --open
, --print
, and --force-refresh
are not available, and the environment variables for region and destination are not used.
Additionally, --account-id
and --role-name
are not required; omitting either or both will cause the omitted one(s) to be required when the config token is used with aws-sso-util console launch-from-config
This allows for a single config token to be used in situations like the following:
- Accessing resources with well-known names in different accounts.
- Multiple people accessing an account, where not all of them can use the same role.
Note that both account and role can be overridden in the launch command even if they are provided when generating the config token.
aws-sso-util console launch-from-config
requires the --config-token
If either or both of --account-id
and --role-name
were not provided when generating the config token, they are required at launch (they can also be provided anyway to override what is in the token).
The --open
, --print
, --logout-first
), and --force-refresh
options work as in aws-sso-util console launch
Config tokens are base64-encoded JSON. When this feature comes out of beta, the format of config tokens will be fixed and documented so they can be constructed without calling aws-sso-util console get-config-token