All notable changes to the "ultra-cpp" extension will be documented in this file.
- Renamed 'Contract Name' to 'Contract Account Name' to reduce the confusion
- Updated transaction creation flow to remove the extra API selection step
- Added Wharfkit support
- Fix issue where wallet could not be destroyed properly.
- Fix issue where wallet could not be created again after being destroyed.
- Added 'Wallet - Create Key' command
- Fix extension path issues.
- Add workflow to GitHub for automated publishing
- Fix status bar registration
- Dispose of status bars on extension de-activation
- Remember last API even after extension restart
- More verbose transaction errors
- Refactor command registration
- Add a couple of auto-complete snippets for making tables, and actions.
- Fix Double Wallet Prompts
- Move glob to dependency tree
- Remove DOM from tsconfig
- Add ability to transact
- Add ability to unlock / lock wallet
- Add ability to deploy smart contract
- Add missing commands to README and more information + roadmap.
- Make inputs work with focus out.
- Added Wallet Service with 'aes-256-cbc' encryption
- Private keys are stored in the global state of VSCode encrypted with a user password
- Added Commands
- Wallet - Create
- Wallet - List Public Keys
- Wallet - Destroy
- Wallet - Add Key
- Refactored code base
- Auto dispose of anything disposable on extension deactivation
- Added compile contract to status bar in VSCode
- Status bar item for compiling only shows when .cpp, .hpp, or .cc files are selected
- Status bar item changes when compilation is in progress
- Added new action to create a smart contract quickly
- Added new action to query against different APIs
- Added last used api to top of query list, when making query requests
- Downgraded VSCode Requirements
- Made contract selection use active text editor for compiling
- Refactor and fix startup processes.
- Ignore some files
- Upgrade contract-builder dependency to
- Fixes double output in output terminal
- Better README
- Add C++ Build Tool Workflow with Docker
- Patch Library Issues
- Initial release, and testing